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2009 Oscar Results

By John - February 23, 2009 - 01:33 America/Montreal

Here are the Oscar results for the 2009 Academy Awards. Kris (InContention.Com) is in the other room and already wrote out the list… so I’m just going to be a blatant content thief and copy and paste his stuff instead of just retyping it all out (It’s been a long day… I’m lazy)

Best Picture: “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Director: Danny Boyle, “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Actor: Sean Penn, “Milk”
Best Actress: Kate Winslet, “The Reader”
Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger, “The Dark Knight”
Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz, “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”
Best Adapted Screenplay: “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Original Screenplay: “Milk”
Best Art Direction: “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”
Best Cinematography: “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Costume Design: “The Duchess”
Best Film Editing: “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Makeup: “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”
Best Music (Original Score): “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Music (Original Song): “Jai Ho” from “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Sound Editing: “The Dark Knight”
Best Sound Mixing: “Slumdog Millionaire”
Best Visual Effects: “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”
Best Animated Feature Film: “WALL-E”
Best Foreign Language Film: “Departures”
Best Documentary Feature: “Man on Wire”
Best Documentary Short: “Smile Pinki”
Best Short Film (Animated): “La Maison en Petits Cubes”
Best Short Film (Live Action): “Toyland”

“Slumdog Millionaire” — 8
“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” — 3
“The Dark Knight,” “Milk” — 2
“Departures,” “The Duchess,” “Man on Wire,” “The Reader,” “Vicky Cristina Barcelona,” “WALL-E” — 1


  1. justrobby says:

    Nice job Slumdog…
    Too bad for Mickey

  2. ThinkHero says:

    I was happy with most results, except thought Mickey Rourke should have won for best actor, but Sean Penn wasn’t a bad choice either.

    So happy that Curious Case didn’t win best picture and best adapted screenplay.


  3. Vito says:

    Hey John, when can we expect the Post-Oscar podcast?

  4. Jasper says:

    Awaiting the Post-Oscar Podcast

  5. Sound Designer Dan says:

    Eh. Rourke was robbed. Mickey’s Ram was an embodiment while Penn’s Milk was a performance. I still think that the Academy doesn’t know what the fuck Sound Mixing and Sound Editing is. Wall-E DESERVED BOTH awards and it didn’t get shit.

    And somewhere, Ricky Gervais is laughing his ass off.

  6. AARON says:

    Yeah Penn did deserve it more

  7. King Jonny says:

    Even though I’m disappointed that WALL-E didn’t nab Sound Editing and Sound Mixing (since it played a huge part in the movie), I’m glad it walked away with Best Animated Feature.

    And I’m also happy that Heath Ledger’s swansong got him Best Supporting Actor.

  8. David Lopan says:

    Rourke deserved the best actor award more in my opinion. And while slumdog was a very good movie, I just don’t see it as “best picture”. I don’t think it should’ve won but whatever…the awards show as a whole was well done, I must admit.

  9. Kiddo says:

    I was disappointed that Kate won. Don’t get me wrong, she is a brilliant actress. But she wasn’t amazing or groundbreaking in this role. It has been one of her weaker roles (she was better in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, IMHO). Would’ve liked to see Hathaway win, I thought she was brilliant in Rachel Getting Married. Meryl also was better than Winslet, it must suck for her losing so many times LOL, I know she’s won two times, but it’s been more than 15 years that she’s won.

  10. Zach says:

    The major upset of the night for me was that Mickey Rourke did not win Best Actor…I’m not saying Penn wasn’t deserving, but at least in my opinion, Mickey Rourke totally should have won the oscar…everything else was spot on for me.

  11. EZELL says:

    I will agree on everything except for Editing and Cinematography films such as Slumdog wrestler are good films for what they are trying to achieve and Dark Knight is good for what it is trying to achieve. Dark Knight yes I agree was not best picture material but Slumdog is not even a American film well thats another story. but when you make a action film like the Dark Knight you are using alot more difficult choices and rigs for camera work to get the shot to look just right and than you have to worry about the shadows from all the different angles this takes a lot of work And oh the dark knight used Imax 72mm Cameras that is the first for a feature film and they created new ways for the camera to be used lens rigs the whole shibang so yes the fact that slumdog won best cinematography is bull shit yes it may have been the best all around film of the year but that does not mean it was the best shot.

    So fuck you Academy with the highest respects.

  12. Contractflicks says:

    Speaking of the Oscars, I have an interview with Vinny Vella he did for a mafia/crime movie website Contractflicks.com. This is part 1 of the interview with Casino/Find Me Guilty actor Vinny Vella Sr. He has worked with some of films best including Oscar/Emmy award winners Martin Scorsese, Robert Deniro, Sidney Lument, Joe Pesci, David Chase and many more.! In this interview Vinny talks about how he got started in acting, experiences on the set of Casino, tips for upcoming actors and his recent projects! Hope everyone enjoys he interview and please feel free to comment on the video in the forum section of the site and tell your friends about the interview as well.Thanks everyone and keep checking back in our interviews section for more exclusive gangster interviews for the crime movie lovers around the world. Love the movieblog!

  13. pcmemoirs says:

    I think many award winners were predictable (sean penn, kate winslet, heath ledger, slumdog millionaire…) but it was an entertaining show nonetheless.
    I think the reason Penn won is because he played a historical figure, whereas Mickey Rourke played a character similar to himself (in a story similar to his). It’s harder to pull off Harvey Milk. O
    But I’m glad Mickey’s back!

  14. THE FOOL ON THE HILL says:

    It was the underdog’s (slumdog’s) night. I’m glad Brad went home empty handed, he didn’t deserve it one bit or Ben Button for best pic.
    I don’t know about Sean, I was hoping that Micky or Frank Langella would win (it was hilarious when Jackman sat on his lap).
    Kate wasn’t good enough either, that was just another regular role of hers, Angie rocked (Kate deserved a shampoo that’s shaped like an oscar so when you squeeze it, golden shampoo fluid will come out).
    You could see the look of despair in Robert Downy’s face, he knew he had no chance competing against the joker. But it’s the thought of being nominated that counts.

  15. Oscar Gone Wild says:

    SLUMDOG-What crap from Bollywood.They should have given them a few papadams & told them to drink water from the Ganges.Yuk,yuk,yuk.I think the ACADEMY tries to show some favouritism to the minority as to look good to the majority.They can keep all their Indian(INDIA) shit in their own country.The rest was pretty fair of sorts.

  16. erum ghaffar says:

    kate deserves the best actoress award

  17. enju rai says:

    i don’t think slumdog millionaire worth 8 oscars…it’s an average movie but not the one to won on academy for best picture and best director. the movie is being exaggerated.

  18. Dragonslayer says:

    I thought that Benjamin Button was gonna win, but, even though I haven’t seen it, Slumdog Millionare getting Best Picture doesn’t surprise me.

  19. Jeremiah says:

    So most people here didnt watch Milk I assume… Rourke was good but Penn destroyed him in acting skills — it almost wasnt fair between them considering the movies themselves..

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