Nic Cage Signs on for Ghost Rider 2

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 01. 2009in News Chat

Nic Cage has signed on to star in the sequel to Ghost Rider. I was not surprised to hear they hadn’t made a sequel despite its modest success at the boxoffice. But now a year and a half later, they are moving ahead with another movie based on the biker from hell.

Bloody Disgusting offers:

It’s pretty shocking that it has taken this long for a sequel to get a move on, but finally Columbia Pictures is gearing up for GHOST RIDER 2, the sequel to the smash-hit comic book adaptation from 2007 that saw Nicolas Cage as a stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze who gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante

Now I understand that this is purely a numbers game when they say “smash hit” since it did have a $45m opening weekend and a $229m worldwide gross compared to its $110m budget.

But critically this movie stunk it up. 28% on Rotten Tomatoes and blogs everywhere ripped this a new one.

So I can only presume that this is a financial decision to offer up another Ghost Rider and perhaps with the low expectation of the first one they can only do better right? Ok, I can just HOPE they do better.

I used to be a huge Cage fan, but he has more misses than hits now. At least we might hope to see more of Eva Mendez strutting angry in a slinky dress. That was worth the admission alone.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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37 Responses to “Nic Cage Signs on for Ghost Rider 2”

  1. Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

    i hope its better than the first too rodney, but you have to admit the character looked bad ass too bad looks were decieving in that case.

  2. Tom Whitaker says:

    I used to think maybe Nicolas Cage just had bad luck when almost everything he’s made of late turns out shit. Now we know he doesn’t care.

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    The biggest problem for me with the first film is the way the bad guys were done. The elemental demon spirits, aside from the puddle-water guy, were, in my view, lame FX. All the well done FX was done on Ghost Rider and the fire effects. Mix in an interesting looking but camped up Wes Bentley (who was more threatening in P2) and it’s not as great as it could have been.

    But I’m for a sequel, and I’m sold on two things: one, I am sold on the idea of having the characters in Europe (possibly Scotland? Prague?) and Ghost Rider among fog and castles. I’m also guessing such locations will help keep costs low.

    Two, aside from Cage (and hopefully Mendes) I would go if Peter Fonda came back as well. Sadly, I don’t see a need for The Caretaker, played by Sam Elliott. One of two of the best character actors in the first film aren’t so bad.

    Now…there are a few things that can detract me. One is the proposed Rider Foe- based on early reports and such, it could be a “new” villain made up for the movies. Me? I’d much rather Ghost Rider face a slight Spider-Man connection…going after a monstorous looking Hobgoblin who instead of riding a glider, rides a real life monster bat with big fangs and bad breath. Or The Swarm (as he he did with The Champions way back when)…

    I think Mark Johnson is still connected to the project?

  4. edZio says:

    Oh dear lord no. In “theory” I have seen the first Ghost Rider movie four times. I say “in theory” because every time it comes up we were drunk out of our minds and I cannot for the life of me remember anything from the movie - which I am told is a good thing. It is like I have danced with the devil four times and have gotten away with it each time unharmed.

    This sequel will just be the death of me.

  5. Chris says:

    I don’t get the hate for Ghost Rider, I saw it in the theaters and really enjoyed it. Was it because I never read the comic? Or maybe I just went in with no expectations and just enjoyed myself. I don’t know, but I liked it and I welcome a sequel.

  6. Mr. Chris says:

    I can’t see why there shouldn’t be any hope for the second one. Comic book movies generally have a good track record of offering up better second movies. Superman 2, Spider-man 2, Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk, Hellboy 2 - even the Silver Surfer and Punisher: War Zone were more entertaining than their predecessors.

    It’s Ghost Rider 3 we should worry about.

  7. 3R!C says:

    I thought it was okay. Nothing else. I guess Cage needs this after Next and Bangkok Dangerous.

  8. HAZMAT says:

    i loved ghost rider…i dont care what rotten tomatoes says…spiderman 3 also had bad reviews and i loved had more action then all 2 spiderman films combined (QUOTE ME ON THAT <<<<<)i dont know whats wrong with people…there was a skeleton in flames fucking up demons with a chain and a bike that had bones and was set on fire…thats fucking awesome! i dont know…maybe the people who didnt like it were gay…

    the only thing that bugged me about ghost rider was black heart, mainly because ive read the ghost rider comics…hes supposed to be like..all black and creepy…like venom does when hes not with eddie B. but he looked like dracula for some reason…WHATEVER

    also i always wanted a blonde ghost rider..but nic cage did a great job…and i liked the black jacket…people were pissed his jacket wasnt blue…black is darker..darker is better IMO

    what i WANT for the sequel…is for it to take place in castles in transylvania…im half romanian and i want that

    i also want the following villains in it:

    and theres this guy whos name i forgot…he looks just like ghost rider but hes bigger and has more spikes…looks the same but a lot more badass

    • Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

      i dont see how u get the idea of those who didnt like ghost rider or spiderman 3 are gay b/c pretty much everybody agrees that they both suck monkey balls, but hey you like it and thats cool.

    • Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

      and spiderman 3 may have had more action but spiderman 2 had a better fights, more doesnt always mean better, QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Plus spiderman 3 had so many fucking plot holes that its embarrasing to anyone’s intelligence.

    • HAZMAT says:

      oookay. ill clear this out of the above comment was not to offend anyone thats homosexual.


      again….i found the sandman scenes to be awesome..spiderman surfing on a car door…slamming sandmans face on a train..just beautiful…venom thrusting a glider through harry…chocking spiderman…i thought the movie was freaking wicked…and no one else liked it…hey…everyone likes pulp fiction..i think it sucks

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Do you mean Zarathos?

    • bigsampson says:

      hey man to each is to own………man ghost rider sucked and IMO the problem with spidey was what every one else thought… just sucked compared to the other 2 hardcore…i like sam elliot in anything he is typed cast for… know the old whiskey drinking cowboy/biker cool guy i dont care anymore routine.

  9. Seth Rex says:

    I would totally go for a Ghost Rider 2…and am glad they’re making it.

  10. SNOW37 says:

    Worst. Movie. Ever….

    • Shane Razey says:

      Battlefield Earth.
      As if gaskets in any type of machine, let alone
      hi tech, hi tolerance, Harrier jets, still work…
      and the rest of the movie sucked too.

  11. War-Journalist says:

    HAZMAT: You’re thinking of Vengeance.

    Ghost Rider was visually appealing only. The story was slow, the villains were completely non-threatening, & it was too silly. Ghost Rider is a cold motherf#cker like the Punisher. Other than that, innacurate origin & slightly too much love story.

    I’m always up for a sequel, if only to fix the problems with the first. Now that they have GR’s effects down, more should be easy. I honestly think If we’re going for Europe, Blackout or Zodiac would be the best villains. Vengeance would be okay, But it’s too early to be fighting a clone. GR and Blaze would need to be a lot more badass, and I’ll need a better, Roxanne-less plotline. Other than that, more comabt and more riding. I love the character, and I realize that certain things need to change for the movies (who wants to see him in a bright blue spandex jacket?), but I just want some things to be preserved.

    • HAZMAT says:

      holy shit youre right

      although i liked the movie itself
      i think it would have been better if they showed ghost rider…in like an R rated movie…i think, and really, ANYONE who read his comics, that he goes into that little group of dudes too dark to be moonknight wolverine and the punisher (moonknight was a west coast avenger and frank castle was an avenger for a little while but never were they boy scout-ish enough for full time stuff. and cap hated having wolvie in the team) but yeah the bad guys WERE kinda goofy and some parts were silly….but in the comix black heart is freaking evil man! the movie kinda…messed up the villains…but i loved it

      oh and dude, believe me, COUNTLESS people have bitched about the stupid blue jacket. including my cousin thomas…”hey man why cant they fucking get it right! its a BLUE jacket! they made it blue in the comix for a reason!”

    • bigsampson says:

      to say ghost rider is a badass is true but still he is part of the marvel univers….not image or w/e is cool now lol …..but ya he was the hardest badass in the marvel universe.

  12. Kevin says:

    The first one was the only movie I had ever walked out of…

  13. HAZMAT says:

    …..ive..never heard of blackout…or maybe i have but, doesnt ring a bell…and thanx..VENGEANCE is his name! MAN is that guy awesome!

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Blackout (II), intro’d in the Dan Ketch GR version from the 90′s. His look is vampire like, only his fangs and nails are metal. Also, he has this power to dampen/estinguish light sources, be it solar, natural or electrical.

  14. HAZMAT says:

    OH dude why didnt you guys just say vampire looking guy with long black hair!

    hey i swear you can QUOTE me, on myspace i told my friend once that the dude that played prince nuada would make a badass blackout…if only he bulked up a LITTLE more…imagine prince nuada dressed in a long cloak and white hair…with fangs..thats blackout for you

    and this is why i want it to take place in transylvania romania….VAMPIRES!!!!

    and darren, nah i dont like zarathos that much…hes purpleish and i think he wore like a cloak? i dont remember much

    its vengeance that had the huge ribs and spikes..i remember now..

  15. HAZMAT says:

    vampire with WHITE hair…not black hair…^^^^ my B…

  16. Derek 8-Track says:

    Sounds like an April Fools joke.

    I just hope they change the whole tone of the franchise and not make the bad guys look so trendy. It needs a larger scope and the director needs to put his foot down when Cage comes up with ludicrous ideas. I truly think thats the reason his movies suck. Its because these young directors know that he is a part of Hollywood Royalty through the Coppola’s and they are afraid to say No to him. The Coen Brothers did it and look how successful that performance was.
    For more on the Coen’s having to deal with Cage’s ridiculous ideas watch the special features interview on the Special Edition of Fargo DVD.

  17. Darek-T says:

    Rodney I know your the one who puts up the Fanboys posts and I don’t know your email so I have to tell you this way. There is a new Fanboys trailer on Youtube.

  18. Brandon says:

    Gets my votefor most underrated ComicBookmovie…the villans (Legion?) were lame but otherwise it was killer.

  19. Gutpunch says:

    The first movie was shit, horrible story, horrible acting, horribly directed and horrible characters. I like GR purely for his looks which is all sorts of bad ass. The comics were lame and there’s only so many ideas you can try to cram a flaming motorcycle in to. This needs to be directed by a director who can handle cool horror imagery and Mark Stephen Johnson is not that man.

  20. RonSalon says:

    I want My superhero SEXY! And Nick Cage isn’t. Maybe his overly laminated teeth could get paid for being an extra.

  21. Rob says:

    I can sum up my enthusiasm in 3 words Fantastic Four 2

  22. SlashBeast says:

    Ghost Rider was one of the most unintentionally hillarious films I’ve ever seen. The absolutely pitiful dialogue, over-the-top corniness, lame villains, poor special effects, finger pointing, EVERYTHING.
    I don’t really see any hope for a sequel.

  23. thepicklebot says:

    Huh? They’re making a sequel?! Didn’t hey see the first one!!?!! Somebody, PLEASE, show them the first one!!!

  24. Kristina says:

    It truly was one of the worst films I have ever watched. I will not be watching the sequel.

  25. MADMAX_007 says:

    The worst Marvel movie to date; I cant believe it did that well in the box office.

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