Uslan Plans next Batman in 2011

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 01. 2009in News Chat

Michael Uslan is officially the only person signed on for the next Batman movie, though many are confident that Bale and Nolan will return.

So the first bit of official news comes from the only guy with a contract a la Bat. The plan is to have Batman sequel out in 2011

ComingSoon says:

Uslan will be onboard as executive producer for the “Dark Knight” sequel, which he estimates will be theaters by 2011. As for the identity of the next round of Batman’s supervillains and love interests, Uslan remains tight-lipped. “It’s one of those deals where if I told you, I’d have to kill you,” he says with a chuckle.

I have no doubt that Christian Bale will return as Batman/Wayne. In the previous big screen series they thought to “James Bond” the character allowing different actors to take on the role and while that series got worse and worse as each film came out, I don’t think the rotating Batman actors was the cause.

However this new franchise seems to be breaking the sequel curse offering up a rare better film for the second chapter, and they will have some big shoes to fill to make an even better third, so I would think they would keep with the winning formula and go from there.

With the plan for a new film in 2011, this leaves them plenty of time to get it right. I expect we will hear more soon.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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58 Responses to “Uslan Plans next Batman in 2011”

  1. AARON says:


  2. SlashBeast says:

    Black Mask!!!

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    Azrael !

    (actaully, why bother quoting Uslan as ‘tight lipped’? The first letter of the first word of the third film hasn’t even been written yet)

    • Rodney says:

      I would presume that Uslan has more of an idea as to what is going on even though nothing is on paper yet.

      Good chance is that he has chatted with Nolan about some potential storylines or ideas. Doesn’t mean they will happen, but I am sure they have at least chatted about it.

  4. Matt says:

    the phantom would be a good villian

  5. dave stopher says:

    I hope that they bring some new faces in and leave the joker out of it!!!

    • Matt says:

      if u mean bring in characters they have not used before then i too agree, but i dont agree w/ leaving the joker out, hes the fuckin arch enemy of batman, thats like sayin dont bring magneto in an xmen film, you wouldnt have to give the joker a major role in this film, but you could save him for a future film

  6. Dink says:

    untill Nolan says anything, this means nothing.

    • Rodney says:

      Considering Nolan is the writer, and Uslan and the studios are the ones making this happen… it means more than anything Nolan might say.

      Nolan isn’t Batman, he just wrote it. More people than him involved made this franchise happen.

  7. AARON says:

    The fact that they can’t tell us who the villain is means what’s coming our way is GOLD!

    • Rodney says:

      How can the fact that they cant say anything mean that its going to be great.

      I admit the anticipation is winding up wondering if someone knows something… but to not tell us doesn’t mean it will be awesome.

      They could be waiting to see if Harry Knowles would play Penguin and if LaBoef is playing Robin but “cant say anything” until they have a commitment.

  8. hecticstairs says:

    Start with riddler revealing batman’s identity and terrorize Gotham through manipulating the traffic and power grid way better than 24′s pusstard tony almeida ever could.

  9. AARON says:

    But Rodney if their not telling us then it means they are hiding something great from us, OR that it’s too early to speak. And Nolan said he would NEVER have Robin in a batman film that he directs.

    • Matt says:

      it could also mean that they themselves do not know who the villian is, and he did say that he wouldnt bring in robin only if the studio didnt force him to, but i doubt they will considering what nolan has done to the batman series and besides remember when the studio forced raimi to put venom in spiderman 3 and look how that turned.

    • Rodney says:

      I have to agree with Matt. They might have an idea on the direction, but nothing is decided.

      As for Robin, Nolan was against it, but Nolan hasn’t signed a contract yet (but probably will)

      No information does not mean it is good information.

  10. Matt says:

    why is everyone want the riddler as the villian, he doesnt do anything except leave riddles at the crime scene and he doesnt even kill people.

  11. AARON says:

    @ Matt

    True, but look what they did with the joker! In the comics, he has green hair and his origin was much different. In the movie, we don’t know his origin other than two (awesome) scar stories that were probably fake. They could do SO much with the riddler.

  12. Phil Gee says:

    I’m burned out by the whole thing. I’ll quite happily live without Batman 3 rumours for the next year.

  13. 3R!C says:

    Chris Nolan and David Goyer must feel pissed off that people keep asking them if and when they are going to make Batman 3. LOL!

  14. HAZMAT says:

    it would be a WASTE and a SHAME if they dont use robin….my GOD what a shame!!!!!!!

    nolan is BLIND! im sorry- i know you all like him..and yes, i know hes extremely successful, but…robin is such a great character..he NEEDS to be in this

    robin is IN the comix! HE is in them! USE him! YES! robin!! hes awesome! pleeeeeaaseee im begging dont pass on him hes so badass….UGH FUCK YOU GEORGE SHOOEEMOCCKEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Rodney says:

      Its JOEL Schumacher.

      But as much as I agree that Robin is a great character, I have to conceded that at this point in Batman’s history he really doesn’t need Robin yet.

      I would love to see Robin in this franchise eventually, but there is no reason to bring him in at this point. Maybe after 2 more movies?

  15. HAZMAT says:

    also i demand anarchy is the villain. and of course riddler

  16. AARON says:

    Hazmat, I think this is the only time I have every disagreed with you man, but I don’t see a need for Robin

  17. THE FOOL ON THE HILL (1973) says:

    Heathy’s gonna come back, plain and simple. With so much technolgy nowadays they can easily digitally superimpose his face onto a double just like Brandon Lee, that way we’d have the same joker again, problem solved…

  18. HAZMAT says:

    aaron thats cool man..dont be a follower lolol xD hate robin if you must


    rodney, the guy had rachel die, he thought she loved him “she was waiting for me, alfred” he had his parents killed, the dudes been through A LOT….this is when robin always came in! besides, the point youre trying to make rodney, is 100% CORRECT, but the people dont KNOW this…they just know theres a sidekick named robin…they dont know when he came in!!

    dude 97% of the people thats ever watched a superman movie prolly dont know why the glasses keep others from knowing hes superman…”cant they tell hes superman with glasses?” obviously they dont know whats uo with the lenses (i wont say..muuaahahaha!) my point is…the audience doesnt know this stuff

    THAT^ is a weak excuse to why they should bring robin though…my main one is…batman is in pain from everything that happened..and robin, comes in, and helps him in the end

    they will be MISSING OUT if robin isnt in them! MISSING OUT

    and dude, im sure theyre only making 3 movies..there wont be a 5th or 6th

  19. AARON says:

    I agree Hazmat, I’m sure it’ll only be a trilogy. We can tell Nolan is winding down with batman and wants to do something else, but I am psyched!!!!!

  20. AARON says:

    and lol xD

  21. HAZMAT says:

    right…so its either now or never…and i want robin NOOWWWW!!!!! (robin, father my babies)

    batman is a character rich with characters and deserves 6 movies…

  22. AARON says:

    “robin, father my babies”


  23. Kristina says:

    That pic is adorable.

  24. AARON says:

    The kid in the pic is the future Robin

  25. Travis says:

    Nolan said there will be no Robin already. Thank God to. Robin was never a fave of mine. I hope Two-Face isn’t really dead. It kind of would make sense that Bruce and Gordon would lie about that to cover a true hero’s dark sides (excuse me, SIDE) up. He’s always been my favorite Batman villain and they still haven’t shown his psychotic, split-personality side yet.

  26. Travis says:

    And also, Nolan said he hates the Penguin, so that probably won’t happen. That is something I saw in an interview. One of the writers, I think Nolan’s brother, said that using Catwoman or some other villain just because they supposively HAVE TO is ridiculous. They like going down and under. Except with The Joker. That was absolutely necessary.

  27. Marco says:

    Hey Rodney

    “I have no doubt that Christian Bale will return as Batman/Wayne. In the previous big screen series they thought to “James Bond” the character allowing different actors to take on the role and while that series got worse and worse as each film came out, I don’t think the rotating Batman actors was the cause.”

    Where were you going with this paragraph? It sounds like you were contradicting yourself.

  28. SlashBeast says:

    I loved the fact that the writers want to use villains who’ve never been portrayed on screen before. How many non-comic book fans knew who Scarecrow and Ra’s Al Ghul were before Batman Begins? Almost everyone knows who they are now.
    Batman Begins’ theme was fear, how it’s used to control people and how Bruce Wayne must overcome and become that which he fears most.
    The Dark Knight’s theme was escalation and how Batman’s very existence fuels further criminals to act and how people must go to extraordinary lengths in drastic times.
    - The villains in the films are very closely connected with the themes. In Begins, Scarecrow’s use of the fear toxin and Ra’s teaching Bruce to overcome his fear. In The Dark Knight, the Joker is a product of escalation and Two-Face is as well when he believes that he must take extreme measures to defeat the one’s who are constantly gaining on him.
    So what could be the theme of the third film? Redemption - Batman becoming a criminal in the eyes of the public.
    Persevrence - Gordan issuing a manhunt for Batman. Isolation - Batman having lost everything he cared about and his hopes of having a normal life.
    Those are just the one’s I can think of and the writers have stated that they’re looking for a theme before the villain because the villain is highly connected with the theme.
    There’s many indications in both movies before they even get started about what direction they’re going to take.
    In Begins the main colour scheme was Brown tones which symbolize grittiness and “down to earth” presentation. Begins also had the Batman symbol at the beginning in bats, a central point of the film as they were Bruce’s main fear.
    In The Dark Knight the main colour was a darkish blue scheme which represents seriousness. The Batman symbol at the beginning was also blue flame, symbolizing how Gotham will burn from the Joker’s rampage.
    - What can be used next, keeping with the dark colour schemes they may chose another similar colour such as green which can give enormous clues to the nature of the film.
    There’s a specific reason that Nolan put the titles at the END of the films. In Begins, the title being at the end signifies how Batman has now begun his crusade. In The Dark Knight, The title at the end shows how Batman has transformed into a lonely, brooding figure from the events he’s been through. Whatever title they chose, it will lend more clues as to the conclusion and nature of the film.
    Contrary to popular belief, both films in the series had multiple villains. All these villains seem to follow basic molds and if held true to form then it’s safe to assume the villains in the third film will too. It usually goes: The Mob Boss, The Pawn, The Mastermind
    Batman Begins - Carmine Falcone (The Mob Boss), Scarecrow (The Pawn), Ra’s Al Ghul (The Mastermind)
    The Dark Knight - Sal Maroni (The Mob Boss), Two-Face (The Pawn), The Joker (The Mastermind)
    If the third film follows this form then you can fill in the blanks yourself about the most logical choices of villains.

  29. SlashBeast says:

    Also, NO ROBIN!!! For a few reasons:
    - Nolan and Bale don’t want him in the film. The two people responsible from pulling this franchise out of the grave and making it an oscar-worthy contender don’t want him in there, so don’t force them to include Robin. Last time the studios forced a character in to a superhero movie, Raimi had to include Venom which turned out oh so well.
    - Chronologically it doesn’t make sense. Nolan (I believe) said that Robin is in a crib somewhere. This is a YOUNG Batman, he’s only now become The Dark Knight of Gotham City. It doesn’t make sense to include Robin at such an early stage.
    - Ever wonder why most superheroes don’t really have sidekicks anymore? There’s a good reason for that. Robin was invented to appeal to children and Batman was made campier and more kid-friendly because of that until Miller brought him back to his roots in The Dark KNight Returns. Sidekicks just don’t have their place in the modern superhero world. Robin may be an important part of the Batman mythos but it doesn’t mean he belongs.

    • HAZMAT says:

      chronologically wrong????
      you guys. what
      the fuck
      EVERY superhero movie has done something wrong…sandman never killed uncle ben!!! rogue and icemen were never a couple!!! i NEVER in my life read a comic book were superman knocked up louis lane!!

      so youre telling me that having robin come in now is wrong because it would be 3 years too early??? get the fuck out of here…rachel was never in the comic books so i dont care what you say…just because batmans not 80 it doesnt mean robin cant come in….how old was batman when robin came in on the george clooney movie?? did ANYONE complain about it!? the answer is simple…NO!

      they complained the movie SUCKED OVERALL but not once did i hear a humongous nerd say “well chronologically they made a mistake hence the fact that batman was 37 years old and 4 months when robin came around and in the movie he was only 30, thus their epic mistake that made the movies attempt of making lots of money futile…”


      everyone said “the movie fuckign sucked because of neon lights/arnold as mr freeze/clooney as batman ect”

      that excuse is SO stupid! “batmans too young”

      i am unimpressed ‘_’

    • SlashBeast says:

      The chronology was only ONE of my points. Nolan himself stated that Robin was in a crib somewhere, hence he’s not going to be around anytime soon.
      Never mind all of the logical implications of child endangerment. I just don’t see Bale’s Batman in the streets of Gotham with a kid/teenager by his side to scare criminals everywhere.

    • Rodney says:

      Hazmat…. Iceman and Rogue were once a brief couple. Even in the comics.

      Just sayin.

  30. AARON says:

    And I am SOOOOO glad Rachel is dead, because I think the whole “Girlfriend” thing in super hero movies are a waste

  31. AARON says:

    and guys!! Did you not see what happened in TDK to Maroni, or Lau?! Lau got burned when he was on the pile of money the joker burned, therefore Lau died. And remember when Dent says “You a lucky man…but he’s not.” Maroni says “Who?” Dent says “Your driver”. I think when the car flipped Maroni died because remember HE DID NOT HAVE A SEAT BELT ON. They implied the deaths of several of the mob’s people.

  32. Cole W. says:

    They have already released that they will not recast the joker in any upcoming Batman movies that are done in this franchise of the series. Also Christopher Nolan has already released that in the sequel to the Dark Knight the Riddler will be the “main” villan.

    • Rodney says:

      Cole, Nolan hasn’t written or claimed anything about the sequel. He isn’t officially even involved yet (though its speculated that he will be)

      There is no reason to think Riddler will be in the next one because Nolan never made such a claim.

  33. AARON says:

    Dude, they don’t even know their story, I doubt they would leak THAT much info to the public

  34. AARON says:

    but if they really did, that’s awesome

  35. HAZMAT says:

    i only remember iceman being with that lava chick and multiple other teenager students from the school and gambit always being with rogue…

    i didnt know ice mean REALLY did go out with rogue in the comix…sorry for that error

  36. THE FOOL ON THE HILL (1973) says:

    They should call up Shia to do Robin, everything’s going straight to hell anyway, Megan’s gonna be Lara Croft, Will Smith is gonna be the dude from “Old Boy” in a remake and his kid is gonna be a karate kid, Zac Efron’s gonna be the dude in a Footloose remake, Shia’s gonna have an Indy movie all for himself, Dragon Ball is live action nowadays, Teken is now a movie, etc, etc…

    Why don’t they call up that guy that used to host Blues Clues to be the Riddler, he was a real enigma…(cinema hell)

  37. Travis says:

    There still is probably going to be an Oldboy movie, but it has nothing to do with the Korean movie. John even said that already. If you already knew that, sorry.

  38. Brandon Jones says:

    Boooo! End the “Bale” series already.

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