Attack Of The Show Names TMB In “Best Movie Blogs” Tonight

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 01. 2009in News Chat

Hey there guys, just a heads up. For those of you who watch “Attack of the Show” on G4 (and what self respecting geek doesn’t?), they’re apparently doing a segment on tonight’s show about the best movie blogs on the web. They’re naming 3 of them. The Movie Blog is one of them. Cool!

From what I understand 2 of my favorite other sites are also being listed. Slashfilm and CHUD.

So make sure you watch it tonight (thanks to Rob for the heads up)

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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19 Responses to “Attack Of The Show Names TMB In “Best Movie Blogs” Tonight”

  1. Derek 8-Track says:

    Way to go Guys!

  2. RonSalon says:

    That’s right The Movie Blog is one of them! I need my fix in the morning with a cup of Joe.

  3. Mr.Death says:

    Personally my three favorite are The Movie Blog, /Film, and Film School Rejects, but I’m glad you got a shout out John!

  4. Gordon Freeman says:

    I actually found out about TMB from the AotS website a year ago :)

  5. Rob Heath says:

    The screenshot they showed last night didn’t have the new design. q_q …. I hope they show it live tonight. I would freak out of my design showed up on live tv :)

  6. Calviin says:

    Really? You think a self-respecting geek watches AotS? No self-respecting geek watches G4 at all.

    • Yamo says:

      Yeah G4 is the new MTV

    • Rodney says:

      Geeks watch G4… You have no right to call yourself geek if you are opposed to a station dedicated to technology.

    • Calviin says:

      Don’t think I haven’t tried. Every time I give that station five minutes of my time, I come away feeling disappointed. I tuned in just the other night a day or two ago for about five minutes to find three girls dressed as vegetables tackling someone dressed as a hotdog, and the male host of the show just talking about the girls. I don’t know at what point in there they were either talking about videogames OR technology, but I heard nothing worth my time in the span of five minutes straight. When I do see news from them, it’s just about as old as news from gaming magazines. It’s all stuff that I’ve already heard. You’d think for a show that can do gaming and tech news daily, they wouldn’t be a week behind everyone else. And besides the original programming, they have more reruns of shows that I have no interest in seeing. Today’s schedule has three hours of Cops. No thanks.

  7. Calviin says:

    The only “geeks” that watch G4 are the same that watch the SpikeTV videogame awards or the MTV Movie Awards

  8. Shane Razey says:

    I told John about this too. I didn’t know it would take so long to air the segment. They advertised it last Sunday.

  9. Slushie Man says:

    My three favorites are Movie Blog, Bloody-Disgusting, and Film Junk.

  10. Gigan300 is back!!!!! says:

    congrats john

  11. Anti-Septic says:

    congratz on the AOTS nod. Glad to see the new look as well. Keep up the good work.

  12. Gmagnum says:

    Just watched the shout out, it was cool

    • Rodney says:

      I missed it! Did they show the new design or the old rig??

      If they showed a live feed we would have had the AOTS post near the top too lol

  13. TheGuyInThePJ's says:

    Here is a link to the G4 video…

  14. Kristina says:

    The folks in the CHUD forum are incredulous over the fact that TMB dared to say bad things about The Wrestler:)

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