G.I. Joe Superbowl Commercial

Posted by John Campeaon 31. 01. 2009in News Chat

Here’s the thing… I think this G.I. Joe movie is going to be just ass awful. But holy crap man I’ve got to admit, this is one sweet ass trailer they’ve put together for the Superbowl. Check it out:

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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47 Responses to “G.I. Joe Superbowl Commercial”

  1. TigerClaw says:

    Despite what all the naysays say, I’m a G.I. Joe fan and looking forward to this movie.

    The Superbowl spot kicks all kinds of asses. :)

    • Wade says:

      eh? Im not a fan, but im looking forward…and of course the Eiffel tower is not likely to fall…but just like I am legend it wasnt likely either! BUT I BET YOU WATCHED IT! =D

  2. EZELL says:

    I hope they say go joe in this film.

  3. dax says:

    That’s a good trailer, but….

    the cgi still looks fake to me (eiffel tower falling, and when the guy jumped over the flipping car).

  4. AARON says:

    Good ad, but the movie looks sooooo bad

  5. Nathan says:

    This trailer reminds me of hellboy2. the “We don’t exist” part

  6. TigerClaw says:

    Hopefully the movie will have the two famous phrases. “Yo! Joe! and Knowing Is Half the Battle” It wouldn’t be GI Joe if you didn’t had those lines somewhere. :)

  7. Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

    i told yall it was awesome

  8. Mr. Chris says:

    Looks like Transformers meets Spider-man!

    I don’t care if the CGI looks fake. It’s looks GOOD. I can’t wait to see this.

  9. Kitty Kats are Funny! says:

    looks alright? Dunno…nothing special to be honest and a lot of lines that seem like I’ve heard them in other movies before.

  10. Grave says:

    Funny all the best action parts were with Snake Eyes. I still hate the uniforms thou and its dissappionting to see Destro without his dome and where the hell is cobra commander?

  11. Raúl says:

    Not as horrible as dragonball but horrible. The triler is very well put togethr dough

  12. bigsampson says:

    ya to be honest i have seen so much bad cgi’s in other films that are accepted by the masses….so to me if they can get the action down (which looks good so far to me ) then i will see this and have happy reminiscences of past days….YO JOE!

  13. Nacho says:

    My expectations were ZERO but the trailer definitely did it for me. I may even go see this in theaters.

  14. Valis says:

    That was great but my TV crapped out on me!!!

  15. Maria says:

    This is gonna be a big blockbuster for sure…

  16. Terry Letourneau says:

    Trailer looks good, but we will see. Might end up being a live action version of Team America: World Police.

  17. AndyS says:

    beech, you’re mean.

  18. hisdivsha says:

    you can’t judge a book by its cover.

  19. Raúl says:

    I was never a big fan of the cartoon(maebe the only one of my friends who wasn’t) you needed to have one of those big ass satellite dishes to see it, before there was cable service in town. Good times

  20. TM says:

    One word - “BadASS”!! Caught my eye.

  21. astrocreep says:

    it looks ok to me, nothing really special.

  22. digital drew says:

    The charm of the cartoon was their crazy outfits.

  23. MJS says:

    looks like the stupidest thing since jumper. Maybe between this, Speed Racer, and Dragonball they’ll finally come to their senses about cartoon adaptations.

  24. alfie says:

    holy shit - transformers 2 teaser trailer is up on you tube and looks fucking awesome.

    oh and I can wait to see johns piece about kung fu panda kicking wall e’s butt at the annie awards…

  25. mlp-1234 says:

    If you loved G.I.Joe as a kid, watched all the cartoons and saved every penny of allowance & paper route money to buy action figures, how can you not love this. Who cares if the movie is “bad” as long as it’s so bad that it’s good!

  26. Kristina says:

    Baroness looks like utter shit. Don’t like the uniforms. Not very excited for this.

  27. pendragon00 says:

    They have made a live action Team America?

  28. Phil Gee says:

    Once the full trailer arrives, I’m anticipating about 50 Youtube remakes set to “America, Fuck Yeah”.

    I mean, they actually have the Effiel Tower falling over like a lampost just like in ‘Team America’. Couldn’t you have picked a different landmark?

  29. alfie says:

    i figured the effiel tower thing was a nod to that … i don’t think this is a film taking itself too seriously

  30. Proverbs says:

    I love the trailer. The movie will simply be fun, anyone who wants more will be disappointed and rightly so.

    And beech…shut up dude! This isn’t a forum to discuss your feelings about anything other than movies dumbass. You got a problem with anything else, then get your own damn blog and say it there!

  31. Kevin C says:

    That trailer definately upped my anticipation which was at about 2-3 on a scale of 10 to about a 5-6. Job well done as far as teasers go. The last exchange between Hawk and Destro was good.

  32. Phil Gee says:

    Don’t get me wrong, I hope it’s great corny fun (about all I can hope for). G.I.Joe was always going to be a hard film to sell. I just think the film needs to set itself apart from ‘Team America’.

  33. HAZMAT says:



  34. CrypticHill says:

    WTF! That was sweet!

  35. Darren J Seeley says:

    I watched the Superbowl from start to finish.

    I remember Fast & Furious (should have never shown Vin escape the bus!)…I remember the Jack Black comedy, the animated films , the two also mentioned in other posts, and the …oh, the Jason Statham one was for Audi, not Crank 2, so it doesn’t count…

    But I didn’t see the GI Joe commercial. There were a few local commercials, such as for Kogel’s sausages…I wonder if someone traded up the Baroness for Smoky Links…


    • herr_howard says:

      They showed it between 6:00 and 6:28, which is why I guess it wasn’t officially considered a Super Bowl commercial (doesn’t show up on Hulu.com’s list of commercials to vote on)

  36. Meli says:

    I don’t think the trailer looked very good and did nothing to tell me this movie isn’t going to be the utter shit most of us are assuming. At this moment Snake Eyes is the only good thing about this flick.

  37. Jack Bauer says:

    You know, i thought transformers was gonna suck and they proved me wrong. lets hope this does the same.

  38. EZELL says:

    I hope they go are cause I want to see that bad girl with out any clothes.

  39. EZELL says:

    R not are

  40. BamKazaam says:

    Man i still remember watching munmmy returns movie, it wasn’t as cool as the first one, “then” Van Helsing came out, i was so eager to see it when i saw the trailer, it looks soooo cool, crap! that was a horrible movie. Hope i don’t get disappointed with G.I Joe, it does look cool though, then again so was Van Helsing :(

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