Duff and Zegel Could be Bonnie and Clyde

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 01. 2009in News Chat

Hilary Duff and Kevin Zegers could be playing Bonnie and Clyde, showing a different side to their story than just the bandits-on-the-run story you might expect.

Movie Web says:

Hilary Duff and Kevin Zegers are in negotiations for The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, a new retelling of the 1930s bank robbers.

Tonya S. Holly will direct the film and it has been stressed that this is not a remake and that this film will show different parts of the couple’s lives that had not been previously seen in films like the 1967 classic, Bonnie and Clyde, which starred Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway.

Hilary Duff has yet to wow me with any performance, but I still find myself entertained by her light fluff films. However lately she has been making some bold moves to prove that shes no longer a cute little kid.

I could give her half a chance in a more serious role as the badass bank robber Bonnie.

As for Kevin Zegers, I really don’t have an opinion on him. Anyone else familiar with him?

Can you see them together?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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18 Responses to “Duff and Zegel Could be Bonnie and Clyde”

  1. Seth Rex says:

    NOT seen anything from Kevin, but Hilary at least deserves a chance to grow as an actress, so this may be a good chance to do so. She may wow us.

  2. leeloo says:

    lol hilary duff.

  3. Slushie Man says:

    Hilary Duff has done R Rated movies, so I don’t see what people’s problems with this is. She’s grown beyond the whole Disney movie persona long ago.

  4. Marla Singer says:

    i think zeggers has some potential but i wouldnt cast these 2 as these iconic characters. people will definately be disappointed

  5. Yamo says:

    who the f is Kevin Zegers and for Hilary Duff hot and i will like to see her her in a movie where is is nude and shooting guns

  6. robert(wolf) says:

    I digged Kevin Zegers performance in Transamerica. I’ve also seem him in a lot of shit too, he can be hit and miss.

  7. Mark Davidson says:

    When the original B&C was made back in ’67, both Faye Dunnaway and Warren Beatty were relative unknowns. B&C did a lot for both their careers (note: I’m not saying it was their first rodeo, just that in the original B&C, they were not very well known, just like Duff and Zegers).

    • Rodney says:

      Duff is insanely well known and has dozens of movies and tv to her name.

      This Zegers guy might qualify to your theory though.

      I think this just gives Duff the chance to expand into something not so cookie cutter disney fare.

    • Mark Davidson says:

      It wasn’t really a “theory” — more an observation. And the stuff that Duff’s been in (with the exception of War, Inc (where she was pretty damn hot)) has mostly been kiddie stuff.

      She needs a break-out adult role.

  8. David Lopan says:

    This is a terrible idea…

  9. Brandon M says:

    This is ridiculous. Although it claims it’s not a “remake” it is basically using these characters and putting them in new situations. Even if there were credible actors in this I can’t see it going anywhere.

    • Rodney says:

      Considering Bonnie and Clyde were real people and this is just another look at their story it isn’t a remake.

      And they are not remaking the same story - they are telling a different side to that story.

      Would a story about the Alamo be a remake if it was told from the other side?

      Just sayin.

  10. Kristina says:

    Arthur Miller’s Bonnie and Clyde is a classic. LOVE that flick.

    As for this, meh. Can Hilary Duff even act?

  11. Ciara says:

    I find that Hilary and Kevin are fully able to do this. Hilary actually has talent, though she did start off as a disney star, no one should hold that against the 21 year old who has grown up as a great role model for the younger generation asside from her extreme weight lost.

    As for Kevin, he tends to say off of the big screen and go for the smaller parts, as to what hilary has been leaning toward lately. He was in TransAmerica and it was a pretty good movie.

    I just wish people would stop looking at them as Lizzie and Airbud.

  12. rosace al says:

    this is gonna be the cutest and coolest pair both at the same time…
    hilary is a bombshell in a unique way… when she will explode her inner talent everyone will be dazzeled….
    zegers…(sigh!)… is a rising star… he’s got the perfect looks, perfect statistics, perfect voice and a grooming hollywood skill… perfectly suitable for the hollywood stuff…
    both are amazing and i m sure they won’t disappoint any of you.
    p.s: best wishes to ‘w’in zegers…

  13. Justin says:

    I can’t stop puking since I read about this! WHY MOVIE GODS WHY!!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!!!?????!!!!! *PUKES*

    • Rodney says:

      You might want to see a doctor about all that “puking” as no matter how unagreeable movie news might be, I have never heard of anyone getting physically ill over it.

      That’s just over reacting drama llama crap.

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