8 New Streetfighter Legend of Chun-Li Clips Online

I have previously been a strong advocate in giving Kristen Kreuk a chance at action and I was looking forward to the Streetfighter: Legend of Chun-Li film. Well in a daring move of anticipation halting glory, eight clips showing off the film have been released to the net.

Of the eight available I chose the one that at least has Kreuk in an outfit and hair that pays tribute to her in game appearance.

This is utterly embarrassing. I was eager to see what they were going to do with this and I really do like Kriesten Kreuk, but her role in this is sadly miscast (has nothing to do with her only being half-Asian) but I also think that EVERYONE in this movie was miscast. The only person that comes close to embodying their character is Michael Duncan Clark. I was even hoping Vega would be cool, but that was a sad disappointment as well.

I honestly thought with the right direction and choreography that this could have been an incredible film but after seeing this clips I cringe at the thought. The dialogue is painful, the action is mediocre and for some reason every movie is associated with some hokey swooshy sounds like they were trying to mimic classic Kung-Fu cinema. I have officially given up any hope that this movie will be good. Up until now, everything looked decent.

Somewhere, VanDamme is nodding in approval knowing that from this day forward, he will no longer be teased for that lame Streetfighter movie he did.

MovieWeb has 8 clips for you to abuse your senses with and it basically spells out the whole plot, so you can now skip the film knowing you have seen the best it has to offer.

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43 Responses to “8 New Streetfighter Legend of Chun-Li Clips Online”
  1. Tony says:

    ya ill probably skip this or catch it on TV in about 2 years because this movie looks horrible. i love the games but the movies sucks

  2. Steve L. says:

    One would think they would have learned from their first mistake with the original. This is just pitiful looking, why do they continue to ruin the franchise with this nonsense. They always seem to cast these type of movies with actors who obviously have no martial arts background so the fighting then looks horrid. Sad, sad, sad…

  3. Tony says:

    this crap reminds me of the mortal kombat movies

    • pablodokken says:

      Mortal Kombat is the king of fighting games. The movies, well, just fun to see.
      I always concentrate on the story, how solid it is and how it develops. Special effects are good and amazing figthing scenes are always welocome, but I do not rate the quality of a movie because of that. Good writting is the key to a succesfull movie.


    Kreuk is terrible, she should’ve ended her career in Smallville (damn, they should cancel that show already).

    • Gigan300 says:

      wow i guess your gonna hate the fact that its rumored to get another season.

    • pablodokken says:

      smallville is my favorite tv series. I hope it goes on forever

    • guaguasi says:

      She was ok at the start of Smallville but now in season 8, she’s been dragging the show down. It could very well have happened in a season prior to 8, but I just recently picked up where I left off (s08).

      I don’t really know the direction they’re going with the show, but every time Lana appears it’s some lovey dovey drama fest that does nothing for it save annoy many people.

  5. i am Hard Target says:

    Needs more Van Damme.

  6. Gigan300 says:

    damn Kristen Kreuk is soo fine!!!, but i have my doubts about this film.

  7. 3R!C says:

    You can tell the fighting is more forced looking than fluid.

  8. ken says:

    WOW.i too was highly anticipating the legend of chun-li especially when i heard it was too be played by kristen kruek.but upon seeing the very 1st trailer i was dissapointed. it looks like another idea where the director decided to show you the fun thrills of what streetfighter has and leave out a totally exiting storyline.i just hope kristen can bounce back after this.

  9. ken says:

    after just seeing the clip. i’m shocked they didn’t have a cliche tough chick line.like i didn’t even break a nail.or u wrecked my news heels.i think i even saw a wire when chun jump 7 feet in the air.

  10. Mr. Chris says:

    Does anyone else notice this movie isn’t getting any advertising at all, and it’s opening next week? If it weren’t for movie blogs like this, I wouldn’t have even known it exists.

    Any studio can polish a turd in the previews and get some hype rolling, but it’s like Fox is intentionally trying to avoid any profit from this film at all. Internet exclusive clips, internet exclusive photos… why are they so desperate to win the internet’s approval? It’s a demographic hellbent on spreading negative hype.

    • Rodney says:

      But if the internet bandwagons on how good it will be, that will give more steam than any commercial on TV and a lot cheaper. Its a gamble.

      I just think that they would have been safe the way it was until they brought out this closer look.

      These clips sent me 180degrees on this movie.

    • Gigan300 says:

      well ive seen one trailer for on tv, but thats it.

  11. chris...the real one says:

    i cant say im surprised at all….WOW, that was very tv movie like…sigh

  12. Gigan300 says:

    are people really surprised that is looks bad? i mean its a video game flick am i wrong?

  13. Tony says:

    just like movies as video games suck

  14. Gigan300 says:

    lol sounds more like they are trying to fuck rather than fight.

  15. daniel says:

    Worst fight scene i’ve ever seen. Did Uwe Boll direct this?

  16. daniel says:

    looks like we have an early razzie contender!

    Shitty directing. Check.
    Shitty casting. Check.
    Shitty dialogue. Check.
    Shitty acting. Check.

  17. Anthony T says:

    lol This movie looks like its a joke.

  18. dax says:

    Regardless of these clips, I still think this movie will do huge business in the box office. People love these kung fu action movies. Teen boys will flock to this, like white on rice.

  19. LMXV says:

    Just by looking at the lighting set up on the Bison flashback clip (not the flashback itself) you can tell this is gonna be a terrible film. I had the same feeling during the beginning of the first Resident Evil film. The part where the underground workers in office get-up are suffocating, you could tell you’re in for a flop.

  20. Kaneda979 says:

    Wow… Clip looks, ok at best, but I think I’ll be skipping this one. I grew up with the games and love them, but so far I haven’t seen anything that’s made me really wanna see this movie. All the posters suck, the ads on TV suck, the trailers suck, all of it sucks.

    Plus there just now showing ads on TV for it and it’s sup post to be coming out really soon? To me doesn’t say much for even the film makers faith in this lame ass movie.

  21. Brent L. says:

    If you close your eyes, it says like a pr0n. That is all I can picture when I hear her make fighting noises.

  22. bobsyeruncle says:

    Good Lord, what a terrible, terrible joke. The acting is better on the video game.

  23. bobbyboy says:

    when they realized what a crap this movie turned out they should have redone all the scenes with kristin kreuk wearing a miniskirt without underwear…

  24. AARON says:


  25. AARON says:

    Slow paced…boring..roughly no music behind the fight scenes..horrible camera movement.. looks like I’ll be skipping this

  26. justrobby says:

    Im not worried about how people are saying this film looks shit, im still going to see it anyway. It looks like it will be a fun film to watch. Im not expecting anything Huge or Epic, just a fun watch.

  27. THE FOOL ON THE HILL says:

    It’s for kids, little blokes, not for us…

  28. Ron says:

    Looks Like a total time waste…can play the game for hours but can tolerate a movie like this for 5 min..

  29. stan says:

    I like how they made Vega look like a neantherthal

  30. Bruce Darren Acosta says:

    I’m a bit disappointed with the bits of the Street Fighter film so I think the producers could remake it again with better actors,but I don’t know what the hell is going on with that film but I wish Hollywood would make a good fighting movie World Heroes with a scifi spin off with a time travel and dimensions and fighters from the past and present.
    World Heroes could be a good idea if Mr 3000 director Charles Stone could make the movie in the future and as for the Darkstalkers series Capcom should team up with Threshold Entertainment
    on the Darkstalkers project.
    Thank You.

  31. Mr. Sunshine says:

    It’s like making remaking Alice in Wonderland and deciding ” meh, no one wants to see the characters they know” and making the movie about here growing up instead and at the end we see the tree she falls asleep under.

    The main thing that makes this movie so bad is the fact that the underlying story is pretty much already there and they decided not to use 90% of it. If you have a fighting game based on a tournament there should be a tournament in it, and being mentioned at the end on a paper that looks like a street team did it up is not the same thing.

    I know it’s Chun Li’s story. I get that…. but really?

  32. leilani says:

    kristen kreuk has come so far and even though the movie hasn’t gotten the reviews they hoped for, I think people should applaud her for her hard work to learn martial arts and execute it.

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