First Look at Soundwave from Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 01. 2009in News Chat

With the next installment of Transformers right around the bend, we are picking up information from all sorts of places. Mostly toys.

Speculation exists that Megatron will still be in it because he has a toy, and we now know that Bumblebee will get some bling to his Camero mode. Also, we get our first peek at Soundwave in his new incarnation as an alien Jet via his toy.

Empire Online gives us the goods:
Soundwave is something of a fan favourite and he has made it in this time around ,with something of an upgrade. The logical progression would have been to turn him into an MP3 player, but Bay and his team have instead turned Soundwave into a jet. A supersonic one, we’re guessing.

I liked the fan art Soundwave Jeep that hit the net a while back, but I guess making him into a Jet is not the end of the world.

I would sooner see him as a jet than a walkman. The movie seems to have presumed mass actually means something so if they did make him into a portable music device, he would be wee tiny and that might just insult poor Soundwave. Imagine the fans that were itching to see him in the first movie finally get introduced to him and he is 4 inches high!

Megatron first hit the scene as a Jet, it makes sense that Soundwave, to still be an effective warrior, would also be a Jet - and much like Megatron he is unlikely to have an Earth form. No word on wether small bots will emerge from him like the old cassette. The strangely blade wing aircraft does give Soundwave a little bit of that alien look.

But it also makes him look like he is wearing a cape or coat and tails! Maybe Soundwave is an orchestra conductor?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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20 Responses to “First Look at Soundwave from Transformers Revenge of the Fallen”

  1. Liquid says:

    Looks cool. I just hope he sounds like the old Soundwave.

    • jayman says:

      not too big on the possible new look. the whole concept of turning him in to a jet takes away from smaller transformers popping out of him. wouldn’t seem right. soundwave would not be soundwave without the voice. that’s what made him such a cool character. it is imperative that they have the original voice. just i believe starscream should have had his original voice.

    • bob says:

      in responce to the will he sound like the original…….YES the original voice actor will be reprizeing his role as soundwave….:) that makes me happy lol

  2. Slushie Man says:

    Actually, a lot of speculation over if that’s actually a Jet or a Satellite. It hasn’t been confirmed anywhere that its a Jet, but inside info says he IS a Satellite, so who knows.

    • Rodney says:

      A Satellite would be interesting since he is supposed to be the communications officer.

      The way they positioned/transformerd the toy seems to suggest he is an aircraft of some sort.

      Much like Scorpinok, he would be spending the whole movie in one form. I can’t see a lot of need for a satellite down on earth.

  3. melbye says:

    If they made his arms a little less busy he would look perfect. The head looks almost like the one in the first cartoon

  4. Slushie Man says:

    Rodney, this is just pure speculation on my part and has no grounds in fact beyond a theory, but maybe he is a satellite, to spy and eaves drop on various human and autobot communications and information, to try and track down Megatron, and then once he finds out he’s dead, to try and find his body, or something like that. Then once he has it located, he then comes down to Earth.

  5. Jeff says:

    It doesnt matter to me what he looks like, as long as his head remains similar to G1 and he absolutely MUST have the same distorted, monotone voice as he did in Gen 1.

  6. Shane Razey says:

    Lazerbeak as a razor bladed silver eagle.
    Need I say more?

  7. Monty says:

    Cool… a cybertronian divining rod.

  8. 3R!C says:

    In it’s original form, it looks like the weapon from Krull.

  9. HAZMAT says:

    OH thank the lord….

    for a second there i thought theyd actually go for the…”soundwave transforms from an mp3 player to a 50 foot robot” strategy

  10. bigsampson says:

    not impressed at all…..the transformers are cool but they have strayed to far from the original concepts IMO…..though making shokwave a cassette player would have been lame.

  11. Azizan says:

    I am loving this! btw, I think Lord Megatron will be in the new movie, most likely during flashbacks (maybe to explain his relationship with the Fallen?). who knows what Bay conjures in that mind of his?

    but one thing is for sure - I will have another geekgasm again when this movie is out. then again, I’m not gonna have the geekgasam alone, millions more will join me!

  12. Todd W in NC says:

    I agree with BigSampson. I don’t like the Soundwave design at all. I’m not surprised though. I disliked most of the robot designs in the first movie. I don’t expect the sequel to be any better.

  13. Grave says:

    Theres alot of debate now of if Soundwave is a jet or a sattilite. Why cant he be both? Shouldnt take but 10 or 15 mins a sonic speed to reach an orbital postiton. Also how messed up would earths defences be if Soundwave can knock out, intercept or bug communication sattlies and transcivers? I say have your cake and eat it to Soundwave is both.

  14. Monty says:

    The latest Transformers?

  15. dave stopher says:

    It looks brilliant!!

    • Pete says:

      Rumor has it that Soundwave will have 2 forms, and I have good sources to back it up. He’ll have his Cybertron jet/satellite form (like the toy), but he’ll also end up in Earth form as a vehicle with one of those mounted crowd control “sound beams”.

      If you remember the new Hulk movie, and the scene where Hulk is battling those Hummers with the “sound beams” on them, that’s what Soundwave is supposed to be. Bay and producers wanted to have something practical that tied into the Soundwave name, and that seemed to fit.

      I don’t mind the idea, personally - it’ll be a nice upgrade to see Soundwave blasting people with a high-intensity, focused beam like that :)

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