Tomb Raider Relaunch Coming

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 01. 2009in News Chat

Tomb Raider looks to be getting another feature film treatment on its way, but not with the actress rumoured over the last few days. However one thing is clear; It will be a relaunch.

Yesterday I wrote about the wild speculation that Megan Fox could be taking up the khaki hotpants and dual pistols, but Fox’s management denies she was ever considered. Fair enough, I didn’t like the idea to begin with.

Latino Review says:

Warners Bros. and producer Dan Lin are in early development on a a reboot of “Tomb Raider,” the popular video game action franchise.

“Tomb Raider,” which was published in 1996 by a London-based video game company called Eidos, was a wildly popular game that involved the daredevil archaeologist Lara Croft on a series of global missions. Several spinoff games have been published since, with a 10th-anniversary edition of the game released in 2006.

With the Tomb Raider chapters being pretty isolated on their own, I don’t know why they are relaunching the series. They could just put a new actress in the role and tell a new adventure. There is no subplot weaving through the franchise, its just another adventure.

So who should be the new Tomb Raider. They are tossing the “reboot” word around which means they are unlikely to approach Jolie for the role again (which I thought she did very well) and someone mentioned Rhona Mitra could do the gig considering she was once a Lara Croft model and coming hot off her role in Underworld Rise of the Lycans.

My vote would be Evangeline Lilly. She’s a fine actress, very attractive and physically fit.

Who would you pick?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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18 Responses to “Tomb Raider Relaunch Coming”

  1. Urkel says:

    Lara Croft may be a complete rip-off of Indiana Jones, but with the latest Indy being a surprise dud and Angelina “The Writer” Jolie hacking apart the original films then why not reboot it? It’s a good character that can make a really really fun (and sexy) movie franchise.

    [BTW. I’m not against Megan Fox as a young Lara Croft, but I definitely can go with Evangeline Lilly as the perfect fit. Too bad she retired from “action” films.)

  2. Rob Heath says:

    HEY LET’S GET HALLE BERRY TO PLAY LARA…It’s a “reboot” after all!
    ….wait for it……………………………
    ……………………wait for it…………………..


    The latest Tomb Raider games haven’t been doing so well, and the one that just recently came out could be considered a flop even though it received good scores from game magazines and websites, so I think it’s safe to say that creating a new Tomb Raider movie might not be the wisest decision today that it was back when Jolie first took on the role, and they are probably calling it a “reboot” to just get attention.

    SILLY MOVIE PRODUCERS! YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO ADD “X”, or “RESURRECTION”, or “REQUIEM” at the end of your movie titles to make some sound new age and fresh.

    Tomb Raider: Requiem Resurrection X

    Now that’s a movie I would go see…. :3

  3. Rob Heath says:

    Well, I had to let every one know I was kidding, and a simple “J/K” wouldn’t of put enough emphasis on how not serious I was.

    And by the way…all the cool kids are saying “NOT” again…I am serious…it’s totally in again….to the max….

    • Rodney says:

      And the cool kids are trying to make “Nuke the Fridge” the new “Jump the Shark” too lol

      I myself am trying to bring back the 8-track!

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    I have to agree. There’s really nothing to restart or reboot. Unless of course, for some odd reason they made her American with Pippi Longstocking pigtails…hell, dress her like Pippi Lockstocking… and have the character be played by Pink!

    Okay, you know I’m goofing with that last part. But not the first so much. It’s **not** what I’d want by any means, but that’s my guess at ‘reboot.restart’

    So who would I pick?

    Rhona Mitra!

    Think about it…! She’s not only “right” for the role, she “was” the role at one time, being the model for the game itself. Now with ‘Underworld 3′ and ‘Doomsday’ on her resume…

    Rhona Mitra!
    Rhona Mitra!
    Rhona Mitra!
    Rhona Mitra!
    Rhona Mitra!

    One more time WB…..

    Rhona Mitra!!!

    I want Rhona!
    Rhona! Rhona! Rhona!

  5. Phil Gee says:

    I would be excited about this (because I want a good Tomb Raider film) but Rob reminded me that, as a game franchise Tomb Raider has gone to absolute crud with the last game and the sales were very dissapointing.

    Unlike me, being a sucker, gamers actually waited for the reviews this time and decided not to waste their money on another sub-par Tomb Raider. If they won’t pay for the game, they sure as hell won’t pay for the movie.

    If I were WB, i’d sit back and wait to see if ‘Prince of Persia’ is a success and the video game movie curse is broken. If so, go for it. But the timing isn’t right at the moment.

    • Rob Heath says:

      You can download the demo for the latest game over Xbox Live, and you can probably also download it over the Playstation Network.

      I tried out the demo and was bored and confused with it. I have played Tomb Raider 1-3…so I wasn’t a complete NOOB to the game series either…idk…not very 1st time player friendly.

  6. moviegab says:

    Rhona Mitra would make a perfect Lara Croft but if their going with the origins of Lara Croft,she’s too old :(

    I would want to see EMILY BLUNT as Lara Croft !!!

    • Rob Heath says:

      Hmmm, I don’t think Emily Blunt could sell the role as well as Jolie.

      Not to say that really matters for a reboot but you always carry that “eh…she wasn’t as good as (insert previous actress name here) factor which can put some hurt on reviews, and that’s important to consider when your trying to revive a franchise.

      Plus she doesn’t bring the right type of hotness (not to say she isn’t hot). Maybe if they dressed her up…but I don’t think a majority of the fans would be feeling her as Lara.

  7. says:

    Lilly would be a GREAT pick!


  8. moviegab says:

    Another one who would be great as Lara is the current model for the franchise, Karima Adebibe…if only she had acting experience

  9. Dan says:

    Well, Evangeline Lilly could be nice but, I’m not sure she has the body. I mean, when I first saw her, in the first episode of Lost, I fell off my chair…Wow!! She’s beautiful and all. She certainly is fit for the role (look at those arms). But, She doesn’t have as much curves as Lara. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind that but, I’m sure some people would complain about it!!

  10. Anti-Septic says:

    I am up for a reboot, never though Jolie was that great as Lara Croft. If I really like a movie I purchase it on DVD and I don’t own any of the Tomb Raiders so that says something, especially since I am a fantasy film nut.

    But hey, hot girl + guns + adventure should be an easy formula right? Its obvious that didnt have the right girl for Lara Croft. only the true Jolie followers loved the films and I am not one of those.

    Go Lara!

  11. Julie says:

    I am an Evangeline Lilly fan, but I can’t quite see her as Lara Croft. I think Rhona Mitra would be a good choice. She can do the physical stuff because she’s in the new Underworld movie. Also, she’s actually british. Call me crazy, but having a brit playing a brit might not be a bad idea.

  12. Ken says:

    OLGA KURYLENKO…..OH HOW I WISH THIS ROLE WAS FOR HER.but honestly i think the 2 tomb raiders played by our tough and sexy angelina were very good. best video game movies done so far.she brought tomb raider to life.but if they insist on a new lara i would consider 2 choices.1 yes being rhona mitra an 2, eva green.i think eva is truly solid.she shown acting ability as vesper(casino royale) and a possible action acting career with golden compasses serafina.

  13. Kelly says:

    i could play lara croft……but i think the movies would have been so much better if they stuck by the games a little more…the beginning of tomb raider one, was perfect i think….you got that feeling you would of playing the games, but then it just i dont know looked more like any other action movie….tomb raider was famous for it’s games because it was different from all the others, the action, the puzzles, different lands and adventures…they should have stuck with that……however, even if the movies weren’t as good as the games. i’m still a fan of the games, and the beginning of tomb raider one

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