Are We Ready for Watchmen? Early Reviews hit the Net

Posted by Rodneyon 20. 02. 2009in News Chat

With all the early reviews coming out for Watchmen buzz is escalating and I am near wetting myself with anticipation. But I found an article today that really sums up my fears I have about its reception. Are the casual movie patrons ready for Watchmen?


Reviews of Watchmen have started to leak online, and the consensus thus far is the movie is extremely faithful to the graphic novel (with exception of the ending) and possibly to a fault. Most fans of the graphic novel seem to love the film, but some wonder if viewers who haven’t read the book might think. For example, Time Blogger Matt Selman says it was “one of the most powerful experiences” he’s “ever had” but later wonders if mainstream audiences will be “utterly baffled, bored, or totally love it?”

When I found out that Watchmen was going to be a feature film, I re-read the book and came to much of the same conclusion.

I can forgive them for altering the ending so this has a little more of a Hollywood climax. Without giving anything away, this character rich and deep thought provoking milestone in comic books didn’t exactly ramp up to a heart racing action scene, however it does leave you with an event that will forever change the world around them and leaves you with a sense of completion of each of the characters’ conflicts.

I think fans of the book will get that. Even with a Hollywood ending.

But with people absolutely trashing Superman Returns for its story driven screenplay and criticizing its lack of action, is the general public going to appreciate Watchmen, or will they be drawn to the movie for its dark and intriguing trailers and walk away unsatisfied?

All the buzz around this film is seemingly coming from those familiar with the book, and I honestly don’t know if this is going to be a big hit or not.

At very least this release will be a fan tribute. Finally after so long we can see the graphic novel on screen and even if it fails at the box office I know I will have a bluray copy of this to add to my collection and the circle will be complete.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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42 Responses to “Are We Ready for Watchmen? Early Reviews hit the Net”

  1. Tony says:

    i love the watchmen comics and if it fails at the box office or not I’m definitely going to buy it on bluray and I’m super happy that it make critics feel this way because it totally assures me that IL love it

  2. AARON says:

    Trust me guys, people who haven’t read the novel, may not understand some of it, I’ve read an early draft and part of the novel. I cannot wait any longer for Watchmen though. To the fans of the graphic novel…forgive me, but I didn’t like the original ending, gald it’s going to change. Hey, don’t say I don’t respect it, cause I do, just didn’t like the origingal ending that much. This is interesting, early reviews already, thanks Rodney as I’ve been trying to find early reviews. By the way, there’s a 1 minute clip of the “Rooftop rescue” scene online

  3. FilmNerdJamie says:

    I’ve long been of the opinion that WATCHMEN will end up being another BLADE RUNNER and FIGHT CLUB.

    That is to say it’s a brilliant piece of filmmaking and expensive as Hell to properly pull off but ultimately end up being a financial failure - if not an under-performer at the most.

    And reading the reviews and seeing the current TV spots only furthers that feeling.

  4. Donald says:

    What What What!!! They’re changing the ending? To what? This is the first time I have hear of this. What are they changing? The whole thing? Or are they cutting a part like LOTR?

  5. AARON says:

    No their not changing the whole thing, just the ending, man I wish I could talk about the graphic novels ending, but I won’t, spoilers…
    Still looks to be awesome

  6. Mr. Chris says:

    I’ve watched a few clips on-line and it seems pretty good, even though there’s slow-motion every 10 seconds. As someone who’s never read the books, it does have my curiosity piqued to see how the rest of the film turns out.

  7. AARON says:

    One critic who didn’t like it said:

    “About 80% of the audience rushed out of the theatre the second the credits began; minimal congregating outside.”

    Um…doesn’t he or she know that um…PEOPLE DO THAT AT EVERY FILM. I get shivers up my spine every time I watch something about Watchmen, it just looks so amazing and awesome, though my hype for TDK was unbelievably high, so high you guys wouldn’t believe, It didn’t live up to my hype at first, but when I stopped and thought a minute.. I loved TDK so much. I’m trying to avoid extremely high hype for Watchmen, but it’s hard because it looks so darn entertaining. Snyder did not ruin 300, he won’t ruin this.
    BTW Chris, there is more than one clip online? Really? I only saw one, I know it’s availible at IGN, but where else?

  8. DirkAnger23 says:

    I have to agree with those who say that regardless of whether this is a box office hit or not that it will eventually fall into the successful cult film category once it hits dvd and blu-ray ala Fight Club/ Donnie Darko. Regardless of that I will be there opening day with a smile.

  9. 3R!C says:

    At least they’re staying true to most of the graphic novel in the movie, rather than like V For Vendetta.

  10. ninja_turtle says:

    I don’t know….I’m a pretty big fan of the graphic novel and the best part of the dark knight was seeing the watchmen trailer but judging from people’s response to the trailer I don’t think the general public is ready or willing to make a movie like this a success. At every screening of the dark knight that i attended i’d hear the same comments…”that looks stupid, those costumes are lame, ” etc. I even had a guy behind me ask his friend if Christian Bale was batman in that movie also….he thought NiteOwl was batman. lol. And most of these comments came at the midnight screening of the dark knight. Most of these comments were being made by people at least devoted enough to movies to go see a movie at midnight….judging by that i’d say the general public just isn’t ready…

  11. MandarinOrange says:

    I have not read the book nor do I plan on it, however, I am looking forward to this movie. Part of this is because of all the hype but there are three main reasons I will see this movie and I am pretty sure I will like it.

    1. The book has had EXCELLENT reviews and is highly acclaimed, the movie would share some of that.

    2. The movie is said to be very true to the original book. This means that all the good things of the book, more so then the average book-to-movie, will be shared with the movie.

    3. It is said to be thought provoking and character driven with great depth. That is the kind of movie I like. A little action is good but that is only the seasoning to a fine meal. To much and it won’t be that great.

    If this movie fails I think the biggest reason why would be because of misadvertisment. The trailers make it look like a dark, action, superhero movie kinda like batman. If it isn’t then that will just lead to disappointment.

    • Ludd says:

      So you have no plans to read the book but you are basing your opinion on how the movie will be on the book’s reputation?? Wtf?

    • Rodney says:

      Ludd, you always see “… based on the bestselling novel” on movies all the time.

      Why is this such a surprise that he would be willing to take a chance on this based on the reputation of the book alone?

  12. AARON says:

    I agree, I don’t think the public is ready, but if they know the storyline, then they are then ready. One reason why it might tank at the Box office is that one reason..public not knowing, but I have s trong feeling that it could probably pull in 60 M opening weekend.

  13. Tripp Van Easille says:

    If it’s as good as I think it will be, I’m hoping ‘word-of-mouth’ makes up for critics lukewarm ignorance of the origins. As per Kevin Smith t Comic-Con, “I’m f***ing pumped for this!’ Thanks Kevin, I couldn’t have said it better! C’mon March 6, 2009!!!!

    • bigsampson says:

      luke warm….is one thing but only a small percentage of people have reqad the book…..people will not understand this movie…they will see it as a bunch of retarded superhero’s with shittty costumes PLEASE EXPLAIN THE MOVIE IN THE TRAILERS!!!!

  14. Ryan says:

    I haven’t decided if I should read the book or not. I could have done it a while ago but decided against it, to wait for the movie.

    Usually on movies based on books or graphic novels, i see the movie, and if the movie was fantastic or sucked the book was always better. So if Watchmen the film is awesome, the book will still be a treat afterwards, and possibly better. If Watchmen sucks, the book will OBVIOUSLY be better. So it’s kind of win win maybe?

  15. AARON says:

    Ryan, I respect your decision, because you don’t want spoilers, but remember, the ending changed.
    BUT there is a character who is the enemy that no one will see coming, so that might spoil things, people who have read the novel know who I am talking about



    hey i saw that rooftop scene

    remember the scene when rorschach shakes nite owls hand? “dan…youre a good friend..” that parts my favorite part of the whoel novel because of whats behind it…but the scene is SO horrible…it looks so off and it looks like they did it in 2 seconds and didnt know it was a VERY important scene

    thats one of the 3 or 4 scenes that are going around on youtube…like the rooftop one.

    and i agree, the ending would be kinda weird on the big screen…no squid!!

  17. AARON says:

    Yeah, your right man, in the clip I found the scene horrible. BTW Hazmat, rooft5op scene is awesome, especailly Malin Ackerman in a tigh suit…LOLYep the rooftop rescue scene was pretty cool, I only have one complaint though that I am noticing in nearly every clip….overuse..of slow motion
    The movie looks awesome though

    • HAZMAT says:

      the overused slo mo i was ready for…its the guy from 300

      i hate it when they make a scene were someones eating a pie slo mo…or widdling a stick…unnessesary slo mo is HORRIBLE! but when a sword is being slid through a guys pancreas its cool…see you gotta know how to use it…in 300 i believe theres a scene when king leonidus picks up an apple that lasts at least 20 minutes…

      theres also a scene out in youtube when a SWAT team goes into the bulding and rorschach scorches them

  18. bigsampson says:

    i know that if they dont market this movie it will not be a blockbuster like people think…i havent read the n=graphic novels like most people…when i see the trailer i really have no fucking clue whats going on cause there is no explanation….basically it looks like superhero’s that know one knows with lame ass outfits….the blue guy looks awesome but other then that they look like hokey comic book heroes with epic music playing….now i know that this is gonna be a awesome movie cause of what fans are saying about the novel, but really the general public doesnt have a clue what to expect….i will download it cause thats what happens when u are broke…but like i said i really hope they release a trailer that kinda explains the premise.

  19. SlashBeast says:

    I don’t think it’s a matter of whether the public is ready for it, I think they’ve been ready for a long time. I think that it’s just not going to be hugely impactful on the gernral audience.
    Watchmen looks awesome and I’m absolutely sure I’m going to enjoy it. However, I feel that Watchmen’s themes are no longer revolutionary. Although it was one of the originators of the “realistic/dysfunctional superhero” concept, this has been done in so many mediums now. That’s my main issue, that perhaps people will not look at it and realize how much of a revolution the graphic novel was.

  20. Dryer says:

    i dont think the main reason people criticized SUPERMAN was due to lack of action; it was more with lack of story or enough imagination to reintroduce an icon, which was there main objective. instead the audience recieved a poorly rehashed high school production of Richard Donner’s SUPERMAN. it’s all dependent upon the script. the bigger question is will the film be relevent after the hoopla has died; i.e. HISTORY OF VIOLENCE or just a footnote like 300.

    • bigsampson says:

      i think there needed more action but mainly with a better foe….i mean luthor is cool but i rather see doomsday or that dude thats all blue n shoots that laser out his head…sorry brain fart im stoned….but the kid thing was what killed it and the loise lane thing…im like dude we want to see superman be superman…not normal man with issues with cool powers.

  21. evilcat says:

    A good and faithful book adaption does not make a good movie unless the book was set up for it. That’s one reason why Mr. Moore hates adaptations of his books… And most of his books are so complicated they might work as a TV series (12 episode Watchmen series with a Battlestar sized budget, say).

    There are three versions of the film, one of which will go so far as to incorporate the pirate comic story line. This worked well in the book (and that kind of thing was pretty common in GN’s in the 80′s) but I don’t see it working in the movie. It’s great that Snyder wants to keep fans happy (and possibly prove Moore wrong in his blanket hatred of movie adaptations), but still… can’t see it being a good movie.

    Hitchcock knew that a successful book -> move adaptation had to be ruthless with the source material… Remain true to the book but above all make a good movie.

    The problem with From Hell / League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, etc. was that they were not good movies (although FH wasn’t totally awful when considered alone). I don’t think this will be a good movie either.

    Still going to try it though!

  22. Craig says:

    I loved the graphic novel and hope they are true to it. I keep hearing the ending is different, I liked the ending of the novel and hope they didn’t go too hollywood with it and ruin the movie experience for me because of it.

  23. finaljoe says:

    Well hopefully they added interesting and engaging characters and a propelling storyline, which the comic book (yes COMIC BOOK, it’s not a graphic novel, it was merely reprinted in tradeback. It is a COMIC BOOK series) didn’t have.

    • Gigan300 says:

      isnt graphic novel another word for comic book?

    • Rodney says:

      Yes, a graphic novel is just another type of comic book. And while FinalJoe wants to make some difference on the phrase, for about 20 years Watchmen has been heralded as a graphic novel despite originally being published in 12 monthly digests.

  24. Kristina says:

    I think it will open big and fall off the next weekend for the exact reasons you laid out. Not enough action in a film in which the marketing has shown nothing but smashing windows, fire, and mushroom clouds will equal a mostly pissed audience. Bait and switch marketing only works for opening weekend.

  25. vargas says:

    I wonder too how people will react to it but I’m excited about it. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.

  26. MechoPower says:

    I absolutely loved the GN. It is the first “comic” I read and I was instantly hooked by the story and characters. The character depth and story are amazing. I was like a new born baby in a tittie bar when I found out they were adapting this to a movie. So I had to go reread the novel. As much as I still love the book and WANT the movie to be simply amazing, I dont think it is going to happen and here is why:
    1) There is not enough time in the movie to get into the character’s history so you can fully understand them and their individual sitiuations as to why they are reacting to things around them the way they are. I am afraid we are going to get a watered down version.
    2) The action that is in the comic and other certain things (the ending of the book having to do with the characters/world ect…that shit is violent and pretty damn graphic, not to mention completely unexpected. I read that they changed the ending to a Hollywood ending…ummm…that will completely change the movie…I cant see any other way to end this than with what is in the book and still stay even a little true to the book.
    3) It has not been advertised well. If you have never heard of the book you are left with a what the fuck is that kinda feeling. And that is to be expected…the trailers really dont give us anything and if you arent a fan you are going to have no clue as to what the hell is going on or why the world needs its heroes!!!

  27. AARON says:

    Hazmat, yeah 300 was pretty cool, such a guys movie ya know? Lol the gore rules so much. I know it’s Zack Snyder..but overuse of slow mo is not my thing, but if you use it right, slow mo turns out to be awesome. Yep, I saw that scene, and dude there’s actually like 10 scenes online, so I have seen 10 minutes of Watchmen! lol

  28. Ludd says:

    The general public are generally idiots. I doubt this will be an over the top smash hit but who cares? This movie is for fans of the graphic novel to watch and overanalyze. (Like me.)

  29. Darren J Seeley says:

    Let me see…

    I didn’t read ’300′ but I liked that film.
    I didn’t read ‘A History Of Violence’ but I liked the film.
    To this day I never played Silent Hill, but I liked the film.

    I have not read Watchmen.

    • Rodney says:

      But how can you possibly be encouraged to see this film if you have never read the source material.

      Is that even possible?

      Are you even human????


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