The Movie Blog: Uncut -Recorded September 23nd 2008

Here is your 332nd installment of The Movie Blog Uncut recorded September 23nd. Don’t forget to join us for the LIVE version of the show tonight at 8pm EST (5pm PST).

Uncut - September 23, 2008

You can download the audio only version of the show here.

  • Lousie

    what happened to the little pop out audio version??
    i don’t want to have to see you two knob heads talk :)
    great show anyways!!

  • Jay

    this is commpletly sweet for having two one after another for us to watch thanks guys

  • Robert Forest

    I agree with TOM. I missed seeing them the majority of the last week, as they where not Posted on the blog. Thanks for bringing them back. I am busy during the actual live version and much appreciate being able to watch the post in the morning.

  • tom.

    awesome. it’s great that you can make these available.