Transformers: PCs Vs Macs

Posted by John Campeaon 26. 12. 2008in News Chat

I used to be a PC guy and HATED Macs. But when the new Intel versions came out about 2 years ago, I was needing a new laptop and decided to get one of the new Macbooks just to try it out. I’ll never go back. When I needed a new Desktop I picked up the new iMac. I am now a Mac guy for life. Everyone has their own preferences and that’s cool.

I’m also a major Transformers freak as most of you know, so when Movie Blog reader Simon sent me the heads up on this little video, I just had to share it with you guys:

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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44 Responses to “Transformers: PCs Vs Macs”

  1. anon2008 says:

  2. Frank says:

    This is a pretty sick video, man. I like that they went all out with the special effects, too. The PC Will Rule Again!

  3. Alfredo says:

    @ frank

    I believe PC’s have been established as the bad guys and evil must crushed no matter what the cost!!! (I’m typing this on a mac so admittedly I’m biased)

  4. obi-wan kubrick says:

    Extremely well done. I couldn’t stop laughing. They should make the sequel with the 2001 G4 Cube Mac as a tiny transformer.

  5. Royal says:

    John, thanks for the post. That was sweet! Kudos to the team behind the vid. Really amazing stuff. The next Transformers movie could learn one very valuable lesson from this vid: KEEP THE HUMANS IN THE BACKGROUND.

  6. obi-wan kubrick says:

    Royal, I couldn’t agree anymore. The biggest flaw in the Transformers movie was that it focused way to much on the humans. I would have named it “The Shia LeBouf comedy movie with a few robots”.

  7. Andy S says:


  8. Ed P. says:

    I like them both PCs and Macs - they have their uses. Oh, and, Macs are NOT virus-proof.

    Nice student project!

  9. aaron says:

    yeah PC is better, i think


    oh yeha i hate mac…nothign to do with this post or this video but

    macs just suck….ive always had a PC and yes, ive used countless macs because i was in situations were i had no choice….and im 100% sure PCs are just superior


    happy boxing day!

  12. John says:

    Hey Hazmat,

    Just curious what you like better about the PCs? Is it the constant crashing? The endless bug fixes? The bloat? The viruses and Trojans or is it something else? :)


    actually, i know youre talkign in general, but my PC never does any of that. and neither do the ones at my local library, but im sure that youre talking about some you may have used and have a bad experience with in the past

    thing is
    PCs are easy to use for me, im SO USED to using PC and when i use macs it seems so different so that makes it seem difficult and i get frustrated and close it concluding in my head “macs fucking suck”

    i find myself having trouble doing things like copy and paste or dragging pictures from one place to another and once it erased 200 of my songs and a bunch of files from my USB drive because i just pulled it out..i know, thats my own ignorance but im used to having that NOT happen in my PC which doesnt clear your USB thing if you take it out

  14. Bobby says:

    The same old tune played by the typical PC users, lol:
    “macs just suck”

    Also it’s so funny how PC users all claim MINE doesn’t crash, yeah right, sing us another one mary. Us Mac users aren’t the ones missing out and being biased. There’s a real reason we use a Mac, a legitimate few reasons actually and it’s not because we’re “forced” to use it either. I have both and i leave the PC for the lady to use.


    i said mine doesnt crash
    and never in my life has my computer OR my laptop crashed
    so instead of saying “all” just say “most” because my PC never gives me trouble, and every time i touch a mac i get pissed off

  16. bobsyeruncle says:

    Outstanding FX - holy crap! And, I agree that the producers wisely minimized the role of humans, but went one better and recruited humans who can’t act! Did those two just take the bus over after their shift at Burger King?

  17. Frank says:

    As a lifelong PC user, I must say that you Hazmat are the luckiest PC owner I have ever heard of. I dislike Macs for the same reasons you stated, but there’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with a PC that has being infected by spyware or whatever. You can have the strongest Anti-Virus software in the market and somehow still get infected. Still, I don’t think I can do what John did and switch to Mac because for me is about staying with what’s familiar, however frustrating it is. Maybe someday.

  18. Simon says:

    Welcome to the mac club you will never go back to the dark side. John and I am Happy you like the video. When I saw it. I told my self send to John.

  19. Kristina says:

    I’ve used PC for years. I have nothing against Macs. I don’t think they suck, but I just like my PC and have no need for a switch to a Mac.


    “the luckiest PC owner I have ever heard of”

    seriously? so im guessing a lot of you guys have had problems with your PCs
    that sucks man
    well mine hasnt had any problems ever

    now im scared you fuckers jinxed me

  21. Mike Mai says:

    pffff…Ai students, bad actors.

    i run a mac lab and macs have a fuck load of problems too. nothing is perfect in this world. macs don’t get viruses…yet, because nobody fucking makes them, mac users only account to what, 2 to 5% of all computer users, what’s the point of making viruses for macs? neither “macs are better than PCs” or “PCs are better than macs” has any substantial facts to it. stop being ignorant.

  22. agentdoodles says:

    That’s why I bought a Mac…nobody else makes them…Awesome!…hackers can’t be bothered…more smooth sailing for me…People!…keep buying PC…less problems for John and I…:)

  23. Frank says:

    @Mike Mai

    Nobody is being ignorant, bro. So why don’t YOU stop indulging in douchebaggery and realize that you are not comment-section cool because you think that your knowledge on the field of computers somehow puts you above this discussions. People are just stating their opinion about their preferred computer/operating system. That’s it. Then there’s this, “pffff…Ai students, bad actors.” Really? Come on…You seriously need to calm the fuck down.

  24. DG Music says:

    It’s simple really…

    Macs are communist.

    PC’s are democrat.

    What does that mean? With a PC you have the ability to customize and adjust your entire workspace however you want, giving you the freedom to do things faster and easier. With a Mac you’re forced to use the same layout and programs that everyone else would.

    I’m a music composer/sound designer, I work in my own studio from home, and I’ve always used a PC. I’ve tried converting to Mac but it simply can’t be done for me because of how much effort it takes to work quickly. It just feels like a chore when I use it. Plus a majority of software which I use and feel comfortable with, is PC only. In my line of work I have to meet very tight deadlines (music for ads) and everything easily comes together with a PC.

    Also, PC’s only get viruses if you use them for internet access. I use mine for work only and it is MUCH MUCH better than a Mac. For internet access I have another machine beside it (the one I’m on right now) which I use to go on the net/download any updates I need.

    I understand most people wouldn’t be able to afford this kind of setup, but in my own opinion, PC’s are much easier and generally better for work.

  25. DG Music says:

    By the way, so I don’t make any enemies…my point really was that it really depends on what you need a computer for. If it’s for accessing the net, it might be a mac because of its lack of viral..ness. If it’s for entertainment, your choice again. And if it’s for work, it depends on what kind of work you do. For me personally…Macs just dumb down my creativity.



    okay okay what dj music is trying to say is that mac fucking blows

    and ill translate his 2nd comment too

    fuck off its my opinion and my first comment stands: fuck mac

  27. DG Music says:

    thanks man…I love you

  28. Mike Mai says:


    i think you need to calm the fuck down. anybody would agree the people in this video are bad actors, they are Ai students, untrained actors. i don’t see anything wrong stating the fact.

    and i was just saying, all of you who says “PC blows” or “macs suck” don’t really have substantial facts to back it up. so they are being ignorant. there’s a difference between expressing your opinions and straight hating.

    and i dont need to be “comment-section cool”. what is this? high school? grow up, frank

  29. finaljoe says:

    “Just curious what you like better about the PCs? Is it the constant crashing? The endless bug fixes? The bloat? The viruses and Trojans or is it something else? :)”

    John. I worked with computers, first programming then repair, for ten years and I have never heard of the term “bloat” in reference to PCs. What are you talking about?

    I personally would never recommend a MAC to anyone. They are good for video editing. That’s it. Most of the people who brought their MACs in for repair were women who thought it looked pretty.

    PCs are more versatile, more user-friendly, cheaper, have a far larger catalogue of software and are safe unless you are a complete retard about opening spam e-mail attachments.

    Not to mention that Apple software are the biggest processing hogs in the history of computing.

  30. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I compare the argument of PCs being cheaper than Mac’s to comparing cars. Sure a Kia and Toyota do the exact same thing but the Toyota cost more. You pay for better quality in each example.

  31. Christian says:

    Great video! I loved that part when the robot runs faster on XP. That cracked me up.

    PC guy here. I just love building my own machines which can play the games I want.

  32. Bobby says:

    You can do the same thing on Mac, well building your own machine. Just because the Macbooks and iMacs are the most popular and often mentioned ones doesn’t mean you can’t buy a tower and customize it. They do need to update their towers though, they seem to be stuck in one class only recently, the two i mentioned above. The only thing i hate about being an Apple owner is that they update their line-ups way to damn quickly so your always behind it seems.

  33. Frank says:

    @Mike Mai

    “anybody would agree the people in this video are bad actors, they are Ai students, untrained actors. i don’t see anything wrong stating the fact.”
    [Sarcasm] Really? Get the fuck outta here. I did not notice that. At all. [/Sarcasm]
    That was the point I was trying to make by saying that you need to calm down. Your comment about the inferior acting in the video seemed unnecessary and it read, to me anyway, as overly pretentious. Like, no fucking shit the acting sucks, but that wasn’t the point of the video.
    And about the other stuff. Yes, a few people said “PC sucks!” or “Mac sucks!” without backing up their statement, but for the most part people here are just arguing based on their own personal experiences with PC or Macs so calling EVERYONE ignorant was uncalled for, too. Not that I took offense by that. Honestly I don’t even know why the fuck did I even bother replying to your comment in the first place.

  34. Mike Mai says:

    read my comments again, not anywhere i said EVERYONE. don’t know why you replied? if you dont have a reason to reply then dont fucking bother, you’re just starting unnecessary shit calling me “douchebag” and “not cool”. fucking high school.


    if he didnt reply im sure i would have dropped my 2 cents on your comment and it would have been less pleasant then FRANKs who unlike me has some great self control

    usually my comemnts towards retarded people get deleted right away…john doesnt aprove of them…

  36. Slushie Man says:

    “Is it the constant crashing? The endless bug fixes? The bloat? The viruses and Trojans or is it something else?”

    As long as you actually take care of your computer, it doesn’t crash. Mine has only crash twice in the three years I’ve had it, and one of those times was my own damn fault for running WAY too many programs at once, knowing it could probably crash as a result.

    I’ve also never had any problems with viruses, worms, or trojans. My system automatically runs my spyware and virus scans while I’m at work, and very rarely do they come up with anything. And when they do, its mostly because I had been browsing porn sites the night before, lol. Again, my own fault, lol.


    mine never has viruses and i use limewire mininova and i watch movies at ssupload

    although i havent used those in years, but when i did i never got viruses or anything

  38. EricD says:

    That video looks like it was a lot of work to make something really boring.

  39. Raptoredge says:

    The point of the film: PCs rule the world, like it or not. Imagine what will happen when they transform.

    P.S. Im not a PC freak, i actualy use three different operative systems. I’m just being logic.

  40. DG Music says:


    calm down people…yewz freakin’ me out with how seemingly important this topic is. It’s a really fun, interesting student film…and this topic really has no resolve because different OS appeals to different people for (usually) personal reasons.

    And in case anyone ever took this personally…get those pants off, I’ll sit down and suck your gnorak the barbarian and then we can all be happy.

    Except for me…but that’s the sacrifice I’m willing to make dogmadnit!

  41. DG Music says:

    …anyone see the fallout 3 reference in there?

  42. watch drama online says:

    A very funny video, I think Mac is for some professional people, such as designer, but for ordinary people, PC more suitable, the softwares and games on PC is more than MAC.

  43. nautica says:

    john, you’re a mac user?? i will never disagree with your opinions again! :)

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