Taken Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 01. 2009in News Chat

Liam Neeson is returning with a can of vengeful kickassery in what looks to be a great action film called Taken in theaters this week.

I have to say that Neeson has that fatherly charm that reminds you how deeply he cares for his daughter but he also has a VERY imposing physical presence. His talk on the phone with the would be captors of his daughter is bold and scary. If I had been scooping up young girls in Paris, that inspiring talk alone would make me reconsider my occupation in a heartbeat.


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Rodney who has written 8518 posts on The Movie Blog

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29 Responses to “Taken Trailer Online”

  1. Sera says:

    that came out in the UK weeks (months?) ago and i really enjoyed it.

  2. Kiddo says:

    I saw it here in Mexico a couple of months ago, it’s an entertaining movie, though I’d recommend you to wait for it on DVD. The subjects that they deal with are very intense, would not recommend it to parents with teen sons and daughters that are about to go to summer camp or Europe…. you’ll see why.

    • JimmyBoots says:

      you’re right, it came out here in august, and it’s already on DVD.

      Good action film, I really liked Neeson in it.
      I’m a sucker for a Kick-Ass Liam Neeson

  3. CFern says:

    I saw this movie over Christmas and really enjoyed it. Whether you see it at the theater or on DVD, it comes recommended

  4. Eric says:

    I’m from Mexico too, and I thought it would be like any other action movie of a kidnap but It was really good, go watch it. or buy the Mexican DVD now haha

  5. David Lay says:

    Its good and Liam Neeson does a great job. He reminded me of an older Jason Bourne mixed with the tenacity and anger of Jack Bauer…

  6. Gutpunch says:

    Yebb, it’s a solid film. Neeson is ruthless in his quest to rescue his daughter which puts the film a little higher than the run of the mill action flick which it basically is.

  7. Federico says:

    I agree with David: this is an older Jason Bourne (the fighting style) meets Jack Bauer (the “enhanced” interrogation techniques)… It’s ok… There was a little thing that I found not so good and it is the Neeson’s character reaction when he’s told that his daughter wants to go on a trip to France. He reacts like she’s going to Congo or the vietnamese jungle (or any third world country of your preference). She’s going to France, which is probably more secure than a lot of US cities.

    • Rodney says:

      Clearly the reason he gets upset about the prospect of her going to France comes with some of the information that he knows that others are not aware of since he was a spy of some sort.

      This is not to say that France is dangerous, but he knows that its a risk for his daughter and he tries to steer her clear of it.

    • Federico says:

      Yes he was a spy but he finds out who the bad guys in the movie are when he goes to France to get his daughter back.

  8. Evan says:

    This movie rules as an action movie. Neeson is a complete badass with a very particular set of skills.

  9. Eric says:

    i can’t wait to see this movie it looks so kick ass. every time i watch the trailer and hear that phone conversation i wanna tear shit up. definitely going to see this.

  10. Robert says:

    Yeah this movie came out of Feb of last year.

    I figured the elite movieblog would have seen it by now.

  11. Nathan says:

    Watched this film…a few months ago actually. I was suprised to see that its on the news. Its a really good film, well worth watching to be honest!

  12. Gael says:

    Saw the movie months ago… it’s Luc Besson who produced it and it looks like it… Violence, action and a scenario thin like a sheet of paper. But Liam is allright. The action takes place in France and sounds not good going in Paris after looking this movie. A 3 on 10 for me…

    • Rodney says:

      The trailer doesn’t imply anything wrong with France at all. Just that there are some bad PEOPLE that just happen to be in France.

      Its not like they are making out France to be a bad place, any more than showing crime in any other city in the world makes that place look like its nothing but crime either.

      Sounds like since you are FROM France that you were offended that it took place where you are. The trailer doesn’t say “France is bad”

    • Kiddo says:

      I don’t think he’s implying that they are saying that France is bad, once you see the movie you’ll understand why going to Europe might not be such a good idea after all lol I think he means it in a mocking tone, since what happens to the girls in Paris (later taken to other countries) is pretty traumatic…

      (Spoilers… sort of)
      it mainly deals with underground sex slavery world and how the girls are kidnapped into this world, so that’s why it’s pretty traumatic, the scary part actually is how easy they manage to get these girls.. I don’t recommend the movie for any parent that has kids going away on a European summer trip.

  13. EZELL says:

    I think it looks way to bad ass from the trailer and lately it seems all the talent in hollywood is those who have been editing these trailers and that is a talent.
    So this could very well suck.
    I thought last year sucked for film but was grate for HBO and Showtime And AMC other than that I been board

  14. EZELL says:

    Well looks like I should have read your comments people you all seem to enjoy it.

    I hope I am wrong.

  15. Koko says:

    Yeah not to sound like an Echo, but this movie is already out on DVD in Australia. Having said that, we still haven’t had Zack & Miri in fuckin theaters yet!

  16. eggleston says:

    Isn’t the US version cut though? I saw the film in theatres many months ago and I would’ve given it an R. There’s a scene where nails are jammed in a guy’s thighs, torture by electricity, guy getting run over by a car, and multiple headshots.

  17. ninja says:

    awesome trailer , great work. Watched the movie two times allready and the trailer makes me want to watch again

  18. Jimbo says:

    Why was this movie r-launch here? this movie came out on July 2008??

  19. Stephen Donnelly says:

    I understand Liam Neeson is a good actor ,I am a father of 2 girls there is no way that this movie was made by a man who had children!No way!I am disappointed!

  20. Dragonslayer says:

    I saw the movie yesterday. And it was good, real intense

  21. Movie Guru says:

    Thanks for sharing that trailer! I just saw this movie over the weekend and everyone that I went with enjoyed it immensely. I highly recommend it - it is intense and entertaining.

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