Green Hornet movie not filming in 2009?

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 01. 2009in News Chat

Seth Rogen’s Green Hornet project has been put on hold after Stephen Chow has stepped down as director (but will still co-star as Kato). However word on the street (and by “street” I mean internet) is that this project has done more than slow down, and is at risk of getting the full stop.

MovieWeb shares:

Ever since Stephen Chow started to waffle about his participation in the film, I’ve been hearing rumors that there were major hesitations at Sony. Then at Sundance, I heard several people say that the film was off completely. I spoke this afternoon with a source close to the film, and while they didn’t call it completely dead, they did say it is “highly unlikely” that the film will shoot in 2009 at all.

This is one film that dances in and out of my attention span. I am not convinced that Seth Rogen is the right choice for Green Hornet, but as time passes I am more convinced that I need to see it to believe it. Benefit of the doubt (and there is a lot of doubt), but when he lost his director I swayed back out of caring.

Seems the studios are not all that confident either.

If this doesn’t ever get made it will still be on Rogen’s public resume. People will still look on his career and see his films and what he has accomplished then mention as a side note “Remember when he almost did that Green Hornet movie?” and reminisce how we will never now how that worked out.

Or it may eventually find itself being made and we will either talk about how surprisingly good he was as Hornet or how it failed completely. Who knows?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Green Hornet movie not filming in 2009?”

  1. Darren J Seeley says:

    Remember when Kevin Smith almost did that Green Hornet movie?

    Okay, all kidding aside, it’s understandable that this thing gets stalled. Chow’s out. While I think the studio still has some confidence, I think for the time being it’s a given that Green Hornet won’t be filming in 2009.

    Personally, I felt Rogen was **this close** to pulling this off.

  2. dave stopher says:

    Hasnt this film been plagued with bad luck or people pulling out??

    I have read loads about it but nothing that good!!

  3. 3R!C says:

    Is this supposed to be a serious action movie or slapstick comedy?

  4. Anti-Septic says:

    Without Chow backing the project I can see why, any legitimacy this project had all changed when Chow backed out for creative differences. I think this project was doomed the moment Chow left.

  5. Jon says:

    This is good news. I’m sorry, but this wasn’t going to be any good if they kept going down the path they’ve been on. I’m a big Seth Rogen fan, but he did not belong in this movie. He would’ve made a terrible Hornet. And that has nothing to do with his acting ability, it’s just that he doesn’t have the look. It wouldn’t feel right. I’m a big fan of the show, so I don’t want to see a buddy comedy, and I’ve been worried that it could end up that way.

    I know Rogen has said before he wanted to do a good, straight up action film that stays true to the character. But we both know him and fellow writer/friend Evan Goldberg are best at writing comedies, and they did hire a director known for the humor in his films.

    They should just scrap this all together and just start over.

  6. Raul says:

    This is too bad. i want to see this movie

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