Ferrell and Wahlberg take on the B-Team

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 02. 2009in News Chat

Your reputation precedes you Mr McKay and Ferrell! It’s not what you know in Hollywood it’s who you know. These two have pitched an idea to a few studios and Sony was quick to find a gun on which to jump and greenlit the McKay and Ferrel movie B-Team with an unfinished script and is already gearing up for production.

ComingSoon shares:

The comedy was pitched around town on Tuesday by Endeavor and CAA, and Sony co-president Matt Tolmach moved quickly. The trade says that Tolmach was comfortable committing to a film without a finished script, because Columbia worked in exactly the same fashion on “Talladega Nights” and Step Brothers, both of which were set up with a pitch and the collaborative track record of McKay and Ferrell.

You have to have a lot of faith in these guys. Either that or they are the masters of the sales pitch.

There isn’t even a finished script yet, and Sony is all ready to pat them on the ass on the way out the door with a big stamp of approval.

All we know about the movie so far is that it is about Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg as second string cops. That’s it. Maybe this will be the realization of the cop show that Wahlberg was a fictional star of in the movie Boogie Nights (Brock Landers and Chest Rockwell?) after trying to create “serial porn”. But perhaps without the porn.

Speculation exists that Sony shouldn’t fall in love with the title “The B-Team” with the big screen adaptation of the “A-Team” in production and declaring copyright on the name could prove to be difficult.

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Rodney who has written 7998 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Ferrell and Wahlberg take on the B-Team”

  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    Will Ferrell and Marky Mark Wahlberg, can’t go wrong with that. I just hope the comedy is rated R.

  2. mikeyclt says:

    Mark Wahlberg! Actually I won’t mess with you, you’re actually pretty bad-ass!

  3. Man -boy says:

    Will & Wahlberg both suck, BIG TIME!.

  4. mark says:

    this movie sounds great..I’ve seen wahlberg in a few comdeies..i heart huckabee’s which i thought he was fantastic in..also rockstar say what you will about it but ilooked at it as a satire and also as sort of comedy..and i thougth he was pretty funny in it…i also thought he was incredibly funny in boogie nights..so it think with his comdedic ability and will’s cbrand of comedy this has the potential to be a great and funny movie..

  5. mark says:

    well there were some funny scenes..like the hot chick turning out to be a dude pissing in the toilet..

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