The Movie Blog: Uncut Podcast - July 14th 2008

Hey there folks! Welcome to the weekly Monday installment of The Movie Blog Uncut podcast. Take off your shoes, kick back, relax and listen in as Doug and I discuss:

1) Josh Brolin and W cast get in trouble with police

2) The Dark Knight gets first couple of negative reviews and people who haven’t seen the movie go ape shit

3) XBox 360 to stream Netflix instant movies

4) Christopher Lee not reprising his Lord of the Rings role for The Hobbit

5) School of Rock 2

6) Dragonball movie making lots of changes to the original story


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    This question is for Mr. Doug Nagy: Any chance of you directing Rumpelstiltskin? I would love to see your take on the story using a Dark Knight style bank robbery to introduce the character. I laughed my ass off when you made reference to Rumpelstiltskin during your rant about Dragonball Z. The concept would be great “Forget this myth stuff.”

  • Dan

    Hey I just wanted to point this out again, but the rss feed for the podcast hasn’t been updated in a while Thanks.

  • George

    “If a bunch of critics were coming out of “Schindler’s List” and raving about how it’s the funniest movie they’ve seen this decade, then as a blogger who loved that movie myself, I’m going to warn audiences that it’s NOT a comedy.”

    What if those critics happened to be Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himler???? hhmmm??

    all bad jokes aside seriously we need the itunes feed fixed pronto.

  • RedViking4

    Is there a fix for the feed on iTunes ?

    Or at least can you comment on what is the situation on this particular problem ?


    That would be greatly appreciated.