Che Poster

We have the poster for Che to show you this afternoon thanks to our friends over at In Contention.


Benicio Del Toro looks pretty bad ass as Che Guevara. As a Canadian communist sympathizer I am very interested in seeing this film, it’s scheduled for release sometime in 2008 but no specific date has been locked down. If no one picks it up for distrobution, I will have to hunt it down on DVD.

  • Austin

    “Do we all really need a history lesson?!”

    Unfortunately, assuming a competency in history on the part of a modern North American / Western internet audience is a losing proposition. Especially on a website devoted to movies.

    Given that the most cogent defense of Communism to be seen on these pages is (paraphrase) “it looks good on paper,” I think expecting much reasonable analysis is setting yourself up for disappointment.

    BTW, for those who are interested (and I don’t know many are): no, it doesn’t “look good on paper.” It looks just as insidious in theory as it does in application.

  • shotty

    che is not from cuba-tvo

  • Amiga

    For more info on The Argentine and Guerrilla, and on Benicio Del Toro visit

  • T-Vo

    Ok, let me rephrase that since in Cube the government pretty much brainwashes propaganda onto the people. In Miami, you will not find a Che shirt. If its so repected than why is the government so scare of their athlete defecting every time they place abroad? And Athletes are probably treated the best in Cuba.
    Che, Mao, Lenin…all are immortalized in their cities. Does this make them all good men? Do we all really need a history lesson?!

  • shotty

    Che is a god in cuba! communism is respected in cuba. go there and see for yourself. does anyone know one thing that miami cubans have in common? and tvo, you cannot walk an inch in havana without seeing a “trendy” che shirt or statue or some kind of memorial to the great man.