Ghostbusters 3 may Start Filming this Fall

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 02. 2009in News Chat

So twenty years after the second chapter of Ghostbusters we get one step closer to the rumoured third chapter.

Dan Aykroyd let drop news that the script will be done soon, and they hope to be filming Ghostbusters 3 in Fall.

ScreenRant says:

I apologize in advance…Ghostbusters 3? I’ve heard that the writers of the Office are currently penning a script? How is this coming along, and should we look forward to this movie seeing the light of day? Thanks Dan!

Dan Aykroyd: Script is commenced early summer. Hope to be in production by late fall 2009

So while Aykroyd was promoting the open of the House of Blues, people couldn’t resist badgering him about Ghostbusters.

So with the writers of the Office, we can be guaranteed some quirky humour, but no confirmation if this will be a next chapter with the same cast (they could use the work), a passing of the torch or a next generation. At very least Aykroyd is involved, so hopefully they can recapture some of the charm of the original.

So who you gonna call?

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Rodney who has written 7982 posts on The Movie Blog

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17 Responses to “Ghostbusters 3 may Start Filming this Fall”

  1. Gigan300 says:

    i hope the original cast returns and not just aykroyd.

  2. xMYSTIKJOKERx says:

    Sweet i really hope this is real and theyre not just blowin smoke up our ass

  3. caitlin says:

    I agree. The original cast is what makes Ghostbusters great. I don’t see this movie being as good if they bring in a new generation (unless it’s at the end of the movie). Besides, if the original cast isn’t in the movie in some way, a lot of people might not go see it just for that reason. We need our ghostbusters. Hopefully, the studio will realize that, and everyone will be on board.

    But I am looking forward to it right now. It’ll be nice to see Ghostbusters on the big screen after so many years of catching it on the television…

  4. Mr. Chris says:

    From what I’ve heard, this will feature the new Ghostbusters. I can’t blame Dan and the others for passing on the torch since they’re getting in on age, but it’ll be great if we can see them together again for one last film before the next-gen stuff starts.

  5. riggs says:

    im more anxious for the game since it will have the original cast voicing it

  6. AARON says:

    hmm…we will see

  7. Greg says:

    If it is new actors, I hope they aren’t playing the same characters. No one will top Bill Murray.

  8. Grave says:

    Well i think its intresting to know that the writers of “The Office” are making a script and not Dan and Harold. One of my own rules of sequels is that the orginal writers and director be part of any block buster sequel. Highlander 2 is of course the exception.
    The other thing well known is that Dan and Harold already had a treatment for a 3rd film but its was used in part for the video game. Why not base the script from the movie used in the game and save lots of time and money?

  9. AtlasMason says:

    Of all the cast from the first 2 movies, Dan Akroyd is the one that I care the least about… Granted, I enjoyed him in both movies, but it has been a long, long, long time since I have enjoyed him in anything. Oh, except for Grosse Pointe Blank. I enjoyed that.

  10. Party Marty says:

    Id be more impressed to see the original cast, playing on their age for laughs, like Crystal Skull did but hopefully much much better. Its those four guys that make it Ghostbusters.

  11. jose says:

    i think this movie is gonna hit big time!!!!! so let the show began.good luck

  12. War-Journalist says:

    I agree. I don’t want to see them passing on the proton packs. So this isn’t going to be a CG movie? I just hope Bill is up for it. I mean, we can do without Rick Moranis, but we need our boys back. I just hope they don’t try to modernize it. I don’t want any high-fives with 15-year-olds when they work to fix up the shop. The charm of the older characters is their either inability or unwillingness to accept modern times, and their talent for eventually showing the youngsters how to do it. And who would the villain possibly be? A giant marshmellow sorceror? Return of Gozer? Perhaps a new, young, rival Ghostbusting gang? I don’t know. I just hope this will be good. Or at least passable. Anything better than Crystal Skull would be great (I liked CS, but I was slightly disappointed).

  13. 3R!C says:

    What about Slimer? Don’t forget Slimer!!!

  14. DG Music says:

    …the police.
    Yeah..yeah I think I’ll just call the police.

    But fuckin’ hell I can’t wait to hear more on this! :D

  15. CrypticHill says:

    Not the original cast PLEASE!!!

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