The Movie Blog: Uncut - December 30th 2008

Hey there folks! It’s those lull days between the joyous Christmas and the frantic New Year. Today I do a solo show and talk about:

1) An update on The Anniversary

2) Guy shooting another guy for talking in a movie theater

3) Disney dropping the Narnia franchise

4) The possible delay for Watchmen and why Fox is right

5) The Spirit’s glorious failure


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  • larrdogg

    im gonna kill you all kinds of dead, just sounds so fuckin retarted

  • Joe

    Hey john just to let you know that i my self is a dragon ball fan and love the manga and the anine greatly but as a fan i acaully am not looking forward to this movie i think this is going to be a bad movie so i am one of the few fans that dont think it will be good lol

  • David Sztypuljak

    Hi John,

    Been reading your blog now for the past couple of weeks and have now found myself reading it every day. I love it. Thanks so much for all you and your team are writing about.

    Just listened to your podcast for the first time on the train on my way to work in London and really enjoyed it. Very much looking forward to your movie ‘The Anniversary’.

    Do you know how you’re going to release it? Will it be a DVD / YouTube / download and do you have a date when it needs to be completed by?

    Happy New Year!!

  • John

    Hey Paul,

    You said:

    “They’re DC Comics, owned by Warner Bros. So, that’s clearly WB property”

    That’s not correct. Fox owned the MOVIE rights to Watchmen for a long time. A judge just ruled that they still own those rights (in whole or in part)

  • Paul

    Aren’t you over blowing how much Fox owns of Watchmen? The books aren’t HarperCollins or anything like that… They’re DC Comics, owned by Warner Bros. So, that’s clearly WB property… I thought this lawsuit had to do with some Lawrence Gordon, listed as a producer on Zack Snyder’s movie. HE, from everything else I’ve read, had the rights, to make the movie, he IS making the movie. He switched studios. So, this sounds like a big Hollywood grey area. This mess is confusing as it is, you’re right all this hate shit is just plain ignorant, but saying that this is WB’s fault instead of Fox seems just as wrong. A marionette had the rights to make Watchmen, they pick it up and put it in their toybox, should they have double checked every string, of course, in hindsight it’s obvious. We don’t know ANYTHING about what’s going on, or went on behind closed doors with gobs of legal mumbo jumbo, and it really all sounds like typical Variety fodder. The story here is that a typical Hollywood lawsuit is turning into a PR nightmare.

  • John

    Hey Ninja Turtle

    They shot Crank 2 on the Canon XH A1 camera:

    They used the RED camera for the movie they just did with Gerard Butler called “Game”, but they needed a much more mobile camera for Crank 2.

  • ninja_turtle

    Hey when you were talking about crank2 and your own film what prosumer camera are they or you shooting with? A Canon xl-2 or something? I’m surprised they wouldn’t shoot with at least the new RED camera. Just wondering which camera crank2 is shooting with since i’m about to purchase a new camera to replace my old XL-1s.

  • Rare Addict

    Thanks for the podcast, John. I really did enjoy listening to this one, as you made some very good points on each issue, especially the one regarding The Spirit’s marketing campaign. Also, thanks for the kind wishes. I hope that you have an awesome New Years!

  • hisdivsha

    Actually John, The Watchmen was a series of comic books that were released on a yearly basis between 1985-1988. Since then they were compiled together as a paper back edition. I think the difference has to do with graphic novels being a one shot story in hard cover format. Peace.


    and John, bout the quotes in The Spirit ad ( i saw the same ad about 67768686 times) being from one critic, and some quotes not stating the critic, i saw an ad for The Day The Earth Stood Still (which i didn’t mind the movie too much) and in that add they did the same thing as the spirit add. Things like “mind blowing” and “action packed” (which isn’t even true cuz it had no action). But yeah they used the same thing for The Day The Earth Stood Still