Gore Verbinski to Remake Clue!

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 02. 2009in News Chat

Movies are being announced based on classic board games and I struggle to think of why, but the one board game that did make a successful leap to the big screen was the Tim Curry romp “Clue”. Now Gore Verbinski has been attached to direct this remake of a film based on a board game.

FilmJunk says:

Combining the best of two current Hollywood trends, the remake and the board game movie, Universal Pictures have reportedly hired Gore Verbinski (The Ring, Pirates of the Caribbean) to direct a movie based on the murder mystery game Clue.

Now back in the 80s, there was a rare phenomenon that revolved around the first attempt at this movie.

There were multiple releases of the same movie, and like the game every time you played it, the results were different!

Now imagine an ensemble cast of characters taking on the iconic chromatic roles of Professor Plum, and Colonel Mustard (updated with a new version of the Clue Board Game last year with a video game designer and former athlete instead of Professor and Colonel) with an assortment of murder weapons and some dramatic “whodunnit” mystery suspense and you have a hit. But that wasn’t all. The movies were advertised as one of three versions.

You could watch the movie trying to figure out who did it, but aside from some slight changes, the first three quarters of the film were the same. Then at a turning point Tim Curry would announce that he had figured it out and would run you through the cause an effect of each person’s motives, where they were and at what time and how they did it all the while trailing along the cast in a wild energetic re-enactment.

The whole thing was a fun movie, and it was the first of its kind to draw people to a theater guaranteeing a different ending depending on which showing they went to. It was original and never again attempted at the boxoffice.

Can this work again? Will people go multiple times to see different endings? Or do you think they will remake this movie as a classic murder mystery film with only one ending intact?

Perhaps they will run the cast through the exercise of multiple endings which might end up on the DVD release to recreate the original charm (and adding value to the DVD release) but only one ending will see the big screen.

Check out this clip from the original. Pure Genius.

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Rodney who has written 8624 posts on The Movie Blog

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16 Responses to “Gore Verbinski to Remake Clue!”

  1. John says:

    I LOVED this movie! So far, it looks like board games have a better record translating to movies than video games!

  2. David Lopan says:

    Gary oldman as mr. Green

  3. AARON says:

    sounds cool, but that was my idea! dang, oh well, sounds interesting

  4. 3R!C says:

    This makes me laugh cause I remember Micheal McKean’s line at the end when he solved the mystery - “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home to have sex with my wife”. LOL!

  5. Vito says:

    I don’t know about this…I love Clue, it’s pure genius. With a really great ensemble and script, they could pull it off.

  6. edZio says:

    If it includes a cameo from Tim Curry then they can have my money at the box office and for all DVD releases, otherwise they get nothing.

  7. Seth Rex says:

    The multiple endings idea could work quite well on the blu-ray. In fact, on the blu-ray, and maybe limited a bit on reg dvd, they could make the whole movie interactive. Like you can help with the clues, and that depicts what ending you get?

  8. obi-wan kubrick says:

    If he can make a great movie based off of a theme park ride then he can do it for board game.

  9. Tavil says:

    Bad idea. Leave the original alone.
    No Tim Curry no deal.

  10. Nick says:

    Murder by Death, Clue was basically a loose remake of that. I’d love to see another movie of this type with an all star cast.

  11. Paul Martin says:

    All I want to know is: Who will play the maid Yvette in this one?

  12. Ranting Man says:

    Loved the original in a “don’t-admit-it-in-public-kind-of-way”. Can’t see what else Gore can bring to the fold (except perhaps more French maids)

  13. Pat - Ric Nasty says:

    You just don’t reboot a movie like that. It had the perfect cast and just should be left alone. Besides, to have been on the set with Dr. Frank N. Furter and David St. Hubbins must have been a blast!

  14. Mr. Body says:

    My favorite movie of all time, have seen it 100+ times.

    The cast was amazing, so I’m afraid this one will disappoint me but I’ll still go see it!

    And for the record I believe it’s “I’m going home to SLEEP with my wife”

  15. qazwsx says:

    i think lady gaga would be perfect for the part of mrs. white.. she has a mysterious vibe to her just like that of white in the original

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