A-Team Movie is on its Way

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 01. 2009in News Chat

The rumour that an A-Team movie would join the leagues of other 80s shows adapted to the big screen has finally come to pass.

Fox has given the green light and hired on some writers, directors and producers.

Latino Review says:

Studio has set Joe Carnahan to direct and Ridley Scott to produce, with Tony Scott exec producing through their Scott Free banner.

Also producing are Jules Daly and Stephen J. Cannell, the latter of whom created the original TV series.

Carnahan will team with Brian Bloom to polish a script by Skip Woods. The intention is to start production by June for a June 11, 2010, release.

Fox has struggled to find a way to exploit the branded TV show while avoiding the series’ campy tone

I think it would be a clear choice to have someone like Michael Clarke Duncan to take on the role of B.A. Barakus, and since they are avoiding the cheese he wont have to step on B.A’s trademarked “Fool” but still have that in-your-face attitude (and fear of flying)

I think the A-Team has some great potential to be translated to a more realistic team of characters while still being fun and perhaps even landing a bullet. For such an elite team of special forces commandos, they sure managed to miss a lot when shooting.

My Dream A-Team would be as follows.

Hannibal - Mel Gibson or Bruce Willis. They can both swagger and charm while still exuding leadership.
Face - Brad Pitt. Who else can play the conman, ladies man and look sharp in a suit.
Murdock - Matt Frewer. Still alive and well on Eureka. He can be crazy and zany and Murdock always had one schtick or another in every episode. For the movie I vote for the talking tennis ball.
BA Barakus - Michael Duncan Clarke.

So do you think this movie will be better played straight avoiding that “it was only funny in the 80s” cheese factor? And who do you think could play the A-Team?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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18 Responses to “A-Team Movie is on its Way”

  1. 12 Monkeys says:

    Like I said a couple years ago and you agreed on the podcast.

    Hannibal - George Clooeny
    Face - Brad Pitt
    Murdock - Jim Carrey
    BA Barakus - Ving Rhames (he fits Mr. T more then Clarke)

  2. koko says:

    Hannibal - James Woods/Kurt Russell
    BA - Michael Clarke Duncan/Ice Cube/Terry Crews
    Face - Brendan Fraser/Mark Wahlberg
    Murdoch - Jim Carrey/Woody Harrelson/Owen Wilson

  3. Mr. Chris says:

    I’d keep Mr. T, no matter what. It’s the only role he was ever good at. You could switch out the entire cast for twenty-something hunk stars, but you have to keep Mr. T.

    Look at him - the guy’s doing Flavorwave commercials - somebody give him work!

    • Rodney says:

      But have you taken a good look at T lately?

      BA needs to be physically imposing. The most work Mr T gets is reality shows where he teaches kids to have respect. And he looks like he is 5 ft and under 200lbs while doing it.

      T used to be the shit, but now he is too much of a joke. We need someone who looks like they could kill you with a dirty look.

  4. Jeremy says:

    My dream A-Team cast is the cast from Three Kings.

    Clooney as Hannibal
    Mark Wahlberg as Face
    Ice Cube as BA
    Spike Jonze as Murdoch

    It would practically look like a sequel anyway - didn’t the guys in Three Kings get court martialed? I don’t remember - haven’t seen it in a LONG time.

  5. Arc Cadio says:

    I would love to see. Turn it up some and have Face be a female.

    Hannibal - Clooney
    Face - Jennifer Garner
    Murdoch - Steve Corell
    BA - Michael Clarke Duncan

    • EricD says:

      I was thinking that a female as Murdoch could be cool. But as fun loving as the army has gotten, I am fairly sure that Special Forces A Teams are still all male.

  6. Phil Gee says:

    Can I just remind you all before you get too excited that the writer is the same Skip Woods who gave us this:


    And it’s a Fox movie. It is officially off my radar. Carnahan is kidding himself if he thinks he’s going to have a wonderful experience making this film. In fact, I give him 3 months before he’s off the project.

  7. 3R!C says:

    Only if they have to zoom ins with the handshake

  8. BobaFett says:

    Hannibal - Bruce Willis
    Face - Brad Pitt/McConaghey/DiCaprio
    Murdock - Sam Rockwell or Ed Norton
    BA Baracus - Ving Rhames or Djimon Hounsou

  9. Chris Cox says:

    Hannibal: Clint Eastwood
    Face: Leonardo DiCaprio
    Murdock: Jim Carrey
    BA: Samuel Jackson

  10. Sphere says:

    Hannible - Tommy Lee Jones
    BB - Ving Rhames
    Face - Matt Damon
    Murdoch - Matthew Lillard

  11. jeckaro says:

    Hannibal Smith: Jack Nicholson
    B.A. Barracus: Will Smith
    Face: Colin Farrell
    Murdoch: Jackie Chan

  12. nyquildaze says:

    Hannible: Kiefer Sutherland
    Murdock: Jim Carey, Jerry Trainor
    B.A. Barracus: Michael Clarke Duncan, Ice Cube
    Face: Chris evans

  13. MCSE3232 says:

    Hannibal: Clooney
    BA Barracus: Clarke-Duncan or Rhames
    Face: Shia LeBouf
    Murdock: Jim Carrey
    Amy: Jennifer Garner
    Col. Decker: Clint Eastwood
    Frankie Santana: George Lopez

  14. AS says:

    wow! MR. T. best actor forever :)
    Team A - it’s one of my favorite serials)

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