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July 22, 2008

Christian Bale Allegedly Assaults His Own Family

— Posted by Rodney

We have peculiar news today that is strange beyond belief. It appears that Christian Bale has been arrested for asaulting his own mother and sister! We get wind of this news from the professionals at Variety:

Batman star Christian Bale was arrested Tuesday on allegations of assault, police said. British media had reported that Bale’s mother and sister complained they were assaulted by the 34-year-old actor at the Dorchester Hotel in London on Sunday night, a day before the European premiere of “The Dark Knight.”

The women made the allegation at a local police station in Southern England on Monday, Britain’s Press Association news agency said. It said the allegation was then passed on to the Metropolitan Police in London.

I think Bale is an incredible actor, and I find it very upsetting that his career could be affected, because he punched out his sister and mother in a hotel. I am hoping that this news turns out to be false, maybe the onion is the source of the news……but it doesn’t seem like it.

Few things are worse for your public image than beating up your mother, throwing a sister into the equation certainly doesn’t help things. All of this nonsense makes Tom Cruise’s outbursts look incredibly mild in comparison. This is very bad news and who knows what the fallout will be at this point. As bad as it is to say, I hope a massive amount of drugs were involved; at least that gives him an excuse. If he was sober, it’s all the more sinister.

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