Dakota Fanning offered a Role in New Moon

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 01. 2009in News Chat

At some point Dakota Fanning turned into a beautiful young teenager and I didn’t notice. And while casting rumours for the Twilight sequel, New Moon have lately included High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens, the latest is directed at Miss Fanning.

ScreenRant offers:

According to E!, the 14 year old is in talks to play Jane, a character described “as a petite blonde with a “Botticelli angel-like face…[and] crimson irises,” in a casting notice that was released earlier this month.

“Jane is a member of Italy’s Volturi, the most deadly group of bloodsucking killers in author Stephenie Meyer’s’ best-selling series,” says Yahoo Movies.

Apparently this little star has earned this role without an audition. It was an offer and with the offer comes negotiations, so while it isn’t a done deal yet, the producers of New Moon clearly want her to fill the role.

I haven’t read the book, so does anyone have an idea on how big a role she may play after reading that description?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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37 Responses to “Dakota Fanning offered a Role in New Moon”

  1. John says:

    It’s just a supporting antagonist role, really. Look pretty, be evil. Plays the role of a torturer.

  2. HAZMAT says:

    HA! thats perfect! she stares at you and you like…trip out..like she tortures you and makes you scream

    yeah shes perfect for the role if you ask me….

    although i hope that she looks 17ish in the movie…last time i saw dakota she looked 8

  3. AARON says:

    She is perfect for it, yeah in War Of The Worlds Hazmat’s right she looked 8, I saw a recent pic of her a few months ago and was like “Holy crap that’s her?”

  4. HAZMAT says:

    i wonder how old shell look in the movie “push”? the movie looks like shit and in the trailer she looks 12

    she NEEDS to look like shes 18 to play the role of a vulturi….shes perfect but i question her puberty

    • Meli says:

      Hazmat, I’m not sure where you got the idea that Jane needs to look 18yrs, her age was never specified in the book. Jane is described as a young girl with a cherub like face, short brownish hair and an androgynous build. Even Bella wasn’t sure Jane was female at first.

  5. AARON says:

    Push doesn’t really look all that good to be honest

  6. Emily says:

    I’m not happy with the possibility of her playing Jane. Jane is supposed to be a scary person; vampires bigger and stronger than her fear her because she’s so evil. Dakota Fanning looks like a tiny little girl and I doubt anybody could ever be afraid of her. Also, while Jane is only at the end of New Moon, she comes back in Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, so it would be a shame to be subjected to a girl who can barely act in this role for more than one movie. The casting director should definitely keep looking.

    • bernardg says:

      I hv to disagree… Obviously you never watch I’am Sam. Or Man of Fire.
      I believe Dakota is to good as an actor to be in this popcorn style flick.

  7. Slushie Man says:

    Emily, I guess you don’t watch Supernatural.

    Lillith. That’s all I’m sayin’

    And say what you will, but anyone who says Dakota Fanning can’t act is just an idiot that hates her for the sole fact that she’s a child actor.

  8. Kristina says:

    I must say, she has turned into quite a beautiful young girl. She was never ugly, but I saw footage of her at some event a week or so ago and I couldn’t believe that it was Dakota.

    Having said that, she’s too good for tripe like this. She’s looking for an Oscar, not the cover of Tiger Beat.

  9. HAZMAT says:

    shes only like 13…shes got the rest of her life to go for an oscar…never too early but thats not my point…its not like its nichole kidman casted as mrs pacman for the upcoming live action pacman movie…its a young actress casted for new moon…sounds fitting

    being in one of the most anticipated movies of 2009 is not a setback at all

  10. Emily says:

    Slushie Man: My opinions are my own and I stand by what I said, but I would appreciate you being mature enough to keep personal insults out of a discussion about a casting decision for a movie. Insulting people is not the point of the comment page.

  11. EZELL says:

    She is going to be hot when shes 18. :)

  12. Ultra Magnus says:

    Im not sure if she can pull of the look of jane. Jane seemed to be in her late teens but its been a while since i read new moon. she has the power to torture people threw there mond and make them feel intense pain. so she needs to have a wiked,laugh and smile like she enjoys torturing people. i think she can pull it off

  13. THE FOOL ON THE HILL 3.11 says:

    Isn’t she like 8 or something? We gotta let a few summers go by so she can fit the role or smoke lots of cigarettes so that she can get that premature skin aging rolling.

  14. Rodney says:

    Dakota is 14 now.

    Just like me, she grew up a bit without anyone noticing.

    • HAZMAT says:


      well…as long as her body is somewhat proportioned so she looks like shes 17

      age doesnt matter…i mean the chick that played hermione in HP had her boobs enlarged with photoshop (or whatever) to make her look older..

  15. EZELL says:

    what an ugly bitch. I mean the harry potter girl.

  16. mikeyclt says:

    Vampires cant walk in the sun!!! sorry had to be said. In other news…good for she. Shes actually a good child actress and wow is she growing up fast.

    • Rodney says:

      And of course you know so many real life vampires to prove this?

      Its fiction. Just because these vamps are not identical to every other vampire in fiction you declare them wrong.

      I bet you are also the first in line to accuse people of being unoriginal too.

  17. Jenny says:

    I actually can see it. When I read the books, I didn’t picture her looking like an adult. If she has a more innocent look, then it is all that much creepier to have her enjoying torturing people.

    Though she does show up in the other movies, she is never a big character. She only really is in the background with a line or two, the larger character is Caius. Jane is kind of a lackey.

    • Kristina says:

      Which is why Dakota won’t take the role.

    • Meli says:

      Jane isn’t a lackey, she is one of the most feared and respect of the Volturi gaurd along with her brother Alec. All of the other guards fear her because of her power. She might not be a big character, but Jane is an important character. If Dakota, a fan of the series, thinks it’ll be fun I don’t see why shouldn’t take the role. Also, she’s already worked with Summit on Push, so it’s no wonder they’re seeking her out for the part.

  18. SwitzerlandGirl says:

    i think she would do a great job as Jane (:

  19. Kristina says:

    I was just at Joblo and they interviewed Dakota about this. She’s a Twilight fan, so it looks like she actually wants to show her face in this film.


    • Rodney says:

      Considering you have never had anything to say about this franchise other than “fuck twilight” I find it odd that you even form an opinion on Dakota Fanning’s potential involvement.

  20. Rebecca Monk says:

    shes such a good actress!

  21. HAZMAT says:

    i want to know whos playing felix!!!!
    hes like a huge vulturi vampire..

    and also i want to know whos playing sam..the leader werewolf…hes like the only one in the movie who LOOKS 20 or older…they should get a man looking guy for him…not a teenager..his mortality stopped like at age 24…besides werewolves always look 10 years older…but sam better look badass and like 30 ish

    • Meli says:

      They’ll probably use the same guy who played Sam in Twilight for New Moon though he better bulk up because right now muscle wise Taylor will drawf him.

  22. coffee says:

    They should be careful casting Dakota Fanning for New Moon, she might steal the show

  23. CrypticHill says:

    Wow… I hope she does well.

  24. Chris says:

    just re-read series. She’s good for the role though it’s small. She & her brother were saved from the distruction of the immortal children because of there powers. That would put them in the twinner (or less)to very early teen group.

  25. victoria says:

    i dont want her to play jane i dont think shes the right person. i mean shes a good actress but i dont thik shes good for this movie.

  26. Jackie says:

    I dont like this! booo i seriously think that she should NOT be in such a good movie!!!

    • Rodney says:

      You should seriously read the date of the posts.

      Dakota was in the last Twilight film New Moon - already out on DVD, and is returning to her role for the next 2 films.

      She did a fantastic job in the role (as she always does) and perfectly embodied the personality and cruelty of Jane with the presence of an old soul in a very young body.

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