Stallone At 62

Posted by John Campeaon 24. 01. 2009in News Chat

I’m suddenly depressed. I’ll never look this good in my life… and Stallone is 62. Look at him. Behold him. Worship him. Dude is getting in prime shape for his upcoming film “The Expendables”. Fuck. That’s all I have to say. Fuck. Excuse me… I’m off to eat some damn salad and then go to the gym. Thanks to Joel for the pic.


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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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48 Responses to “Stallone At 62”

  1. darkknight100 says:

    WHY?! Im so depressed and jealous


  2. Derek 8-Track says:

    You’re right, He would make a great old Batman

  3. Gordon Freeman says:

    I suspect steroid use. Didn’t he get caught with HGH?

  4. shadess says:

    People use stredoirs…nowai…

  5. astrocreep says:

    *cough* steroids *cough*

  6. probitionate says:

    Yeah. HGH. Steroids. Except…

    …except neither get you into this shape. You STILL have to do the work. Many don’t want to ‘look like that’, but he surely shows us what’s possible if we get off our collective asses.

  7. Rob says:

    Lol, it looks like he is wearing a muscle suite like Weird Al when he parodied Rambo in UHF.

  8. bobsyeruncle says:

    Not to be too petty, but what’s up with that freaky vein radiating from his navel?

  9. Marla Singer says:

    Hey, you have something that he doesnt have…a belly button!

    • HAZMAT says:

      And testicles…and john isnt in danger of breaking out and developping pimples all over his back and face

      and also john wont be lashing out phisically and killing his mother thanks to steroids

      “johny can you pass me the prune juice?”
      “FUCK YOU!! wwaaaaarrgh!!!!”
      rips fire extinguisher from wall


  10. frankwolftown says:

    A round of salads and gym memberships on me!

  11. THE FOOL ON THE HILL 3.11 says:

    Damn, he’s 30 again.

    The last Batman movie should be with him as Bruce and Tim Burton directing it. They should also put the joker in it and digitally superimpose Heath’s face onto a stunt double just like they did in The Crow so the joker doesn’t loose his essence. Now that would be the ultimate Batman movie.

  12. nick says:

    anybody know if those tats are real

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      I know the one on his right shoulder is. its of his wife and a tiger and such. Not sure about the other side. I think the tats were a bad move. that will be a lot of work for the makeup dept for Rocky 7 and Rambo 5.

  13. Nick says:

    I’d say this answers the Stallone vs. Arnold question.

  14. bigsampson says:


  15. Sound Designer Dan says:

    Damn, he looks better here than he looked in Rocky Balboa and Rambo.

  16. This_time_I_brought_sandwiches says:

    Hey guys, give yourselves a break. He makes his money by having that body. If you had to earn a living off your body you would make different choices. The good thing is that you can get there if you want, but you have to decide what you will give up to get there.

  17. Party Marty says:

    The Curious Case of Sly Button. Guys getting younger since Rocky Balboa.

  18. Kitty Kats are Funny! says:

    I can’t look at old man veins. They look nasty. All shriveled up. Dood is ripped no doubt tho.

  19. Brad K says:

    Sly has got some damn good stuff for any age.


  20. Anders says:

    It’s the same effect they used in Benjamin Button :)

  21. HAZMAT says:


    this does NOT mean he can beat arnold!
    arnold will PWN stallone!!
    it might come close but…arnolds arnold

  22. Gutpunch says:

    Stallone is a trained fighter Arnold isn’t. Stallone would whoop that ass. Plus Arnold is hella out of shape these days from sitting on his ass all day long.

  23. TM says:

    I’m 29 and workout, but this guy puts me to shame, 62 yrs old. He’s on steroids, which is old news. Still, even with steroids you need to hit the gym hard and I give him credit for the dedication.

    I’ll keep him in mind the next time I’m pumpin da iron! This one is for you Stone Stallone!!

  24. dave stopher says:

    I always wonder how much of him is actually plastic now!!!

  25. HAZMAT says:

    when i say that arnold will kill stallone im considering arnold has a fucking shotgun btw…arnold doesnt do streetfighting..he goes to fucking kill

    hes more badass
    and arnold is ALSO trained in hand to hand combat so even if they do fight arnold will wipe the floor with him

    its a shame we neevr saw a movie were they fought face to face

    hey thats a good idea..stallone vs schwarzenegger, themovie!

  26. leeloo says:

    62 yr old grampas flexing their steroid pex is all kindsa eww.
    -this is yer brain on steroids.

    and lol @ ahhnoolds 80 yr old body workin the spandex.
    ok im off to barf.

  27. Darren J Seeley says:

    Chuck Norris could still take him.

    The rest of us cannot.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      1) I’d still kill for a Stallone vs Norris film (Expendables II?)

      2) Mt Gravatar still shows up everywhere but TMB. I may have to refresh. I had to when I commented over at SR.

  28. Jesse says:

    you have to remember that Sly takes a lot of HGH (human growth hormone) to stay in shape and look young.

    Yes I’m jealous too. Even at 28 I can’t get myself to look that good.

  29. omahabitch says:

    I wouldn`t be so surprised by that pic if it wasn`t the same guy that did Copland…

  30. Travis says:

    Van Damme could rip this guy apart.

  31. HAZMAT says:

    v damme is like 4 feet tall lol

  32. Matt says:

    its funny people on this post keep stating that steroids shrink ur package but they dont realize its only temporary not permanent

  33. rob says:

    The Curious Case of No Belly Button

    He was caught in Australia with a heap of HGH when he came over for the premiere Rocky Balboa.

  34. kumar says:

    he is great man in strong

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