Deadpool involved in Wolverine Reshoots

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 01. 2009in News Chat

Looks like we will get to see a lot of Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie. Buzz around the net implies that the reshoots we were told about last week were just to add more Deadpool.

/Film says:

According to a user on the site, “most of the footage shot included Reynolds and Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman,” and Reynolds’ appearance will be significantly more than a cameo. This implies that at least some of the reshoots went to doing significant character work; whether you interpret that as good or bad, I leave up to you.

Now many people are thinking they upped Deadpool’s involvement in the film. I have a different opinion.

I think the reshoots offered the opportunity not to cut him OUT of the film. As Jackman explained to the fans, many of the retakes were just because of location problems and weather as well as scheduling conflicts. They call them “reshoots” because they happen after the film wraps principle photography. So these were likely just to ensure the scenes they wanted in the film originally were not lost as a result of inconvenience.

So I presume that this was to avoid cutting Deadpool out instead of adding more in.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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33 Responses to “Deadpool involved in Wolverine Reshoots”

  1. Hero Stew says:

    Deadpool is NOT a pretty boy in a red t-shirt. Nuff said.

  2. Rodney says:

    Deadpool frequently used an image inducer to make himself look like Tom Cruise. It was one of the running gags in the comic.

    Its easily explained that Reynolds will be the face of Deadpool, I just hope we see it mangled (or the events that lead to it)

  3. Hero Stew says:

    I like Reynolds as Deadpool but I think its important he be mangled at some point. Otherwise why would he have ever worn the mask.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    deadpool IS a pretty boy in a red t shirt..then he went to weapon x to cure his cancer after he got a bunch of plastic surgeries (like rodney mentioned) and then his face came off and looked like red skull..only that he had a plastic mask thing under his mask….this movie takes place in weapon x…which is when wolverine had bone claws and no healing power (in the first part of the movie) then IF and only IF they make that deadpool spinoff ive been hearing about…theyll make him disfigured and with the plastic see through protector thing

    thats were he got the whole “respect the mask” deal from

    by the way i havent heard shit about the deadpool movie…or magneeto….

    • BernardG says:

      From what I know, Wolvie/Logan/Howlett already has healing power and bone claws long before weapon x program (in Origin comic). That’s his mutant ability. Weapon X mean just to enhance this ability to be more soldier like, hence the adamantium coated skeleton. Am I correct?

  5. Hero Stew says:

    all this is new to me and I HAVE read the comics. But it looks like I read the wrong ones :) or some other reality or universe ugh.

    Thanks for the education you guys.

  6. HAZMAT says:

    hero stew

    deadpools bio is one of the most useless things an individual can know…. i dont think youre ever going to need this

    • Daemon says:

      I fully expect Deadpool to be done incredibly poorly.

      That said, if he breaks the fourth wall, and manages to be funny, psychotic and awsome at the same time, I’ll call it a qualified success.

  7. ADOX says:

    loved reynolds in blade trinity, if he plays the same character I will be loving it

  8. Robert(wolf) says:

    I hope we see a good bit of Deadpool in Origins. Loved Deadpool in Wolverine VS Hulk. Also Deadpool is a fantastic character in the comics.

  9. John says:

    i love deadpool! unfortunately, i think a disfigured face won’t translate well onto the big screen. it’s hard for a movie-goer to get behind a disfigured person, unfortunately. i’d even go so far as to not have reynolds be disfigured.

  10. hecticstairs says:

    im sure deadpool will be mangled, i hope it has as much poignancy as dark knight harvey’s mangleriffic disfigurement.

  11. HAZMAT says:

    nonsense, the joker has influenced millions.
    2 face too…and jigsaw is like… my idol

  12. HAZMAT says:

    and WHO in here does not love that retard from the goonies?? huuuh!?

  13. Hero Stew says:


    I have no prob with Ryan looking pretty as Deadpool as long as they explain WHY he is.

  14. DerTeK says:

    I just hope he says “spatula” in the movie.

  15. Matt says:

    this movie seems to be getting too many characters like xmen 3

    • HAZMAT says:

      i didnt like the 3 xmen movies BECAUSE there werent enough characters…this movie coming out now…should have been the first one…then the other 3 ALL with nightcrawler and iceman NOT a kid…i want iceman to have a full body of ice kicking peoples ass. not a little 17 year old pussy student. and beast had to be in all of them not just #3. i dont know why they half assed the first 3 movies only having nightcrawler and colossus once…and colossus was like 18 and he fought once

      and my 2nd fave character…angel…he did NOTHING. i wanted him in the first one and in the 2nd i wanted him to go with appocalipse as archangel and become a villain…but we cant all get what we want…
      and then make a 4th with all of them dying leaving only cyclops beast and wolverine so they can join the avengers. at the end of the 4th xmen have ironman meet with cyclops/beast/wolverine for the avengers….but not in the first avenegrs movie…theyd come in like a sequel..theyre just reserve avengers or w.e.

      and THEN have a baddass fucking civil war movie!!!!!!!!!

  16. dave stopher says:

    When will this film ever be finished!! It seems like it is taking forever!!!

  17. Matt says:

    if u have too many characters you end up w/ on big fuckin mess like spiderman 3 and batman and robin and xmen 3

    • HAZMAT says:

      hey i fucking LIKED spiderman 3 my friend!

      xmen 3 didnt have a lot of lacked chartacters..
      they can be shown 2ce on 2 big fight scenes..remember the fight scene at the end of xmen 3? well just show gambit fight in scenes like that and leave the dialogue to wolvie and storm and w.e.
      dont have collossus talk just have 2 small scenes in that big fight were he punches his fist through a guys face…it wont get “complicated”

      what im sayign is…dont put angel in it and make him do nothing..put him in and have 2 small scenes with him ripping a guy in half idk

      if they had all the xmen in the movies and they all would have been NOT STUDENTS it would have been badass…if xmen ever gets too confusing then people seriously need to go back home and finish their crayon artwork on the wall

  18. HAZMAT says:

    and NO. it wont be “just fighting no talking” just have the movie revolve around like 7 important x men and then show the others fight like i mentioned above

    “i dont know my past” “i cant control my phoenix side” “i have blue furr”

    have all that stupid drame with some magneeto in it…then when the big fights come have the rest (ALL OF THE REMAINING XMEN) appear and show fight scenes with them…(like gambit sadamizing beak with his staff)

  19. Matt says:

    i dont see the point in this film, all three xmen films were pretty much about wolverine, so they might as well call it xmen4. Besides they did enough of his origin in x2

    • HAZMAT says:

      it wouldnt be a mess. all the xmen will be on it, youll have the same script, and only show the rest of them when theres a big fight…the next transformers movie will have like 40 robots…and im sure gijoes going to be stacked also…

      and youre right his origin was covered in X2…which is why they should have just done this one first IMO

  20. Travis says:

    Maybe they’re getting smart and are going to re-boot the X-Men series. I doubt it, but you never know. The first one was entertaining, the second one was extremely good but the third one was one of the biggest let downs ever. Pure, un-adulterated shit. Hopefully they start over and DON’T kill off Cyclops. Hopefully.

    • HAZMAT says:

      cyclops is supposed to die…they all are..leaving wolvie alone to join the avengers…well cyclops also joins…and beast…so…w.e.

    • Rodney says:

      Travis, do you even read the comics?

      They bring the dead back to life all the time in the comics… hell even Prof X was atomized and is alive at the end of 3.

      Cyclops dead is a plot device and nothing more.

  21. Travis says:

    No, I know, but they should go about it like the Batman movies. I don’t mean the way they make them, but they should have the decency to keep Cyclops around. He was one of the firsts. This is all just something I wasn’t too fond of. Another thing is, I can’t remember comic book movies killing off a character and bringing them back in the same line of films. Two-Face was dead in Batman Forever. He was done for good, Now Nolan brought him back in a different way. It’s just my own little thoughts, that’s all.

    • HAZMAT says:

      yeah but dude batman begins TDK had nothing to do with those 90′s batman movies..batman forever was one movie…and TDK was another…not related

      and yeah he was one of the firsts…but he did die..and heres the thing..if you ever read marvel comic books a lot, its normal to get confused like this all the time because they get new writers all the time

      kang had an awesome wirtter in the 60s and he was like an emperor GOD like dude….then new writers took over…and i think hes like a young avenger with the patriot..idk…dude ive seen characters die then just happens..but theyll never do that in a movie..(NO, batman forever killing 2 face doesnt count)

  22. Travis says:

    That’s what I mean. I think the only way Cyclops is ever coming back is if it’s in a new line of movies by a new filmmaker or something. Like the Batman movies. They’ll only bring Cyclops back in a different way, in a completely different movie line. Ya’ get what I’m saying? I think filmmakers today just wanna’ shock fans by absent mindedly killing off big characters. Likable characters even. This is all just in my opinion though, and I do read comics from time to time. Enough at least. But do you get what I’m saying?

  23. RabbitFly says:

    I couldn’t care less about the continuity of x-men 3 and so on, cause that movie was extremely bad.

    However, saying that they can’t bring cyclops back because he dies in a movie where they do exactly that, bring a main character back to life? The whole movie is about the return of jean grey.

    And I am pretty sure they will ruin deadpool, but at least he should be enjoyable through some parts of the movie.

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