The Anniversary Update - All Cast Meeting

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 01. 2009in News Chat

Hey there everyone. Ok, for those of you who are late coming to the party, you may have noticed that I (John) haven’t been doing a lot of posting in the last 2 weeks. Well… the reason for that is that in 4 days I start shooting my first feature length narrative film. It’s called “The Anniversary” and I’m excited as hell about it. You guys have been so amazingly supportive about this project of mine that I like to give little updates from time to time. So here we go.

1) Although we originally thought we were going to shoot the movie on the Panasonic HVX-500, we have decided to bite the bullet and go bigger. So, we’re now shooting the movie on the new RED camera. For those of you who may not know, this camera has completely turned the digital production world on it’s ear and a lot of Hollywood studio feature films are now being shot on it. We’re very pumped to be using it.

2) Since I only mentioned this once on a podcast I’ll repeat it here. I went out and got Robert Sanchez (Senior Editor of IESB.Net) to come on board with me as my co-producer. Robert is just one of the most resourceful individuals I’ve ever met and his help on the project has already been monumental over the last few months. This simply wouldn’t have been possible without him.

3) My former Live Show producer, the one and the only Chuck Norris, is producing all our web and dvd extra videos as well as editing the film. He’s also just an amazing guy to have around.

4) This past Tuesday we had our very first cast and key crew meeting in Hollywood in preparation of the start of shooting. The meeting went great and I’m so thrilled with the group of people we’ve assembled. I’m attaching a few pictures from the meeting below.

5) We’re crossing our fingers to have a cut of the movie ready for Comic Con this summer. I’ll keep you updated.

That’s all for now… much more to come in the coming days. Thanks again for all your support.

John talking to the cast and crew of The Anniversary

From left to right - Betsy Crammer, Marita Gromsrud, Kathryn Primeau

Co-Producer Robert Sanchez dishing out some info at the meeting

From left to right - Ashley Oxford, Manolis Zontanos, Allison Sanchez

This post was written by :

John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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35 Responses to “The Anniversary Update - All Cast Meeting”

  1. Rob Heath says:

    So exciting… :3

  2. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    Dude….John, Do you have any need for an extra key grip? Those chicks are f’n hot!

  3. Calviin says:

    Needs more hot chicks.

  4. Phil Gee says:

    CHUCK NORRIS LIIIIIIIIVES!!! I wondered where he was.

    The very best of luck to you John.

  5. spiderfreak182 says:

    i’d be pretty nervous…

  6. Jon H says:

    Right on John, this is exciting stuff!

  7. Shane Razey says:

    Can I be your “Mini Me”?

  8. Robert says:

    Can people bash this movie before it comes out, like we do to everything else?

    Or should we be nice.

    Sorry, I don’t wanna be the “lame” one. Just tell me which side of the fence to be on.

    Good luck person I don’t know!

  9. Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

    good luck john, hope it turns out well

  10. 3R!C says:

    Good luck, John. I can’t imagine being on a set with dozens of people, let alone a couple. Comic-Con, huh? I live in S.D., maybe I’ll come by and show some support. Maybe. :-P

  11. Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

    john, have u tried sleeping w/ any of those girls yet

  12. Yamo says:

    Hey John give my phone number to the ladies. i kid i kid. but good luck on you’re movie its you’re baby kill any one that trys to stop you

  13. HAZMAT says:

    about “5)”

    a cut? so itll be on the theatres….and there will be posters for it and all..right? i mean how big is this? you said comic con? so youre making like..a trailer and everything? hazmat is confuse atm

    whatever the answer is^^ good luck man.

  14. HDpunk says:

    its a shame doug isnt involved in any level…

  15. coolio says:

    true dat…

  16. Robert says:

    Bring me your women!

  17. War-Journalist says:

    Good luck John. May the (original trilogy) force be with you!

  18. Ross Miller says:

    Hey John,

    Looks like you’re getting on great with making your first feature film (btw are you using the documentary to show you have some experience or are you not counting it like that since it’s it’s non-fiction?), good luck with it.

    I know you haven’t even started filming yet but is there a chance of even a little hint as to what the story of the film is?

  19. Azizan says:

    thank you for the update. good luck john! we’re all rooting for you here!

  20. Todd W in NC says:

    Good luck with everything, John. I look forward to hearing more about the movie.

  21. eggleston says:

    John, are you shooting 2K or full on 4K? Gotta see those pores!

  22. Chuck Norris says:

    “We’re crossing our fingers to have a cut of the movie ready for Comic Con this summer. I’ll keep you updated.”

    This is a definite or my name isn’t Chuck Fucking Norris.

  23. Sound Designer Dan says:

    So you’re saying Chuck, we will have the final cut done before Comic Con or else you’ll fuck a squash or some other preferred fruit?

  24. Gayle Gallagher says:

    Good to see you’ve got Jason Contini in this film… He is a great actor and a fantastic guy to work with!

  25. Kaboodle Monster says:

    Good luck mate!

  26. Kristina says:

    Good luck!

    And who is the cute guy in that top pic?

  27. Dragonslayer says:

    Good Luck with the film. I’ll be saving up my money.

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