Drag Me To Hell Picture

We get a sneak peek at Sam Raimi’s upcoming picture Drag Me To Hell today thanks to our good friends over at moviesonline:

It looks like the above picture may be a shot of the old witch casting a curse upon the girl!

In Drag Me To Hell Raimi looks like he is returning to his roots with a world full of hexes and magic! I am excited to see what he has in store for us with his one, and see what fate befalls Ms. Lohman! May 29, 2009 is the release date for this bad boy and we will be sure to keep you abreast of the progress!

  • Obi-Wan Kubrick

    As long as Raimi stays away from Spider-Man I am happy.

  • Dragonslayer

    That’s coming along fine.

  • leeloo

    dream sequence.

  • cib3k

    It looks like the above picture may be a shot of the old hag screwing the girl with a big strap-on!