Linda Hamilton Talks Terminator Salvation

Posted by Rodneyon 20. 02. 2009in News Chat

Linda Hamilton’s character may have already passed away by the time depicted in the upcoming Terminator Salvation, but that doesn’t seem to stop the fans from wanting her in the movie. Speculation over flashbacks or narration roles were wild on the net, and it looks like we might just get Linda yet! quotes Linda Hamilton talking to MTV

“We are talking”… “I haven’t read it yet. I don’t know what direction they will go in.”

While she awaits the specifics in a script, Hamilton already knows what her role generally would be. “My contribution would be voiceover,” she said. “I would probably be very happy to loan my voice depending on what the material is. Wait and see. They’re already writing it. We’ve been negotiating it.

While other sites are already reporting this as a done deal, I simply remain positive that it will happen. She does say “we are negotiating it” so its not final yet.

It makes sense to have her come back. Linda Hamilton really proved herself in the Terminator franchise.

If you go back and watch the original, she was the very model of a typical waitress who just happened upon the worst scenario possible. The whole paradox upon which everything began had a very simple and normal woman being the birth mother of the future’s salvation.

Then in the sequel, this very modest waitress had completely transformed into a buff, badass gun toting warrior destined to raise her son with the skills and heart to lead the rebellion against the machines.

So to have her reprise her role even as a voiceover likely to remind us of the mission at hand or maybe chronicle her fate is not only a fanservice tribute, but it is a nod to Linda Hamilton as to the role she played in this franchise.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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12 Responses to “Linda Hamilton Talks Terminator Salvation”

  1. Tony says:

    i think its awesome having her do a voice over but i wish she hadn’t died but faked her death and is like 60

  2. AARON says:

    Terminator: Salvation will ROCK
    my thrid most anticiapted film of the year


    Damn, she still exists? I thought she died of cancer in the 90s or something.

  4. 3R!C says:

    Saraah Cannahh?



  5. Tony says:

    i hope christian bale rocks as john Conner because the last person who played him sucked and i love christan bale he has great role choices

  6. David says:

    um, people already know that she is NOT in the movie so maybe you should just ask someone.

    • Rodney says:

      That’s funny David, because if you read my post someone DID ask someone… specifically they asked HER.

      She said she was in talks to do a voiceover. Thats still “in” the movie.

  7. David says:

    she is not in the movie!

  8. Brandon Parker says:

    I am a huge fan of the Terminator because of Linda and Arnold, if Linda is in this movie it would make it a plus for me to want to watch this new Terminator movie I just hope this is how it is going to be.

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