Deadpool Toy is Disfigured

Posted by Rodneyon 20. 02. 2009in News Chat

Again I find myself falling back on a toy release for movie news. I really dislike doing this, but with all the buzz about Deadpool being in the X-Men Origins Wolverine film, this sheds some light on the character that might make fans happy.

Latino Review tips:

This new toy from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine line shows a really scarred up Deadpool with marks all over his upper body and face paint

This is the hokiest packaging for a film related toy I have ever seen. But as far as Deadpool goes, I don’t get the strapped on arm blade things. Is he trying to make fun of Wolverine? Deadpool always was the joker.

Fans were outraged to see Ryan Reynold’s face in the previews, but a while back I reminded the International Friends that in the comics there was a running gag that Deadpool used an image inducer to hide his scarred and disfigured face, and that he made himself look like Tom Cruise. I really hope they nod to this reference in the books and have him name drop Ryan Reynolds as his face of choice.

Likely we will get to see the Reynolds face, and this scarred version as implied by the toy, but who knows if we will get to see the full red mask suit? I really hope so.

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Rodney who has written 8339 posts on The Movie Blog

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55 Responses to “Deadpool Toy is Disfigured”

  1. GREAT says:

    ?? he has claws now, well ur right tho at least he has the burns and thats cool….the mask would be sweet too, but im really getting hyped for this one…with the origins background for wolverine and gambit my nerd sense is going wild, lol

  2. DirkAnger23 says:

    Eh. I’d still would rather cast Reynolds as the Flash but oh well. As long as Deadpool still retains his humor and at some point, hopefully, a cooler looking version of his costume then I’ m still on board. The strapped-on arm blades though? Ummmmm……….

  3. Movie Buff in the Buff says:

    In the Ultimate Marvel Universe (which we have seen appear a bit in Marvel movies- The Nick Fury at the end of Iron Man was stylized after the Ultimate version of the character), Deadpool is actually Wolverine in the future, and comes back to our time to help out for one reason or another… it could be interesting to see that incarnation.

    • Mike says:

      Will you people just read wikipedia already. The comic version of Deadpool does not have burns - he has an aggressive form of cancer combined with the regeneration that the Weapon X program gave him. This constantly ravages his skin.

      In the Ultimate Marvel Universe he was NOT Wolverine from the future (that was the Ultimate version of Cable). In the Ultimate Universe he was actually introduced in the Ultimate Spider-man. He is a human supremacist who hunts mutants, and his disfigurement is a result of implants and cybernetics.

      Too many people cry foul when they see a new take on a character, but still have no idea what that character should be in the first place.

    • Movie Buff in the Buff says:

      Whoa! Chill out there slugger! Some of us dont rely on wikipedia for good information, right as it may be sometimes. Good call on my mix up… its been a while since I’ve read my books, so I had cable in Bishop’s seat, and deadpool in Cable’s. I don’t know that anyone is necissarily crying foul on the re-imagining of the character… just that fact that Ryan Reynolds has taken the part.

    • bigsampson says:

      ya your wrong movie buff he was spidey and i know for sure wolc was cable.

  4. 3R!C says:

    Man, that’s crazy. Fans were really outraged at Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool?

  5. King Jonny says:

    This is pretty interesting to me. I, for one, don’t mind Ryan Reynolds, and think that he could be a good choice. Remember how we were about Heath Ledger at first?

    The way the toy looks, however, is what I find interesting. If you look closely, the facepaint is very similar to the designs of Deadpool’s mask. And the blades, instead of being strapped on, look like they are put into his arms much like with Wolverine’s claws.

    • Gigan300 says:

      thats true Leger(RIP) was a surprise to all of us, but remember the last comic book film Reynolds was BLADE TRINITY, which sucked major ass, but i at least hope your right and he does surprise us w/ a great performance.

  6. Tony says:

    i just hope ryan comes across as funny but not super cheese

  7. total jiu jitsu says:

    if reynolds was in blade trinity and he will be in the wolverine: origins movie, doesn’t that break continuity? i guess it doesn’t if they are not in the same marvel universe.

    • HAZMAT says:

      i can name you like 10 actors that have acted as different characters in different marvel movies…there is no such thing as the “one actor per character” marvel law

      and blade wasnt marvel anyways (i mean it is, but the movie wasnt…)

    • sean dailey says:

      umm, doesn’t this whole movie break the continuity of the three x-men films?

    • Gigan300 says:

      not sure, i guess you could call it a prequel since it explains wolverine’s origins.

    • HAZMAT says:

      no its like underworld rise of the lycans….the first 3 are in chronological order and the last one (x men origins) is a story of what happened before the first movie

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Sam Elliott (Hulk, Ghost Rider)
      Daniel Dae Kim (Hulk, Spider-Man 2)
      Donal Louge (Blade, Ghost Rider)
      Ben Foster (Punisher, X-Men Last Stand)
      Rebecca Romijn (X-Men films, Punisher)
      Jon Faverau (Daredevil, Iron Man)
      Stan Lee (just about everything)

      Can we just say actors take on different roles?
      That’d work for me.

  8. paul says:

    Looks to me that they have merged the Deadpool character and Omega Red character (who actually has these extensions). Both are featured in the Weapon X program responsible for Wolverine’s fate. Only a wild guest based on this toy.

  9. SX0T says:

    The real question is who the fuck drew that picture of Wolverine on the packaging. Woof.

  10. digitaldrew says:

    The Deadpool Costume is bar far one of the best looking in the superhero world.

  11. Achebe says:

    Deadpool looked like Tom Cruise because of a curse from Loki.

  12. HAZMAT says:

    as long as hes got a slight canadian accent and makes tons of jokes and has oozies and swords….im fine. and hes got to have the whole “respect the mask” thing…thats like what hes all about

    omg what is that word deadpool always says!?!? ugh i forgot!

  13. HAZMAT says:

    sorry for the 2nd comment in a row.

    it would be awesome if they had tom cruise playing as deadpool for half the movie…i mean he was playing a fat guy in tropic thunder, and he was in a movie were they preferred to play volleyball in jeans with 10 guys over sex with a blonde (top gun)…so this wouldnt be something hed say “no!” to

    • Gigan300 says:

      i saw top gun and its reverse hazmat, he leaves the vollyball game to fuck the blonde.

    • HAZMAT says:

      AFTER 2 hours of guy only,sweaty, no shirt, sandy toed, jean wearing 80s game of volleyball on the gayest possible beach environment while the blonde was like fingering herself at home…i was like “dude are you fuckign serious??”

      then they were like spanking, high five-ing and wet willing each other and one of them said “hey whos up for round 4!?” anmd tom said “nah im gonna go get laid guys, see ya” and they all made fun of him “wooow some girl over volleyball with us..”


      lmfao funniest scene though i think they rounded 3rd base after all i dont remember…

    • Gigan300 says:

      actually he doesnt fuck the blonde in that scene, its a later scene.

    • HAZMAT says:



      then what do they do? damn i completely forgot…

    • Gigan300 says:

      hazmat they talk,talk some more then talk some more, then tom’s character chickens out and goes home.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I feel the need
      for speed.

  14. L91JokerZ says:

    That is not Deadpool. It is Weapon XI.

    If you freeze frame from the trailer, you can see him fighting Wolverine.

    • edZio says:

      What I heard was that Scott Adkins is Ryan Reynold’s action/fight scene double, as he is more versed in fighting and will be used for distance shots and complex fights while Ryan will be used for close ups.

    • Rodney says:

      And Deadpool wont be fighting Wolverine in this movie? How does that disqualify him as Deadpool?

      Especially when they put this figure in the box marked Deadpool???

      I dont understand how you came to that conclusion.

  15. soundwave_17 says:

    dead pool was one of my favorite characters growing up.

  16. leeloo says:

    lol ages 4 +

  17. Robert(wolf) says:

    Back of the box it says
    “Deadpool was transformed by William Stryker to be the ultimate mutant. He is a monster with a single purpose, to serve Stryker’s will. He is an indestructible weapon with (no vulnerability and his first target is) Wolverine.”

    To top this all off, Deadpool will have Lazar eyes…I’m not kidding. Deadpool is becoming the ultimate mutant, by gaining other mutant powers. Lazar eyes will be come from kiddie Cyclops.

  18. Charles says:

    What the hell is on his hands?? Deadpool does NOT have blades that come out of his hands. This guy looks more like Vega from street fighter than Deadpool.

    I personally liked Reynolds as a pick for Deadpool, but this is not Deadpool. Even back in weaponX Deadpool had a costume- this makes him look like a shirtless edward scissor hands. Lame.

  19. Maureen says:

    Not a great figure at all but I agree with you, it would be a nice little gag if they used Ryan Reynolds “as his face of choice” in a comic issue though he has yet to use the image inducer in the new issues. I’m sure they will make a reference to the movie somehow though. Either way I’m worried about what this movie is going to make non-Deadpool fans think of Deadpool; I’m sure they messed with the story somehow here.
    “We’ve missed you here at Weapon X Wolverine, no one calls me Bub anymore!”

  20. Gigan300 says:

    people are basing their whole opinion off a toy, usually they change things on the toy than that of the movie

  21. justrobby says:

    looks like Dhalsim from Street Fighter

  22. Darren J Seeley says:

    With a bit of work, this could have been an interpretation of…

  23. NovemberEclipse says:

    Yeah … that toy looks wack!

    And he’s going to look like that in the movie.

    If you watch the Main Trailer. You’ll see him do this slightly spinning kick thing and wolverine is just kinda standing there. But its the same as the Figurine. The Arm Blades and Red Pant’s. Watch the Trailer. . . man I hope they have a good reason for this. :/

  24. NovemberEclipse says:

    here’s the picture I printscreened from the trailer.

    From the way the “Blades” are bent . . they look more like nunchakus and I don’t see any wraps on his arms.

  25. Brokethefourthwall says:

    Most people were thinking the same thing when pics of an Abomination action figure hit the internet, but that look worked out pretty well for the movie. But I have no idea why deadpool has blades coming out of his arms, I hope it’s just because he’s making fun of wolverine or something, or maybe this pic is just fake??

  26. emwoo says:

    so…anybody notice that the doll looks like baraka from mortal kombat and not at all like the comic book character. it sucks, hard.

  27. flassh81 says:

    I just saw the LATEST trailer online. In the shot showing this figure, it also seems to be shooting an optic blast. So I would guess either that deadpool was a SUPER GUINEA pig where they try to give him every power possible, leaving him hideously scarred for when his own movie happens, or it is a weird dna baby with wolverine/deadpool and cyclops genes in it.

  28. MUST READ says:

    Scott Adkins has reportedly been cast as Weapon XI in the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine[1] It has been revealed that his powers will be a mix of various other powers copied from other mutants, such as Wolverine’s healing factor and Cyclops’s optic blast among others. He will have a final confrontation with Wolverine at the end of the film in, X-Men Origins; Wolverine. There was also a minor misunderstanding that this character was Deadpool due to an improper action figure labeling. -wikipedia

  29. carlos says:

    thats not deadpool. i believe…if you’ll watch the movie and see. if you watch the right trailer for the film you’ll see the character above twice in it. and for some reason he has laser beams coming from his eyes at the end of the trailer

  30. Glorthag says:

    Hmmm…….. Im Fine with it.

  31. spiderhulk9 says:

    what i want to know is why is his dogonne mouth shut when in the comics he talks alot of trash. i dont remember in the comics where they made his mouth stuck together.

  32. lucafon says:

    If this is going to be the new deapool then i will go insane.
    It looks nothing like the deadpool in the comics.
    not to mention the toy package is really bad.

  33. Rodney says:

    Except that Last Stand was the last movie chronologically and this is a prequel story.

    Or are you suggesting it will be as bad? Because frankly I liked X3, even though I still think it was the weakest film in the series.

    So if it is at least that good I will enjoy this.

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