Megatron Toys Spark Rumours for Revenge of the Fallen

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 01. 2009in News Chat

With Megatron making appearances all over toy packages and even with his own figure, speculation is abound that Megatron could in fact be in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. This is just a glimmer of hope that we might see the short lived Decepticon leader on screen again.

/Film rants:

Michael Bay should tell the company that designs the packaging for all the Transformers sequel toys that Megatron isn’t in the new movie, or else they might have to recall all these misprinted boxes. Wow, and to think that they spent a lot of extra time redesigning a character who clearly doesn’t even appear on screen in the sequel

Obiously the writer at /Film offers up this bit with a degree of snark and sarcasm so I am not going to attempt to challenge their statement in that regard.

However, the idea that Megatron is showing up on all the packaging for the toys might hint that he is supposed to be in this movie, however Bay, and all involved are saying that including Megatron on the toy line was just to sell toys.

There were a LOT of Movie Version toys that never appeared in the film. They just wanted to envision some popular characters in the movie style - and sell toys.

If Megatron is in the film, I actually hope that it will be part of some stinger at the end of the credits teasing us to a new film. I don’t want to see Megatron at all in Revenge of the Fallen. With a predominate baddie like The Fallen already front and center, we run the risk of Megatron not being as big of a part.

I would sooner see something that hints to Megatron’s return in Revenge of the Fallen and then have him come back big and proper as the main badass in Transformers 3!

So put him on the toy boxes all you want, but don’t waste the character trying to bring him into this film just to have him there. Make his return triumphant (and have him hand Starscream his ass in the process for taking up leadership without him)

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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29 Responses to “Megatron Toys Spark Rumours for Revenge of the Fallen”

  1. Rob Heath says:

    This is actually quiet common in toys that are based off movies. Especially in the 80′s and 90′s. I remember I had a buncha Terminator toys that had Arnold looking like he never did in the movie with massive weaponry that he never used.

    Another franchise guilty of this is Aliens. After Aliens 3 came out, they had a whole horde of Alien toys come out that looked nothing like what appeared in ANY of the movies, and it had ALIENS 3 packaging on it. So they weren’t basing it off the comics either.

    Kids don’t give a crap, just long as it looks cool.

    • HAZMAT says:

      hey man, DITO what you said…
      kids think they look cool and theyll nag their parents so theyll buy them, thats the point of the toys, not to have only the robots from the movie…same with the video the transformers videogame theres a bunch of red autobots (ask someone that played it)

      just like robs examples, when spiderman 3 came out (ive said this MULTIPLE times) 2 of the toys were scorpion and rhyno…and even the fucking vulture…kids LOVE would make sense to have him as a toy…rememebr this is all a cash grab you guys

    • bigsampson says:

      ya i had those alien toys…..they where trying to cash in on the dark horse series…..thats where those designs came from…..but ya everything is much cooler in the toy world haha

    • x4cH says:

      megatron will be in Revenge of the Fallen. It shows his resurrection in the trailer on their website ( ). also, when sam is attacked by that hand in the trailer, if you remember, that hand has the same design as megatron, so either megatron is back or the fallen has the same hands as megatron does.

    • Rodney says:

      x4ch, this article was written in January. Megatron was revealed to be in the movie and confirmed a month ago.

  2. Grave says:

    According to under the story summery Megatron is going to return in the movie. That and the (rumored) leaked art pics and now with leaked toys I agree that they should quit messing with us and confirm he is in it. I just hope we get a great scene with Megatron and Starscream. And less humans

  3. Matt says:

    maybe megatron is the fallen and that picture its had was really galvatron, but i doubt it

  4. Robogeek says:

    yes, they did make toys of characters who never appeared in the film film… BUT… none of those characters had detailed production art surface like Megatron has. These look studio quality, not like Hasbro toy designs.

    My money is that Megatron returning (in a more fan-friendly tank design) was SUPPOSED to be a big surprise (ala Barbossa?) and that they’re trying to keep a lid on it now.

  5. Nick says:

    Side note here. I know you guys are trying to get more content on the front page. But I preferred having the entire article written out on the page rather than having to click the “read more” link.

    I’m lazy!

  6. Calviin says:

    I’ve always believed that Megatron was in this movie.

    It’s a pretty common story arc. Good buys and bad guys team up against a greater evil. That’s by no means a slight against this movie. X-men 2 did it and turned out great.

    • HAZMAT says:

      yeah thats a good idea (because i said it a couple of times already lol)
      i say we do that…but with unicron being the bad guy

  7. Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

    i really dont see how you can have a transformers film w/o megatron, x2 didnt have magneto as the villian, but at least he was in it, they could do the same w/ megatron.

    • Rob Heath says:

      Well Magneto is actually kind of a good guy. His END goals are never really that evil. He just wants absolute freedom for mutants. He is kinda the Malcom X if Professor Xavier is Martin Luther King.

      Lol…someone is gonna take that comparison way out of context…I can see it now.

      What I mean is Professor X and Magneto want the same thing, but Magneto is willing to break the peace to get it, where as Professor X is a passive idealist.

      Megatron is nothing like Magneto. Megatron wants nothing but to rule and be the absolute NO.1 tyrant over all that stands before him.

      It wouldn’t seem right having him play a minor role in the background, unless he is severely recuperating from his wounds in the 1st movie while sitting somewhere handing out orders to his minions to do his bidding

      And I don’t think fans would be to pleased with the most evil bad ass transformer simply standing in the background of the film handing out order. But you never know.

    • Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

      you could have optimus bring him back to help fight the fallen, remember megatron pretty much kicked optimus’ ass in the first one and proved that he could be a powerful ally.

    • Rodney says:

      I doubt there would be ANY sense to bringing Megatron back from the dead to help beat The Fallen. (at least not by any Autobot)

      Bringing him back would be like getting a pet wolverine to help with your mouse problem. Now you have a wolverine problem.

    • Rob Heath says:

      Well put Rodney.

    • Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

      actually that would be smart for optimus to bring him back b/c what if he and the autobots cant defeat the fallen alone, Where else would they get help, From Starscream?………i doubt it.

    • Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

      you wouldnt need a wolverine to get rid of a mouse, all u need is a gun and shoot the little bastard or a mouse trap.

    • Rodney says:

      But again Gigan300, you suggest using a gun to get rid of a mouse.

      Now you have gunshot holes in your floors and walls.

      It is not within the Autobot’s best interest to bring back their most dangerous enemy just to help fight the Fallen because when its all over you still have to deal with him while you are licking your own wounds.

      I could see if the Decepticons did this, but not an Autobot.

    • Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

      BB guns can kill a mouse and pelet guns

    • Rodney says:

      Both of which leave nasty marks on the floor and embed themselves into drywall.

      Trust me. I have had plenty experience with BB guns! lol

  8. Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

    i understand what you are saying, but i find it hard to imagine a transformers movie w/o megatron in it.

    • Rob Heath says:

      It was hard for me to imagine a Catwoman movie without Selina Kyle…and yet we got Patience Phillips…sometimes Hollywood just doesn’t care what we think is right.

      It could also be like Pirates of the Caribbean where captain barbosa does come back eventually. If he doesn’t come back during this sequel, all is not lost on seeing him again. Bay was expressed that he wants this to be a trilogy.

      I would actually like that concept better. Show a quick cameo of him at the end of Revenge of the Fallen, and thing him back even more of a monster for T3.

    • Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

      dude they just changed the name of the character in catwoman, im talkin about megatron is a very important character to transformers and it doesnt make sense to have a film based on transformers and not have him in it.

    • Rodney says:

      The point Rob is likely trying to make is that the role of the big evil badguy is already filled in The Fallen. So there is no need for Megatron to fill that.

      Megatron was barely in the first movie. for 3/4s of it he was on ice, then he came back for one fight and kablewy…

      I think it is important to visit the character again… but holding off for one movie just builds the excitement. Putting him in the second movie would be a waste of a triumphant return.

  9. NuClearLPU says:

    You all talk about the new bad guys.. but isnt there gonna be some new good ones?

  10. Mikhail says:

    THE FALLEN IS one of the first transformer made by Primus (Cybertron)and it was imprisoned he is a BIG BURNING ROBOT!!!! TURNS INTO A JET, it is not Megatron.

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