The Movie Blog: Uncut UNPLUGGED! Tuesday October 14th 2008

Hey there guys. As most of you know we do a daily live show called “The Movie Blog: Uncut” Monday thru Friday from our studio here in Hollywood. However, over the past 2 weeks we’ve been moving studios and the new one isn’t quite ready yet, so we’ve been doing these little UNPLUGGED versions of the show from our homes. Usually there are two of us in a green screen studio with 3 cameras and a crew… but for the last few weeks it’s been either just me or just Doug Nagy.

On this installment I talk about why Heath Ledger should NOT be nominated for best actor (as opposed to best supporting actor) at the Oscars this year, Don Cheadle replacing Terrance Howard in Iron Man 2 and the Green light for Twilight 2. Then for the rest of the show I just take questions from the hundreds of International Friends on the live chat boards. It’s zero production value, but it’s actually pretty fun.

PART #1 (picked up already in progress)


  • Brian

    I can’t wait for the podcast to come up for download again. I’m usually at work when it airs, but I have all the shows on my Ipod to listen to in my car. You and Doug actually make my trip to work enjoyable. I love your podcast. It’s my top form of entertainment! I’m catching up on ones I’ve missed (I just found you guys 3 months ago) while you guys have been moving studios. Great job guys!


    what about older episodes? The links to download them are all broken. Are you going to bring them back online?

  • erik


    Sorry I missed those threads. I look forward to being able to download them again.

  • John

    Hey Eric,

    As I’ve mentioned in other threads, once we get back into studio the podcasts will start going up again.


  • ServerKing

    Yes I miss the audio podcasts and listening to them when i get back from work.

  • Mark

    John did you just post this to show the world your crotch shots again?

    Completly agree about Heath Ledger though

  • erik

    Are the podcasts ever going to come back? All of my subscriptions from iTunes aren’t working anymore.

  • Ross Miller


    just wondering if we were going to get all of the rest of the unplugged episodes of uncut that have been done over the past couple of weeks? Or are you just not bothering and letting anyone who wants to watch them over at LiveVideo?