Shyamalan Mulling Over Unbreakable Sequel

M-Night-ShyamalanIt appears that after a few poorly received films, Shamhammer will finally bring us the sequel that we have wanted for some time. We get his and Samuel L Jackson’s thoughts on the follow up film to Unbreakable thanks to investigation from Latino Review:

“I tell you I get asked about it all the time, so it’s not [an idea] I ever forget,” Shyamalan told MTV News. “I genuinely just asked this question the other day — should I make ‘Unbreakable 2’?”

“Every time I see [Shyamalan], he says, ‘I’ve written this thing for you,’ so I say, ‘why are you always doing these movies I’m not in?’” said Jackson.

According to both Shyamalan and Jackson, “Unbreakable” was originally intended to be a trilogy, but a series of bad reviews as well as fan and film critic misconception of Shyamalan’s work quickly tabled the idea of a possible franchise. As Jackson put it, “He was a victim of what Quentin [Tarrantino] was a victim of. ‘Jackie Brown’ is a great movie, but it’s not ‘Pulp Fiction 2.’ ‘Unbreakable’ is a great movie, but it’s not ‘I see f**king dead people.’”

It is humorous that Shamhammer was unhappy with his reviews from Unbreakable, and has since gone on to make a gaggle of films that were received far worse. If this was a remake of any other previous film I would chide Shamhammer for “going back to the well,” but in this case I am pleased. Unbreakable was said to be a trilogy from the onset and I, with you, have been waiting for the follow up film. We are now 8 years on.

This is not only welcome news from Shyamalan, but his best option. His luster has faded and his hype is gone. Completing a work that’ s unfinished not only makes sense, it’ s as good a way as any to appease his fans and safely showcase his wares anew.

Finish the trilogy Shamhammer. Do it.

  • tyrone

    A great movie and the ending was unbelievable. “Do you know what they call me?… they call me mister glass?”
    I remeber sitting there and just saying to myself. I am watching a comic book movie. roll on the sequal. but only if they can keep the integrity of the first one.

    • kody propps

      dude the last air bender movie sucked and here are some reasons

      1 they didnt even pronounce the main charectors name right
      2 the special effects sucked

  • Phoebe

    I guess a sequel to a movie that already has a fan base might seem like a safer option, but it looks risky if not desperate to me, considering how many sequels are simply disappointments on the original.

  • Kevin C

    See, I LOVE Unbreakable. To me, its the forerunner to stuff like Heroes and Batman Begins. A real world take on comic book mythos and taking the genre and turning it on its ear. I would love to see a sequel to this.

    And yeah, the Happening must have been an inside joke of Shyamalans, it was terrible. Im a fan and like most of his stuff, I even like the Village and Lady in the Water.

  • aaronk

    i’ve loved all of night’s films except the happening, it was among one of the worst things i’ve ever seen. i really love the idea of an unbreakable sequel, but i’m starting to wonder if night’s got the talent to pull it off. the happening was just so GOD awful, there was no excuse for aany of it, the story was crap, the editing, the acting…