Drew Barrymore is up for Charlie’s Angels 3

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 01. 2009in News Chat

Drew Barrymore may not have been short of work lately, but its been a while since this odd starlet has been dancing in the spotlight. But lately she has been thinking of returning to Charlie’s Angels!

MovieWeb offers:

Barrymore kicked off an updated retelling of the 1970s television series nine years ago with Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu. Three years later, they returned with Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle.

“It’s percolating up,” said Nancy Juvonen, Barrymore’s Flower Films producing partner. “It’s rising to the surface.”

Barrymore added, “They’re hard movies to make, but they’re fun.” And lucrative! The franchise grossed $544 million worldwide, according to boxofficemojo.com.

The Charlies Angels films were fun. Lots of eyecandy and sassy ladies kicking some ass. Lucy Lui is easily the hottest of the three. I liked the films for what they were. Fun silly action fluff. They were not trying to put out some tear jerking masterpiece. They just wanted to have some fun.

I just hope that if this does happen that they don’t use so much campy wire work. That is starting to wear on me badly. Wire action can assist in some of the impossible moves, but when it just becomes too apparent that they are suspended in unnatural poses then physics isn’t stretched - its broken.

And all the peices are all over the ground.

Rumours speculate that there may be another Angel added to the crew (the original series had Fawcett’s character’s sister join) so who do you think would make a good addition to these splodey sassy action ladies?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “Drew Barrymore is up for Charlie’s Angels 3”

  1. JohnZDelorean says:

    I think the best addition would be a bullet to the head “Wanted” style. The movies action scenes were so unbelievable and the rest was just a Drew vanity project. Funny thing to me is that I don’t think any of these chicks are hot but mostly weird looking but I’ll go with Olga Kurylenko as the next angel.

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    The wirework in the films -even the first one- was grating for me. It actually got on my nerves so much I didn’t give a care how good looking some women are…but what did I expect, really, when, in the first scene of the first film LL Cool J turns into Drew Barrymore? Fun? How about one giant yawwwwwwwwwwwwn?

    The original TV show had it’s camp times too, but the premise of it was that while the ladies were attractive, they also were smart and had razor sharp skills and agility. In the films, and in the films they are intro’d as misfits until they get together and form the unit. The special skills are then aided by CGI and wires.

    and that yanked any fun right out of it.

    In addition, there was a time where I was hooked on the films of the late Andy Sedaris. Bullets n’ babes. Camp to the max. Loads, chock-ful loads of T&A and cheese. While I’m not really into that sort of stuff anymore, I viewed Charlie’s Angels in the same guise. Bullets n’ babes. Camp to the max. PG-13 rated T&A and cheese. Same damn thing, only with a PG-13 budget and just as dumb. Just more annoying because of the craploads of CGI and wirework. Craploads. Truckloads. Airplane Cargo Holds.

    Vomiting up beef stew is about as fun. So is getting teeth cleaned without novocaine.

    Bill Murray left because he couldn’t get along with his co-stars. They replaced him with the late Bernie Mac, so they have to recast Bosley again. Maybe it should be the Son Of Bosley.

    AS for a “new” Angel, while I could care less, it would be interesting if, say, said Angel didn’t use wirework, CGI and the like. I don’t know if they would offer it to…Eva Mendes?

    Sorry for my little rant there, but talking Charlie’s (without McG?) just kinda gets me worked up…not in the best of ways.

  3. Mr. Chris says:

    The second one had me on the floor laughing, so I wouldn’t mind a third (granted, I was already on the floor because the couch was full.) Just as long as the third can out-camp the second. I don’t think I could handle these movies if they tried to be dramatic.

  4. dave stopher says:

    I never liked this franchise anyway!!

  5. GODFATHER says:

    Is someone looking to waste time, money, and film? Seriously. This would be a bigger waste of time than staying at home, reading the internet, and posting about a third Charlie’s Angels movie!


  6. Derek 8-Track says:

    I wonder who the new Bosley will be???

  7. Blue_Man says:

    cOME ON guys, this movies are meant to be silly and fun!

    the first one was fun, i like it i had a great time!
    the second one well i also had a nice time but they did push it with the stunt works and wires and stuff!

    but i am definitly in for a third one!

    Lets close this circle!
    and i would want McG to direct it cuz terminator looks awesome so maybe he would i dont know bring something new to the table!

  8. Gutpunch says:

    These films are among my favorite action films out there. Pure camp madness and it boggles the mind that people bitch about them especially the unrealistic action scenes. Are you seriously looking at these films as some sort of realism? Fuck no, physics be damned if you get an insane move performed by a hot chick.
    I suppose these same people are bitching over other fantasy films that stretch the limit of believability.
    I hope McG returns or somebody equally glossy.

  9. Phil Gee says:

    It’s gonna be one of those films that just pretends the second one never happened. I just know it. It’s that reviled.

  10. Gutpunch says:

    There is no need to pretend anything. The two films didn’t connect story vise. It’s just like two stand alone episodes of a series.

  11. bigsampson says:

    darren..wow didnt no any one could type that much about this series….i too agree it sucked hard like sec in the city ……boo charlies angels…..that asian girl has here eyes like 1/3 of a inch apart…..should have a gave here cyclops head gear……and diaz is such a shitty actress…sure she looked hot in the mask but to me thats it.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I should stress, Big Sam, that I disliked the Charlie’s films with a passion, but I understand the section of populace who doesn’t mind them. But I also want it clear that I think Cameron Diaz is a decent actress, and I don’t have a problem with Lucy Liu’s looks. I even like Drew sometimes. Wedding Singer, Guncrazy, Never Been Kissed, Donnie Darko, Ever After

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Also, as for ‘Sex In The Ciry’, I don’t think that film sucked at all. I thought it was too long n the tooth and, for my first real exposure to the Sexn’City’verse, some of the most spoiled and self-centered female characters I have ever seen on screen. But some of the writing was fairly good…if one were to write about spoiled and self-centered characters.

      Don’t get me started on Catch & Release or Maid Of Honor.

  12. THE FOOL ON THE HILL (1991) says:

    All of the movies in this franchise should be direct-to-dvd. They’re fun and all even though Lucy can’t really act, but that’s ok, nobody’s perfect.

  13. Kristina says:

    She has been looking a hot mess lately.

  14. bigsampson says:

    haha catch n release…oh boy hahah touche

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