G.I. Joe Teaser Posters Online

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 01. 2009in News Chat

Check out the new teaser posters for G.I. Joe.

I like how the style of these cuts off the face just to show the body designs of each character. The characters were always codenamed by what they did, and they were always defined by it, so in a sharp style they show off the body, and their gear with most of their identity stripped away. Much like the special operatives of G.I. Joe and Cobra were.

I have high hopes for this film. I know its become the cool thing to cuss out this movie, but I haven’t seen anything that makes me think this will be bad at all. This might change after I see the teaser trailer on this weekend’s Superbowl, but so far I am eager to see this.

Latino Review has 5 more to check out on their site.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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20 Responses to “G.I. Joe Teaser Posters Online”

  1. Darren J Seeley says:

    See…these are posters. Stuff like this even does one better on The Matrix Reloaded poster series (which had teaser poster characters w/cut off faces on a “construct” white bg)

    I even dig the little GI Joe shields. Nice.

    Yes, I agree Rodney. I think the film will do well- but even more so, because it still has this…well like you said, “it’s a cool thing to cuss out the movie”. I think there is a small segment of the population that has low expectations for this film. That will make it all the better, as it will appear to be a huge surprise to many. It won’t do as bad as some think.

  2. total jiu jitsu says:

    i can’t see the images (broken links). i don’t care if the movie sucks or not, i’m gonna buy the toys, especially the baroness, snake eyes and scarlett. woo-hoo

  3. total jiu jitsu says:

    now i see the images!

  4. leeloo says:

    lol @ gi joe going vogue.
    stephen sommers is doing fierce! this season.

    honestly they look like a commercial for mens cologne or something.

  5. AARON says:

    We will see if it is good or not

  6. total jiu jitsu says:

    i’m really diggin the posters of scarlett and the baroness. they’re friggin’ hawt!!!!!

  7. HAZMAT says:

    the snake eyes one has to be the best one

    in one hand a samurai sword and in the other…a pistol for good measure…. i better see a good shadow storm vs snake eyes fight in this movie

    hey whos playing shipwreck? he BETTER be in it…

    • total jiu jitsu says:

      it’s storm shadow :)

      snake eyes poster is cool to, but a pistol? shouldn’t it be an uzi? that’s what comes with the action figure and sometimes his wolf. i could care less if his wolf is in the movie or not.

  8. 3R!C says:

    now we know, and knowing is half the battle!

  9. AARON says:

    But hazmat, you must agree that this pic is hot

  10. HAZMAT says:

    wow i said shadow storm.

    yeah it is cool…but when i first heard they were makign a GI JOE movie i was hoping they would give them real military uniforms..like the digital camo and M5s…not these futuristic guns and batman costumes….

  11. Don says:

    Boring posters, who cares about these nondescript torso shots. This doesn’t excite me it almost makes me dread the eventual trailer (Btw-why no teaser trailer yet? could this be why? http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2008/12/gi_joe_trailer.html) I understand the cartoon or action figure costumes don’t usually translate well to the screen (original street fighter movie made this clear?) but they couldn’t be bothered to hold on to ANY of the design elements in these characters? I’m not giving up, I like steven sommers (deep rising was great!) but my expectations are not good.

  12. Brandon says:

    These suck no charachter and THAT is what made GI Joe…I want to have high hopes for thisflick…probaly my most anticipated of the year but I have a feeling it’s going to be lame Punisher: War Zone style.

  13. methos says:

    well, I’m not too crazy over the suits but I will admit that they look better than these!


    They might be quite awesome in action but right now the JOES look like Iron Man knock-offs.

  14. edZio says:

    If anyone is interested, there are now bio cards for many of the characters which include a pic and a small bit of info:


    Love Doctor Mindbender, his design makes it feel alot more like the original series (campy and evil!)

  15. Joe says:

    I have been waiting for this. Hopefully they don’t mess it up. =/

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