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Megatron Toy From Transformers 2 On Ebay

By John - February 28, 2009 - 11:10 America/Montreal

There has been a lot of speculation running around about the possibility of Megatron appearing in Transformers 2 “Revenge of the Fallen”. In recent days certain bits of information has leaked out that has suggested that Megatron will indeed be there in spite of Michael Bay earlier insisting that Megatron would NOT appear in the film (although keep in mind he also earlier said that he would lead false information about the film).

Well, earlier today Movie Blog reader “Paul” gave me the heads up on an actual Megatron toy being sold on Ebay that is clearly packaged as from the Transformers 2 movie. The interesting thing is that Megatron seems to have tank treads for legs and feet bolstering the rumors that Meg would be back as a Tank.

Personally, I’m thrilled that Megatron will be back.

Here’s my theory. The autobots and decepticons decide togeher to raise Megatron up because they need his help too to fight “The Fallen”. I have nothing to back that up with, its just a wild theory.

So are you happy to see Megatron back?


  1. chris anderson says:

    I think seeing megatron could be a plus, but I’d like to see megatron come back earlier in this film, unlike how far in it took the decepticons to get meg in the first film. Havin meg around for some kick ass fights would be awesome.

  2. HAZMAT says:

    hey john
    i think its awesome hes back…but only because he looks different…he looks like a tank hence the wheel looking things on his legs and the cannon on his right arm
    i always said id only welcome him back if he was different or if he came back as galvatron


    your theory would be very cool….the whole teaming up to vs the fallen…

    but I would like to see him survive this movie so that in the 3rd one unicron can come in and galvatron (or megatron) can have the matrix…THAT would be awesome

    but yeah id love to see megatron and optimus fight in the same side
    and god do the autobots need help…
    have you SEEN the new autobots!? theyre all electric cars that look like scions….they look so small and retarded (appart from sideswipe who looks awesome) but the rest (volt, mudflap and skids) look WEAK

    heres the link to that video (i put some spaces on it so it goes through your spam filter thing)

    http: //www .gm. com/experience/autoshows-events/autobots/index. html

  3. DarthMuppet says:

    I know that info on toy packaging isn’t usually considered canon, but just for shits and giggles, here’s the bio on the back of the packaging for Megatron:

    “Rebuilt with parts cannibalized from other Decepticons, Megatron rises once again to lead his army. Though the AllSpark destroyed him once, he can now feel its power coursing through his circuitry. It calls him to seize his rightful place as ruler over the puny planet on which he was imprisoned and destroyed, and from which he will launch his conquest of the universe. Optimus Prime is all that stands between him and victory, and the Autobot leader has done a poor job of hiding himself. At long last, Megatron knows exactly where his enemy is, and he has power enough to destroy him.”

  4. Rodney says:

    I personally don’t want to see Megatron resurrected just so they could fight the Fallen. That doesn’t feel right to me.

    Its like getting a wolverine to deal with your rat problem. Now you have a wolverine problem.

    I would rather that the outmatched and outpowered Autobots find some clever way to defeat the Fallen without having to bring in their own greatest enemy back from his ocean floor grave.

    Im putting money down that Megs would get resurrected by the Fallen (bringing back his General) instead.

    But my greatest hope is that he is just in the movie as a stinger at the end hinting his return for the next film.

    • John says:

      Hey Rodney,

      The problem with:

      “he is just in the movie as a stinger at the end hinting his return for the next film.”

      is that’s exactly what they did with him in the last film. Either use him, or don’t… you can’t go two films in a row with him just appearing at the end.

    • Grave says:

      Ohhh yes lets bring back a worse tired cliche of the heros getting their butts kicked but some how discover that the fallen has a weakness or some clever yet redundent way to defeat him.

      However, I do agree the theory of the Fallen bringing back megatron only to at the peak of battle betray the Fallen not to save the earth but for his own ambitions looking to Starscrem telling him “Thats why Im the leader of the decepticons”

  5. MrNobody says:

    So is it just me or is it painfully obviously that Megatron is “the fallen”. He fell/died in the first movie and now he is back to exact his revenge on Sam Witwickey and Optimus Prime…

    • John says:

      Hey Mr. Nobody,

      I can totally see why you’d think that. But they have already officially said “The Fallen” is a totally different character.

    • MattK says:

      mrnoboby, they’ve already shown the fallen in the trailer to not be megatron.

    • MrNobody says:

      Yes I know that… but they also said megatron wasn’t going to be in this movie

    • MattK says:

      maybe they werent lying, maybe megatron isnt in the film…maybe its galvatron.

    • MrNobody says:

      So yes maybe its galvatron, but the package above _CLEARLY_ says Megatron

    • MattK says:

      lol didnt catch that, but i wouldnt base your opinion off a toy, just b/c they made a toy out of megatron doesnt mean he is gonna be in the film, i strictly remember them making a toy out of arcee based on the first film and she didnt appear until this film.

  6. Ultra Magnus says:

    im torn here. i dont want the decepticons and autobots to team up….yet. i need to see them fighting more. there needs to be a big battle between megatron and optimus. fallen would be cool to see on the screen,but mabey not untill the last 20 mins.but regardless unicron needs to be in number 3

  7. John says:

    Please dear heavens NO UNICRON! He was cool in the cartoon and all… but in this kind of movie it would be stupid as hell IMHO.

    • Black says:

      why is it stupid? is it really too far fetched??
      how do YOU provide escalation in the plot leading into the third?

    • MattK says:

      i have to agree w/ black on that one

    • MattK says:

      as long as they dont make the galactus mistake over again then im fine w/ unicron.

    • HAZMAT says:

      i think that johns trying to say that a planet transforming into a huge robot would be retarded in a transformers movie…because of how this movie looks kinda…more down to earth and less cartoonish

      but i respectfully disagree..i think that if they bring in unicron it would be really cool…have him be really big as a planet and have him want to destroy earth and cybertron…so megatron fights for cybertron, and optimus fights for earth and cybertron…therefore teaming up and defeating him on planet earth (and include the matrix!)

      unicron is a planet…but hes not that big…he can hold optimus in the palm of his hand but hes no jupiter

      him and soundwave had the coolest voices in that whole show too…

    • bigsampson says:

      i thin unicron would be awesome…and i like how hazmat hsa is it….prime for earth and mega for cybertron…..this movie is based off a cartoon so my personal opinion if it was cool in the cartoon then im sure bay could tie it in with the movie….sad thing is that the amount of “specualtions” people are making about this movie..to me i would rather wait for the movie then come up with a race for who has the closest answer…btw i hate HOT ROD!

    • MattK says:

      yea fuck hot rod

    • bigsampson says:

      also wanted to add that i make the comment not really planet size cause in the cartoon he wasnt as big as he was in the comic book. =)

  8. Grave says:

    You know I never thought of that arc before. Prime gets his butt handed to him by the Fallen so the autobots and decpticons work together to bring him back. Megatron defeats fallen and primes well. The war continues. I like that. It also has a feeling that they could set up the third flim to be similar to the 86 animated film with Unicron. Yea i defintly like John’s theroy.

  9. Black says:

    told ya so..

  10. MattK says:

    i honestly hope that megatron isnt in this film, i mean the film has enough villians in the film and bringing megatron in this would only make it a mess, and the theory about megatron teaming up w/ the autobots doesnt make sense, i mean why would he want to save the earth, humans, and the autobots.

  11. John says:

    Unicron would be re-fucking-diculous. It works fine in a cartoon, but in a live action flick it’s just stupid.

    And I’m pretty sure there are ways to escalate things without bringing in a planet sized robot.

    So what would Unicron do? Would there be a “fight”? No. He would just sit out there in space, getting closer… and the Autobots have to do something that would some how stop him before he arrives.

    Unicron in a live action flick would be a complete waste since he really wouldn’t be able to do anything anyway.

    The idea that the only way to “escalate” things for a third movie is by bringing in a planet eater is one I reject completely.

    • Black says:

      sounds like the Armageddon plotline- taking bets that he’s in the third.

      i suppose the idea of a planet-sized creature with ties to the allspark would be way out of the writer’s realm of storytelling…

    • Grave says:

      I can see where your going with this. I think the reason he works in the cartoon film is the fact he eats planets then as an added bonus he transforms into this huge robot. Now if they had some clever writing Im sure they could do it. But I dont think the current writers, director, or producers have that much creativity.

    • bigsampson says:

      DUDE unicron is not that big…u make it seem like he is a earth size planet….it would totally work…in the begining of the transformer movie they showed cybertron and it looked awesome….unicron isnt close to that size…and plus unicron is so micheal bay it hurts…would be awesome..thank god opinions are better off in your head then in the script =) BRING ON UNICRON..f the fallen

  12. Brandon says:

    They should have Unicron fight the planet from the Green Lantren Corps…I’m sure they could make that look real (Sarcasam) Sorry…Mixing media again.

    Seriously I don’t care on the plot/charachters (Except Devastator he better rock) as long as it tops the first one and hopefully is “dark.” I think they said that was the direction right?

    I am a bit rusty on my Transformer lore but hope to rectify that soon…

  13. AARON says:

    NO Unicorn! Please that’d just be…embarrassing in the film

  14. John says:

    Hey “Black”

    You said:

    “i suppose the idea of a planet-sized creature with ties to the allspark would be way out of the writer’s realm of storytelling…”

    For a cartoon, sure. For a live action movie… re-fucking-diculous.

    • Black says:

      as oppposed to what we currently have right? giant robots fighting, i think you’re really missing the point-

      do you expect a transformer with a viking helmet and devil characterization to appear in the movie?

      or are you thinking of a planet sized machine like a death star, with components — something along the likes of what we seen the writers do for the current writers… i really think you are hung up on the cartoon aspect of this character, and not the very character itself.

    • Black says:

      …along the likes of what we seen the writers do for the current ROBOTS”

    • bigsampson says:

      u keep saying planet sized…he isnt a planet size…and how would this be “re-fucking-diculous” over a car that talks and wants to save humans.

  15. HAZMAT says:

    they said a transformers movie would be ridiculous

    they said a lot of things would be ridiculous because people were scared it would turn out horrible…but some things were done right that people thought would look bad on the big screen (watchmen, transformers, etc) and they succeeded

    if done wrong, then they not only suck…but all the people that said it would look ridiculous would be right (live action dragonball movie)

    they can make a movie with unicron in it, and if done right, i can guarantee itll out-do all the other transformer movies

  16. John says:

    Hey “Black”

    No, you’re missing the point.

    The fact of the matter is that some things work in one medium and not in another.

    I’ve always known the TFs would work in a live action medium… but not EVERYTHING about the TFs.

    Unicron would be one of those things that do not work in a live action environment. Period.

    You disagree, and I respect that… but I believe it would be… once again… re-fucking-diculous.

  17. MattK says:

    this isnt on topic, but one thing i would like to see in the third(if there is one),other than unicron, is that idea Bay had about making battleship transformer.

  18. Kaneda979 says:

    Happy, happy, happy. I love Megs, always have, always will. So glad he’s back. He could of been made something better then a tank, but he has been a tank in the cartoons before, so it works. Plus still lets his gun arm make sense.

    But ya, like most everyone else I want to see allot more of him this time, with allot more lines and some great classic dialog between him and Prime. Allot more between Megs and Starscream as well. I felt so ripped off with that one part between the 2 in the first movie and nothing else.

    If I really get my wish this movie will be 3 hours long and the Transformers will have as many lines and screen time as the human characters or more. That probably wont happen, but we’ll see.

  19. Brandon says:

    This might seem like an assinine question but howmuch does the “Revenge of the Fallen” comic prequal (SP?) haveto dowith the movie. Is it cannon?

  20. heyshenanigans says:

    I agree…. The planet version of Unicron would be ridiculous in TF3. To amp it up for a third, there are a few options I can think of; There is always bringing in more Decepticons and having an all out war, there’s Megatron reformatting to Galvatron, OR they could bring Unicron into the film but NOT as a planet. Perhaps as just an Empire State Building-sized bot that turns into a Decepticon Warship. I dunno…

  21. Man -boy says:

    Megatron in T2?, If the cube can’t kill him, what can?

  22. DarthMuppet says:

    The only way that Unicron would work in a future TF film is for TPTB to do a massive re-imagining of the character. I mean, I love me some Unicron and all, but for them to plop the character from the cartoon universe directly into a live-action film as is, well… it would, as John has correctly pointed out, be re-fucking-diculous!

    I’d love to see them try and get him in there somehow… Keep his personality traits and his almost God-like abilities, but they would have to completely throw out every trace of him being a planet sized, planet munching transforming monster. Maybe they could make him Devastator sized or a bit larger and have him feed off of other Transformers life forces or something… I don’t know… but no planet sized Transformers please!

  23. craig says:

    IF unicron did appear in a third you can practically say that 1/2 the film would be within his body!

    personally tho i can not see him in a third film.

  24. Ranting Man says:

    Megatron is Optimus Primes’ nemesis. A true nemesis never dies. Megatron deserves his return.

  25. HAZMAT says:

    big sampson has brought up a great point

    unicron is the kind of shit michael bay would pull off

    a planet that turns into a transformer??
    oh yeah this has michael bay written all over it. hes going to have a field day with this character…blowing up 7 million dollars worth of buildings and houses….i mean…the guy punches planets!

    • bigsampson says:

      i have to say the toy of the fallen looked awesome IMO but unicron is awesomer! ….his wings n shit
      he is like few miles tall..but he really looks bad ass.

  26. HAZMAT says:

    word is michael bay is into explosions and big scenes with things getting destroyed…what better excuse to blow shit up then to make a planet sized transformer?

    • bigsampson says:

      My fav is the american express commercial lol

    • darthmuppet says:

      Remember though… Michael Bay demands things to be AWESOME, not re-fucking-diculous.

    • HAZMAT says:

      michael bay lives off of “re-fucking-dicculous”

    • MattK says:

      i agree w/ hazmat, i mean drilling into an huge ass asteroid and setting off a nuke and that splitting the it into two halfs(armageddon)was rediculous and it worked

  27. dave stopher says:

    I cannot wait for this film!! But I dont know how megatron can come back isnt he dead!!!!

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