Stephen Chow’s CJ7 Trailer Online

Stephen Chow has been busy doing more than fielding questions about Green Hornet.

I found this trailer for a movie out now on Bluray and DVD and it looked pretty cute, so I am going to share it with the International Friends:

I might have to get this.

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14 Responses to “Stephen Chow’s CJ7 Trailer Online”
  1. terry says:

    hey rodney…
    being a super long time reader of this site… this post spurred me to finally leave a comment!!!
    this movie, being a chow movie, you would think wouldve been awesome. I mean it had its moments but they were so few. I would have to say it was my least favorite stephen chow flick ever. It couldve been so good, but for some reason, whatever cuteness they had, just didnt work. haha sorry for the negativity! id like to know how you feel about it after you watch!
    take it easy..

  2. Brian says:

    This is a pretty good movie but something that kids might like more. I got it from Netflix a few months ago.


    if you’ve been a reader of this website for more then 4 years..leave a comment

    its creepy when you don’t

    its like knowing there’s 10 people in the dark room and after 3 months you hear another voice “hey guys, well ive been here all along so theres actually 11 of us”


    and although i like this trailer i have to hope that its nothing like kon foo hustle…..which i absolutely HATED

  4. Rodney says:

    Thanks for coming out of the closet Brian… er… something like that … I didn’t mean… er.. y’know…

    Actually Hazmat, considering the comments we get represent about 1-2% of our readership I don’t mind the silent International Friends. We know people are reading the site even without comments.

  5. Mike Mai says:

    stephen chow doesn’t appear much in this movie that’s my only complaint. it is very CUTE tho.


    sheesh…thats a lot
    rodney sometimes you know things that scare me
    you…worry me
    maybe you know TOO MUCH about us!

    still, hazmat encourages all to drop in your opinion
    even if theyre not right
    this IS the website for correct movie opinions

  7. duck says:

    I like most of stephen chow’s movies. But this is a real stinker. Its like when you are sitting and eating some tasty snack, whether it be popcorn or roasted peanuts or whatever, really enjoying yourself. Then suddenly you get nailed in the face with a XL bag of frozen Stephen Chow gonads! That’s what I felt like. I thought I was getting popcorn.. instead. Gonads.

    A guy who hasn’t posted in 4 years came out to say this movie sucks. That should tell you something.

    Heed my advice, avoid this movie.

  8. Mr. Chris says:

    This was a pretty good movie. Not on par with “Soccer” or “Hustle,” but I still liked seeing his take on a different kind of genre. It had it’s moments, but it’s definitely more of a family film.

  9. KellyBean says:

    I concur with Terry…least favorite Stephen Chow film. Watch this movie for the dream sequence (near the beginning), it’s hilarious! The rest of the movie…not so fun.

  10. spiderfreak182 says:

    i loved the movie.

  11. Rick says:

    Have i travelled back in time 6 months?

  12. HeyShenanigans says:

    I thought the movie was pretty good. Not really my kind of thing, but it had its merit. The song at the end credits is really ridiculous though.

  13. austin says:

    haha rick i was thinking the same thing

  14. terry says:

    Haha.. I will try to comment more! Funny that I started it off with bad news. I mean, it wasnt a TERRIBLE movie by no means. I think id have to look somewhere before God of Cookery to find a less desired chow flick. It was the first time that my girlfriend had seen a Chow film and now she wonders what in the hell I made her watch… Time to break out kungfu hustle and set things right.
    And to any of you that havent seen god of cookery watch it.. it rules.

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