Hamlet 2: Rock Me Sexy Jesus

We have a new video promo for the irreverent comedy Hamlet 2, thanks to the good people over at cinematical:

Hamlet 2 hits theaters on August 22, and will have a private screening at the San Diego Comic Con. With luck we will be able to get into the sneak peek at the Con and give you dudes a heads up before release.

About Rodney

who has written 8883 posts on The Movie Blog

  • Pete

    This movie doesn’t seem to be as big of a deal as you’re making it. I’m a Christian too, but I still think this movie looks funny. If you haven’t noticed BONNIE, God does seem to have a sense of humor. I mean, he did create laughter and humor both, didn’t he?

  • CC

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    My answer to Hamlet 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trSw7AQ5nkA

    PS I have seen the movie. I guess you guys just don’t get it. The people “forcing” their views on others are the people who held up The Saviour to open ridicule and mockery. I, for one, will stand for Christ. When you mock, you are only fulfilling scripture anyway. It’s like a script, and you’re following it to the letter.

  • Jason

    I don’t usually post comments but this topic interested me. As a christian I understand why so many people could be offended by this, but the fact of the matter is anyone who wants to watch this film has a right to and “Tru Christians” shouldn’t stand in judgement of anyone for it. It’s good to voice your beliefs but we should do so without sounding condescending, afterall one of the things that gives us the right to be christians gives everyone else the right not to be. In reply to the comment by nice girls get laid too “Why does it bother Christians like Stephanie Schneider if other people view films like this? Why can’t Christians focus on their own lives and their own peers (other Christians) and families? Why do Christians insist upon preaching their religion to anyone who doesn’t believe in it?” The reason isn’t to be preachy, it’s in hopes of helping are fellow man. As christians we believe that if you don’t obey the laws of god you don’t go to heaven, and no christian wants to see other people (whether we know them or not) not go to heaven. I understand your statement because it would be aggrevating if other people stood around and forced there beliefs on me, I’m just trying to point out that maybe there trying to help in there own way. So to christians out there if you don’t want to watch the movie don’t (I’m not) but don’t make it sound like the people that are will be burning in hell, because nobody makes that call but Jesus himself.


  • Ryry


    Thank you for being the voice of reason. In all honesty, my comments did tend to get a little too personal. This is completely apart from the fact that some people are sure to find this movie hilarious. I sure am going to enjoy it. However, I may point out that I did not attack anybody’s religious beliefs. I do not think in any way that Christianity or any other religion for that matter are pointless or unnecessary. On the contrary, I have a history of strict Catholic upbringings, and I’ve seen religion working in the best of ways for people all over the world. I simply disagree with individuals who pose views which are general, and the thought that everyone must share the exact same views. If this is what BONNIE (and again I’m sorry for being so harsh) and anyone who shares her opinions really want, they should work on a larger scale (global peace and the general advancement of the world) rather than concentrating on a movie that I’m planning on seeing regardless of what they tell me. I feel that arguing with me and anyone who feels the same way as I is pointless. I am, however, using this opportunity to teach a lesson; This movie will not topple the Christian way of life. Those who oppose the movie should simply avoid it. Preaching against it is simply adding fuel to the fire. Please do not feel this to be in any way sarcastic. I’m sorry. Please try to understand what it is I’m saying and perhaps we will soon be able to accept each others opinions.

    Respectfully yours,

  • annonymous

    ok…if your gonna bag on anyone, at least be funny. this movie is completly not funny…unless your high or drunk im sure. Can anyone be funny without making fun of people? and you know what…they’re not even funny? please respect that other people have beliefs, and if you don’t that’s fine…but thats not a reason to make fun of the people who do believe in Jesus Christ.

  • Ryry

    Dear sweet innocent BONNIE. Tisk tisk. Really? Is that your argument? My dear, have you heard the song? It is not dirty in the least. Surely there is slight profanity, but nothing “dirty.” The idea is that Jesus is sexy, not that he’s engaging in sexual acts. 1-0 my favor. Point number two: associating a religious symbol with rock music is “SICK, DECADENT, and DEMENTED.” Well, my dear sweet simple BONNIE, have you not heard of Christian rock bands? I’m rather a fan of Switchfoot. 2-0 me. However, your ideas which I’m assuming are meant to mimic “Rock Me Sexy Jesus” are just too clever. I refuse to believe you’ve come up with such clever parodies on your own. I must admit, they’re quite good, and I should imagine I would be just as tickled to see fully staged show numbers such as these in Hamlet 2. So, should you decide in the future to become a writer or a producer, you, my dear BONNIE, shall be able to atone for your obnoxious ways and… you know what? I’m wasting my time. BONNIE, you’re wrong!


    PS: You spelled squeal wrong. Haha!

  • Bonnie

    It doesn’t matter if you are a religious person or not…JUST THE VERY THOUGHT of taking a symbol of someone or some thing from the beliefs of a religous group and turning it into something dirty & associating it with rock music is SICK, DECADENT and DEMENTED!!!! What will we have next……a movie called “Spread your legs for Allah” or a song called “Bend over Budda and squill like a pig” or “Mary….was an awsome mother______” or “Jew me down for Abraham”… THESE PEOPLE ARE PATHETIC!!!!!

  • Ryry

    Oh my sexy Jesus! Nice Girls, are my new favorite person! Well spoken. I COMPLETELY agree!

    Side note: Jesus had a sense of humor. Ever hear of the Wandering Jew?

  • Oliver

    come on people, most christians don’t even know what christ was really like, he cared more about helping people than being mocked or made fun of. that’s what makes him so cool. he went about doing good and when people mocked him, he told them not to worry about it. i don’t think jesus would be offended by this, why should you? if you don’t like it don’t go see it, other wise, ligten up and go rent “life of brian”