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Why Watchmen is Such a Big Deal

By Rodney - December 30, 2008 - 23:47 America/Montreal

MySpace offers up an exclusive video with Director Zack Snyder geeking it out while explaining why Watchmen is such a different type of superhero film.

I find it interesting that the media buzz machine is still alive and while in regards to this project. It is a small reminder that WB isn’t giving up (even if they have to give up a pile of money to Fox)

Seeing this little bit isn’t news to the uberfans and comic geeks like me. We get why the Watchmen is a great story. But I like that they share this glimpse into who and what the Watchmen are and what this story will be about.

Every time they show a scene from the movie I get a chill. Ripped right off the pages. Exactly.

Damn I hope this gets resolved soon!


  1. Slushie Man says:

    Yay for double-articles!

    lol, that’s ok Rodney, I liked your version of the article better then John’s, lol.

  2. THINKHERO.COM says:

    It’s ironic that MySpace which is owned by Fox is showing this exclusive video. So Fox is suing to get Watchmen delayed from Warner Bros, yet their property Myspace is promoting the movie they want to get delayed.



    please dont release in 2010


    ozymandias is the absolute best

  5. ScreenRant.com says:

    I don’t know about here on TMB, but over at Screen Rant I find the lack of comments and pageviews on Watchmen posts more than a little disconcerting.

    Is it because the marketing machine hasn’t kicked into overdrive? Or is it possible that this film might not find an audience outside of us in the rabid fanboy community?


  6. AARON says:

    now this gets me all the more excited for Watchmen!

    And I agree with Hazmat, they better not release it in 2010

  7. Bruce79 says:

    After reading the comic, I really want to see this movie. But I’m a little bit worried that the CGI Doc Manhattan will be a bit distracting.



    be like ozymandias…..do it 35 minutes ago…

    “i did it 35 minutes ago”

  9. Uber Barrett says:

    i saw this little bit in the theater quite some time ago. before Fox won their case.

  10. AARON says:

    lol Hazmat, but I cannot wait for this movie, it looks better than……dare I say it……….anyone guess what i was going to say, but don’t kill me

  11. frankwolftown says:

    “I find it interesting that the media buzz machine is still alive and while in regards to this project. It is a small reminder that WB isn’t giving up (even if they have to give up a pile of money to Fox)” -Rodeny

    There’s no such thing as bad publicity! Screw Fox, bring on the orifginal release date!

  12. Michael Dean says:

    The video is on FOX’s site cuz it’s a FOX movie. Do you think WB is paying FOX to promote this movie??

  13. Joe says:

    Yeah, what if super hero’s really existed. What would they think! Damn, these are important questions.

  14. THINKHERO.COM says:


    That is also a concern of mine. While the diehards(like myself) love Watchmen, I wonder about it’s appeal to a mass audience, especially since it will be Rated R, and anyone who’s read it, knows it’s not an action oriented narrative.


  15. AARON says:

    this is going to be FREAKING awesome

  16. Audioout says:

    Yeah, sad to say but I expect the film to fail overall much the same way Grindhouse did, especially if it gets anywhere near the release date for Transformers 2.

  17. Darek-T says:

    great now I’m actualy getting excited to see this right as it is probalbuy about to get dealyed. The second movie i’ve found a new interest in that WB is causing to be delayed

  18. Bender Bending Rodriguez says:

    this movie’ll be the shit,and oh fuck fox

  19. Rodney says:


    So why should we “fuck fox” if you are so sure this movie will be shit anyways?

    I don’t follow your logic.

  20. Titanium says:

    I’m fed up with the video automatically playing when i visit the movieblog! anyway you guys can set it to start by clicking the link?


  21. Rodney says:

    Unfortunately it is the format they set the video in. It will be gone once we have enough posts to move it off the first page.

    We try to avoid these types of clips that we cannot control the playsettings on. If I could find this clip on YouTube I would have posted it.

  22. joe says:

    this kinda opened my eyes to the “how groundbreaking watchmen is” deal

  23. vargas says:

    Every time I see new information about this story I get more excited about the film but the looming legal battle ahead really makes me fear for the whole project.

    It may very well be tied up in legal limbo for years. :(

  24. chris anderson says:

    I have just finished this book, got it for xmas. I’ve become a die hard graphic novel writer at after how succesful synder was of bringing 300 to the screen from the book, this movie looks like it will be one of the biggest movies of the year. Truly, even just the trailer you get the exact feel you get from the book. I can’t wait and yes I hope fox and warner can solve this

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