Uncut Live - Recorded July 9th 2008

Hey guys… for those of you who missed the Uncut LIVE show earlier tonight, here’s the replay. Next time, try to join us live and get on air with us! The LIVE show is every Wednesday at 9pm EST (6pm PST).

  • http://www.youtube.com/user/redsoxfan3418 JB

    Oh, wait Hot Shots?

    Oh I like that movie.

    I thought you said Hot Rod

  • http://www.youtube.com/user/redsoxfan3418 JB

    “There is one exception to the rule that credits aren’t part of the movie experience, Hot Shots. Hot Shots had jokes continue through the ending credits”

    Too bad that movie sucked.

  • Michael

    I’m not sure if I’m the first asshole to bring this up but….. can you ask SOLEVIDEO to interrupt less on these live shows. I’m sure he is a nice guy, but he isn’t really part of the movie blog. I just find him completely annoying most of the time. Sorry to be the asshole just my opinion every one’s got one right

  • http://www.nowlive.com/memberasp/member.asp?id=100251498 Phil Gee

    Thanks for the show guys, shame i missed this one.

  • Beejag


    I’ve noticed the same thing recently, so i’m rather excited to see it for myself, although everyone and their mom who has seen it has yet to stop gushing about how great it is, hopefully this one lives up to the mega-hype train.