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A Battlestar Galactica Movie?

By John - February 20, 2009 - 21:15 America/Montreal

Ok, for the last few years I’ve talked about how much copious amounts of ass the new Battlestar Galactica TV show kicks. It started getting a bit weak in season 3, but recently it has returned to it’s most awesome ways.

I was also a fan of the original series… but it wasn’t nearly as good as the new incarnation. Still, the mythology behind both are just amazing. With that said, my friends over at IESB have mentioned that Universal is looking at developing a new feature film for Battlestar Galactica… but it would be based more on the old show rather than the new. They quote IGN with the following:

From IGN, Universal Pictures is planning to turn the TV series Battlestar Galactica into a feature film with series creator Glen A. Larson being lined up to script and produce it.

We were informed that the film will be based on the original BSG series from 1978-79 rather than the recent reboot from Sci Fi Channel. The story followed a band of humans who were the only survivors of a devastating attack on their colonial homeworld by the vicious cybernetic race known as the Cylons. The survivors, led by Commander Adama, embark on a journey through space aboard the military vessel Battlestar Galactica to find refuge on a distant planet called Earth.

I really don’t know how I feel about this. On the one hand a Battlestar Galactica movie would rule. On the other hand I’d MUCH rather see a film based on the new incarnation that the old.

I admit there really wouldn’t be anywhere to go with one based on the new incarnation since they’re getting ready to end the series, but it would still be my preference if they could find a way. Although… I must admit seeing a new version of the original Cylon attack on the Colonies and nearly wiping out the entire human race would be sweet. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


  1. AARON says:

    Now this would be awesome.

    • Mathew says:

      Yeahm you bet

    • Jeremy says:

      bsg movie:

      leave Battlestar alone…really. It is rare that a remake of anything supercedes the original incarnation, whether it be a song, tv show or movie. Battlestar Galactica was once described by Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian as being like a pair of Nike Air Jordans being made from a picture of a few guys playing basketball from the fifties. The producers and writers gave this show new life, new purpose and new meaning. Why do another?? Start something new for Frak’s sakes!! Hollywood wants to capitalize on everything from the Hulk, the Punisher, Dukes of Hazzard etc. etc. You seriously are gonna piss off alot of people who love this show and those who are old enough to remember watching the original 78 series will probably skip this too since some of the ones who loved the original didn’t bite on the reimagined tv series and some actually did. With that said, do a movie in a few years that bridges the gap between the series Caprica and Battlestar, just don’t do anything independent. People will reject it, trust me and the voice of other fans behind my words…it will flop. Don’t buy into the hollywood buzz on this show!!!! If you do buy into the buzz, tie it into the two shows itself. Show the first Cylon war, show the meeting of Adama and Tye. Seriously, something independent of both will not go well with revenues and fans alike!!

    • Danny says:

      I for one would love to see the original Battlestar Galactica series continue on from where it last left off.
      Don’t get me wrong, I still love the new series. However to many things where changed from the original series.
      I think Glen A. Larson would do a fantastic job bringing back the old series.
      Keep Battlestar Galactica alive.

  2. HAZMAT says:


    they have an exclusive video of the autobots in the freeway on the transformers web site and it shows 4 new chevy cars; volt, skids, mudflap and sideswipe. it looks BADASS

    the video also shows ironhide bumblebee and optimus…no sign of ratchet thank god

    heres the link:

    http://www.gm.com/experience/ autoshows-events/ autobots/index. html

    i put spaces in it so the link shows…this web site doesnt show links idk why..but take the spaces out^^^^^ so you can use the link (lol no shit)

  3. HAZMAT says:

    sorry about the 2ble comment =[ ^^^

  4. Seth Rex says:

    Won’t people be a bit confused? I mean the fanbase that knows about both may not, but then there’s the people who know only this new one, that may wonder why STARBUCK is a guy and not a girl.

  5. BamKazaam says:

    i’ve been wanting to ask this, how do i create an avatar eh?

    anyways, i would prefer to see the new BSG rather than the old one.

  6. datdan says:

    maybe a prequel movie would be a better fit

    • Terry Letourneau says:

      I agree. Maybe a movie about the first Cylon war would be a better idea. Loved those flashback scenes in Razor with the ‘classic’ looking Cylons.

  7. Bishop says:

    I dunno man. Isn’t this sort of like Grampa, who was a champion football player in his day, watching you play football & win the championship suddenly decide he wants to get back in to football again?

    It’s a totally different game now.

    I could be wrong but this could be a very bad idea.

  8. Jenny says:

    I agree that a movie on the old show would be just confusing. The old show is dead. The new version is the one that people are aware of now, and to go back to the original would just cause problems for viewers not familiar with it.

    • Gigan300 says:

      maybe its so people can be introduced to the original than just having the new series.

      • MichaelW72 says:

        I for one am looking forward to the new movie. I most definantly a fan of the old version, and was never able to get into the new version. Perhaps because of the humanoid looking cylons, or Starbuck getting a sex change. I also feel the new vesion by what I here is more of a drama than a sci-fi show. I also think fans of the new show have been blessed with a longer series that will provide some finality. I think the movie can’t be much of a prequel. It has to focus on the last known Battlestar leading a rag tag group of other ships looking for earth. But keep it sci-fi. Life has to much drama to make up for what the movie may lack.

  9. kyle says:

    The new BSG is the worst pile of crap,it is nothing but the typical hollywood left BS.hardly any action scenes all dramatic slop.
    the old show was about enimies that were out to kill everyone(and the lets try to make peace and love our ememies group all ways got their ass handed to them),the new one oh my ,we did it to ourselves and created the problem.same old tired antiwar bullshit.same crap as with the terorists we made them mad at us and we really are responsable,FUCK THAT.

    • viatrix says:

      To Kyle: You consider the old one to be badass? Oh yeah, so much action…and no slop there at all, what with Starbuck falling all over Athena, Apollo and his chick, oh yeah, and let’s not forget Boxy with the robot dog…geez…and corny as hell. At least the new show has some grit.

      In general, I too think going back to the old format would be a mistake. The mythology in the new one is better explained, more in depth, and makes more sense. The characters have much more depth also, and a history. Even the betrayals make sense, unlike in the original.

      All in all, over the last 30 years, audiences have become a little more demanding of realism, and have jumped off of the corny, goofy wagon. This is the same reason why the new Star Trek is so appealing to many people, because it looks as though it is coming into a darker, more realistic world.

      I mean seriously, would Lost fans want to see a Gilligan’s Island feature film? Get serious.

    • joe says:

      This season has been a let down for me. I was hoping that this being the last season, the producers would turn up the action and turn down the drama. Oh well, not every show can be Lost.

  10. Darren J Seeley says:

    While I haven’t been the biggest “new series” BSG fan, I have to agree that having a feature version of the original isn’t a great idea. I’d go far as to say that this story is plucked out of a rumor and speculation mill.

    Let’s break this down.

    *Prequel of the current (soon to end) show. Not needed. Anything that is winds up on…yeah…that’s right : Caprica.

    *I did the old iconic Cylons, Imperious Leader, all that. I always liked the actors. But we aren’t calling up Richard Hatch back as Apollo; is the Dirk Benedict Starbuck still stranded in the best ep of Galactica 1980? They can’t get Lorne Greene back- he’s been passed on for years. So has John Celios. So they would have to most likely recast roles….but…they already did a few years ago for the new show.

    *I don’t want a daggit either.

    So, the int’l friends know of the way I think. I think.

    I’m trying to think of a possible…scenerio….thinking…brainstorming…

    okay, here it is.
    Two generations have passed…new characters…and they stumble on Earth that is old and abandoned perhaps to a war or famine…and they find out that the ‘new’ Galactica was the lost colony…because…YEAH! Star Trek is doing..it…time travel…other dimen..sion…

    Forget all that.

    New Galactica series folks settle on Earth, have peace with Cylon hybrids and they have peace for 1,000 years and then the Cylons forget about the alliance and nukes the planet, so a new crew goes out to find the lost tribe of Caprica! Yeah! There we go!

    Forget all that.

    Okay…wait…hear me out.
    We have a movie that focuses on the OVIONS. And nothing but the OVIONS. They got this little niteclub, get players laid and drunk, then knock ‘em out and ship’em downstairs for a food supply!

    I nailed it!
    I knew I could do it!

    Awww…just forget it!

  11. viatrix says:

    Personally, I think it would be pretty cool to do a storyline on what things on Earth were like, as the 13th colony, and the lead up to the beginning of the new series….depending…of course, upon how this one plays out.

  12. kyle says:

    first off the old show was in 1979 and at the time it was bad ass.sure there was some corny shit to get the kids to watch which at the time I was one and at the end the story lines went to shit.
    but THE STORY was way better than this new soap opera in space bullshit ,the whole new show is the humans fighting against each other instead of coming together and fighting the enemy.and that god damn shakey camera shit drives me fucking nuts hold the god damn camera still you MFers.

  13. kc says:

    This is a bad idea. I’m all for a BSG universe but going back to the original series a the source is lame. If we didn’t have the new BSG I’d be all for this but has anyone looked at the old BSG on hulu? It was great in the 70’s but doesn’t hold up at all.

    Make a movie based on the new BSG and I’m there. There are plenty of stories to tell in that universe even with a series conclusion.

  14. Mark says:

    A film based on the original series would be bad ass! Not another remake though. I’m sick to death of remakes.

  15. Baltar says:

    There is only one God

  16. Tigh says:

    This movie will be laughable if made. Seriously? It was chance that the new one is as good as it is. I personally love it. The only reason it is good is because it’s loosely based off the original and I really emphasize the words LOOSELY. Why the hell would you go back and take the formula from a failed 1978 show and make a movie of it?! Do the movie execs need to be reminded it flopped after one season? LOL. mmm new re-imagined BSG has 4 series, and 2 movies? Stick with what works hollywood, PLEASE

    • Joel says:

      Sorry to correct your history, but the original series was NOT a failure. The original series premiered with such high ratings, that the network forced Glen Larson to move to series immediately. The original plan was to wait a year, giving them time to develop scripts, and produce special effects work. We saw the result, the original film was excellent, the quality of the series was equally good considering how rushed it was. When the series was canceled it was still in the top ten for ratings. The network pulled the plug because of the high costs of each episode.

  17. cris says:

    the new BSG on sci fi channel is more realistic true sci-fi story if you read sci fi timeline then you know human will be resistant to the coming of AI in the future because human are conservative to their belief religion etc etc…but all are part of evolution and human must accept to give AI its equal rights by accepting AI rights humans will evolve to a more higher conciousness as a race in sci fi we call this upliftment i think this is the line of the new BSG 2000’s series thats why i like it

  18. bsgmn says:

    Agreed, a movie based on the new rendition of the show would be much better than the old and would be more interesting to see what take they would have on it and if the movie would pick up where the show left off the other night. However, I was not entirely satisfied with Anders ending and would like to see him somehow return in the movie

  19. ssnake says:

    Maybe it will be more like the old BSG in that was less contemporary. The re-imaged BSG has been very contemporary in many aspects of today’s earth, a “President” for example, and much of the references and language. There are no aliens, no outer colonies, no 12 cylon human models, etc…

    I’m sure the movie will have great visuals, but maybe keep it simpler like the old BSG story of machine vs. man? Maybe expand a bit on the 12 gods more, or where the original colonies came from?

    There is still lots to explore…

  20. Nah says:

    I’d love to see it honestly, after watching the re-imagined series religiously since day 1 and how the last season and a half failed hard and how the finale failed even more .. I really would like to see the original series I saw as a kid updated to the 21st century and brought back. I loved the first 3 seasons of the new series, but the rest . . . Yeah..I’ll just wait for the movie.

  21. Joel says:

    I am sorry to disagree with so many, but the new incarnation of BSG is horrible. Sure the original series was somewhat campy, but it had a much greater depth than the new series. The new series is so full of dysfunctional characters, it makes it difficult to care about them. The new BSG is a better drama, but the original is better science fiction. If a re-booted movie is to be made by Glen Larson, and he is able to return BSG to its roots, it is something I would love to see.

  22. BSGfan says:

    The re-imagined Battlestar Galactica is NOT Battlestar Galactica.
    I tried many, many times watching the re-imagined series…couldn’t stomach it…too dark, violent, rape..that’s not science fiction.
    Starbuck IS a man…
    I can’t wait to see Battlestar Galactica at the movies and the way it was meant to be…

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