Attack Of The Shows “Best Movie Blogs” Segment

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 01. 2009in News Chat

Here’s that segment they did on Attack of the Show about best movie blogs. If you don’t watch this… you’re stupider. Yes that right… you are stupider. So stupider that I can’t even describe it ;)

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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13 Responses to “Attack Of The Shows “Best Movie Blogs” Segment”

  1. Mr.Death says:

    Congrats on the shoutout! Wish they had mentioned the podcast though.

    I’s like to take this opportunity to say I completely disagree with your Wrestler review. How could you think it was boring? It was so compelling! It’s a damn shame in my opinion it didn’t get nominated for Best Picture.

  2. Rodney says:

    Just in case some of you guys check this post and wonder what happened to your comments, John and I both posted this clip within 5 minutes of each other.

    Your comments were not deleted, but John’s post got up first so I removed mine.

    Thanks guys!

  3. Grave says:

    I love that they mentioned this site first and displays how much substance The Movie Blog has. However, the last blog site felt gimmicky from the video throwing out shots of contest to win a DVDs and free screenings.

  4. ThinkHero says:

    That’s really cool John, congratulations. Now you got to get Olivia Munn as a guest cameo in your movie!


  5. EricD says:

    I watch it, so now I r not stupider right?
    Grats on the mention, it’s well deserved.

  6. Hassleberry says:


  7. Wilco says:

    Nice one

    I loved the wrestler but i see where you’re coming from

  8. Geno says:

    Attack of the show is actually how I found this website. They did a stint on you I think last year about you guys and thats how I got hooked.

  9. robert(wolf) says:

    Congrats on the shout out!

  10. Rob Heath says:

    To bad they didn’t get the new design :(

  11. Shane Razey says:

    I hope all off you signed the pie petition.
    …unless you don’t like pie.
    …or olivia dressed sexy.

  12. Meli says:

    That’s a nice little spot!

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