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July 26, 2008

John Talks To The 3 Leads Of “Bitch Slap”

— Posted by John Campea

We’re down here in San Diego and as some of you may remember, we put up a video yesterday with Doug talking to the Writers and Producers of the upcoming film “Bitch Slap“. Does this film look like high cinematic art? Hell no, but the reason Doug and I are both pretty pumped for it is that it looks like just a pure jolt of fun… and I’m always up for flicks like that, and Bitch Slap looks like it could completely rule on that level.

Anyway, after Doug spoke with the filmmakers, I had a chance to “sit” down with the 3 leading ladies in the film who are:

Julia Voth - “Trixie” (who comes from Saskatoon Saskatchewan, a city I lived in for like 6 years)

Erin Cummings - “Hel”

America Olivo - “Camero”

These girls were extemely wonderful to talk to. We hung out in their hotel room for over an hour just talking about the movie and anything else you can think of. Very down to earth chicks and I hope for great things for this little flick of theirs. The video is here:

To see the official trailer you can just go here.

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Where's the video for the interview??


(Type your comment here. Make sure you've read the commenting rules before doing so)BOBBY'S GAY.


You go John! That's right...take one for the team.

The movie trailer looks awful. I'm probably never going to watch it unless I feel the urge to be teased by attractive women. :o)


Movie sounds fuckin hilarious. I haven't heard of it either till now, but sign me up!


Great interview! I loved the part where the red head (Erin?) started talking about Sorbo. Classic stuff.

I never heard of this movie till I saw this. Thanks John!


Hey Torim

Basically what Larry said above. We actually get about 10-20 emails a day from studios and PR people asking us to talk to them about their films. At Comic Con I turned down TONS of interviews (including with Randy Couture, Simon Pegg, The Watchmen roundtables, ect. ect. ect.)

You just get the see the ones I want to talk about.


I'm sold. This flick looks like fun. Brainless, but probably a lot of fun.


That was a very exciting interview. Not because they were interesting but because they were hot. Why didn't you ask them there opinion of The Dark Knight in IMAX! Good job! That was fun to watch.


@ Torim - I think you're confusing the fact that John and Doug only talk about the films they're interested with being interested in every film they talk to.

I've worked the media for comic con before and I can guarantee you that John and Doug probably have 100 movies a day that want to talk to them. I don't want to speak on their behalf, but that's probably a lot closer to the truth.

doug nagy

Hey Torim, thank you for the feedback. I cannot lie, when you get to see some of the behind the scenes stuff and meet some of the people involved in the "making of", you can naturally get excited, no doubt about it.

Does this make reviewing the film more difficult - absolutely. The question then becomes, do you abandon all interviews and set visits and just stick to reviews, or abandon all reviews and just stick to interviews and set visits? Right now we certainly are trying to strike a balance; because we want to share the whole experience of the film from crafting to viewing with our readers whenever possible. We are trying to have our cake and eat it too, and maybe this is a mistake.

In this case however, I was pumped about the film before we had a chance to interview the gang. I also feel no shame in hyping films that I'm excited about more than those that I am not - this is an opinion blog. I love exploitation films and have rambled much about my particular love for barbarian tit movies. I enjoy my job the most when I can share what I love with the readers.

In any case, thank you for keeping us honest, and continue to do so.


Boring.... I want more TRON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



i've noticed a trend in the Themovieblog, seems like every time a cast or crew member of a film takes the time out to speak to one of the writers of the themovieblog that film immediately becomes a "decent/good movie" and to "watch out for it when it hits theaters." I guess you guys are more biased to some movies than to others. (aside from movies that have a previous fan following, i.e. Transfromers) also please understand that i love themovieblog, I'm just mentioning this as a friendly argument.


Hi John thanks for all the information of the comic con its amazing! i think a saw you yesterday, where you at tj yesterday eating tacos?


It's like you've never been around girls before man lol the movie seems blah


john i wish that was me, lucky!!!


hahaha John you are a lucky man :)


cool ...but i think this movie is not my style...girls are hot yes....but not my style.


brilliant move saying it was boring haha.

Jason Angel

wow, John, what god did you please!?

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