Emily Blunt may Leave Iron Man 2 for Gulliver’s Travels

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 01. 2009in News Chat

Emily Blunt was set to star as the sexy Russian spy Black Widow (an eventual member of the Avengers) in Iron Man 2, but since Fox found it so much fun to remind other studios of their legal holdings, so they are calling in a marker on Blunt’s option to star in a movie with Jason Segel and Jack Black - Gulliver’s Travels.

According to the trades, Twentieth Century Fox is negotiating with Emily Blunt and Jason Segel to join Jack Black in “Gulliver’s Travels,” the Rob Letterman-directed reimagining of the classic Jonathan Swift tale.

Blunt had already been offered the role of Black Widow in “Iron Man 2,” but that may not be an option because of “Gulliver’s Travels.” Fox holds an option on the actress that was part of her deal when she co-starred in “The Devil Wears Prada,” and the studio may invoke it to see that she takes part in the giant tale.

Frankly I would sooner see Blunt take on the Black Widow role so I do hope she manages to find it in her schedule to handle both commitments.

And Fox already had a tough time proving they were not the badguys in the whole Watchmen debacle, and now they might rob Blunt of her opportunity at a key role in Marvel’s interwoven attempts at a crossover tying their products together.

If Blunt was giving up this opportunity for a bigger role, I might forgive the situation, but in a Jack Black comedy? I don’t want to sound insensitive but I think the Marvel films role has more potential. Black Widow role will likely lead to a role in Avengers and Avengers 2 or a spinoff Black Widow movie?

What does Gulliver’s Travels have to offer her?

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Rodney who has written 7893 posts on The Movie Blog

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15 Responses to “Emily Blunt may Leave Iron Man 2 for Gulliver’s Travels”

  1. leeloo says:


  2. Kiddo says:

    I’d die if I had to pass on the opportunity for what seems to be one of the BIGGEST movies to come for a Jack Black comedy… Where I’m sure she’ll just play a stupid love interest with no chance at all to showcase her talents! Bummer! I really liked her in The Devil Wears Prada

  3. jon says:

    I like Jack Black but damn that sucks for her. You know Iron man 2 will make a killing and will be big “Gulliver’s Travels” ? not so sure.

  4. Royal says:

    I’d love to see Olga in that role.

  5. JDH says:

    I’d love to see her as Catwoman in the next Batman movie.

  6. Pman says:

    Let’s see, a shot to be in one of the most anticipated movies coming out in the next couple years. With a chance to star in it’s probably just as anticipated follow ups. Or a role in the next movie that’s all but guaranteed to have at least one scene where a fat guy is shown running around in his tighty whiteys. Need I say that FOX sucks?

  7. Yamo says:

    See Fox is apart of the Axis alliance with Nintendo,
    DC,and George Lucas. If she can bo both movies then cool but I hope she does ironman befor Gulliver’s Travels.

    • slingtheory says:

      comeon now, we all now the real axis alliance is made up of the bush family, EA sports, and then fox studios

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    First of all, did it have to be the Jack Black film? Why that film? What else does Fox have, or possibly have, that would allow Blunt to be Black Widow in Iron Man 2?

    Well, if they get off their duff and have Daredevil 2/restart Daredevil or give the DD rights back to Marvel who can release it under Fox…then she can be Black Widow in BOTH pictures!

    See there? Roses for everyone, especially miss Blunt!

    No, only in a perfect world But I’d still give Em a rose.

    So who could take her place? Is Milla Jovovich doing the next Resident Evil? What’s Jamie Murray up to? As for Olga Kurylenko…maybe.

  9. LordThyBob says:


    How exactly do options work and what takes precedence? If she signs on to Iron Man 2, signs a contract and then Fox uses their option to make her be in their movie that films at the same time does she have to go with the option because that existed first? Does she have to clear her roles with Fox before signing in case they want to use their option?

    I always wondered that about recurring roles in TV, do they have contracts for up to X number of episodes or are the stories written and then negotiated for the actor to be in those episodes?

  10. David Lopan says:

    I’m surprised she didn’t just say no. Iron Man grossed over 500 million worldwide. She’d pass up that big of an audience introduction (cause she’s not that big just yet) in order to do something else that could be good? Jeez…

  11. Kristina says:

    Christ, what is it with Iron Man 2 lately? Did Jon Favreau piss off a voodoo witch somewhere?

  12. dave stopher says:

    Shame she may not be in it!!! I thought she would be really good in it!!

  13. War-Journalist says:

    A war is coming. And FOX is destined to spark it.

  14. ken says:

    ALL GUYS FOR OLGA SAY AYE…………..AYE.olga kurylenko is definitely runner-up or atleast should be.shes been sexy seductress 3x now its time to play sexy spy sort of like camille(quantum of solace)…but not so much.plus it would secure her a role in the avengers.mrs blunt looks lovely on the ^ picture but i hope somehow olga will find way to yet another video game/superhero movie.

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