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The Wrestler Review

» Review

The Wrestler Review

By John - December 9, 2008 - 01:59 America/Montreal

Thanks for checking out our The Wrestler review

Sin City gave notice to the film world that Mickey Rourke was back when he gave his great (and in my opinion best in the whole movie) performance as Marv. But let’s face it, not a lot of people are going to give tons of acting credit for anything you do in a film like Sin City. Fair enough. But a while ago word came out the his performance in this new movie “The Wrestler” was going to shock a lot of people and perhaps even garner some awards consideration.

Add on top of all that the fact that I grew up watching wrestling like a religion when I was a kid and I was hooked and dying to see this flick. Not to mention the fact that it wasn’t just Rourke getting awards buzz… lots of festivals and movie websites have been buzzing about this film in general. So is it as good as everyone says it is? I’m going to get tarred and feathered for saying this… but… no. It’s not.


The synopsis for The Wrestler looks something like this: “An all-but-unrecognizable Mickey Rourke stars as an aging Hulk Hogan-inspired professional wrestler, desperately trying to hold onto his larger-then-life glory days of the 80s. In a parallel plotline, Marisa Tomei costars as an aging stripper, also holding onto her youth as long as she can. Shot with ample use of hand-held, documentary-style cameras, Rourke and Tomei give outstanding performances in challenging roles (Rourke reportedly bulked up 35 pounds for the part), while director Darren Aronofsky succeeds in showing the grittier, human sides of both professional wrestling and the stripping life without resorting to trickery or pandering to emotion. The Wrestler has an honest, kick-in-the-gut feel, much like life itself. While often violent and not for the faint at heart, the flick is also realistic and pulls off the nearly impossible: making an exceedingly watchable, interesting, and entertaining movie about the drama that is professional wrestling.”


As mentioned in the introductory paragraph, Mickey Rourke really is everything that everyone says he is in this movie. Dear heavens… I don’t think any actor has been able to make me FEEL for his character this year like Mickey Rourke did in The Wrestler. You like him, root for him, your heart aches for him… you just get totally attached to this character and as a result get emotionally attached to the film as a whole. I don’t know that he should WIN the Oscar this year (this is turning out to be a damn good year for the lead actor category), but there is something certainly wrong if he doesn’t at least get nominated. Yeah… he was that damn good in it.

Marisa Tomei will also get an Oscar nomination this year (supporting actress). She plays probably the most realistic stripper (who is also the quasi-love interest for Rourke) I’ve ever seen on screen. And yes I know what I’m about to say is incredibly sexist… but holy hell she’s naked for half of it and I swear this woman just keeps getting hotter and hotter with age. DAMN!


I don’t want to nitpick too much here so I’ll just be general. Despite the amazing performances of both Rourke and Tomei, I was bored to tears through this flick and found nothing entertaining about it. It felt like they did everything right to lay the foundation for a great flick… but then did nothing but continue to lay foundation without ever actually getting around to the movie itself. It felt like a movie of subplots with nothing left to drive it overall. There was nothing wrong with the dialog, there was nothing wrong with the acting… but there was flat out no story. Just premise. I kept waiting for the movie to start, but it never did. Not to mention the film is filled with so many cliches we’ve seen far too many times “But this is all I know how to do” yadda yadda yadda. And holy crap it has a stupider ending that the Sopranos.


I am in the VAST minority… I did not like The Wrestler at all. The individual performances were breathtaking, but that doesn’t save the movie in the least for me. Truly disappointing. Overall I give The Wrestler a 4 our of 10. But seriously folks… keep in mind I’m the only guy I know who didn’t like this film, so you may want to check it out anyway.


  1. DErTek says:

    so when i pay to go see it I’ll be paying for performances rather than story.

  2. PADTHAI says:

    yea probably cuz this movie wasn’t made for you. it’s an arthouse film made for critics. this isn’t going to make hundreds of millions of dollars so you probably won’t care about it.

  3. hecticstairs says:

    only one way to find out

  4. sean dailey says:

    so it’s not better than wanted then?

  5. The Dude says:

    Hey John,

    I’m really excited about this movie, it looks like it’s going to be really great and all the other reviews I’ve read just pretty much label it the second coming. No problem that you didn’t like it, that’s normal, but your review is a contradiction.

    First, you say:
    “The Wrestler has an honest, kick-in-the-gut feel, much like life itself. While often violent and not for the faint at heart, the flick is also realistic and pulls off the nearly impossible: making an exceedingly watchable, interesting, and entertaining movie about the drama that is professional wrestling.”

    Then, in your conclusion, you say:
    ” I did not like The Wrestler at all. The individual performances were breathtaking, but that doesn’t save the movie in the least for me. Truly disappointing.”

    First you say it’s entertaining and then that you didn’t like it at all. I’m very confused by your review!

  6. DG Music says:

    Hmm…waiting for the dvd release then.

    Surprised it’s not as great as people say though…

  7. sean dailey says:

    one guy doesn’t like it and suddenly “it’s not as great as people say.” i think that’s a bit of a stretch. john’s got a pretty spotty record when it comes to reviews.

  8. Jack Falvey says:

    I, for one, loved this film dearly. I actually sat in a screening with Aronofsky and grew up with the WWF when I was younger and I thought this film was not only perfectly executed but a shoe in for a Best Picture nod.

  9. Jared says:

    @ Sean - John has a great record when it comes to reviews. I come here because he always gives straight honest opinions and doesn’t do what a lot of other critics do which is just say what’s popular to hear.

    Just because his reviews don’t match up with your opinion doesn’t mean his is spotty. By the way, where is your movie blog with hundreds of reviews so I can go review it and see how spotty your opinion is?

  10. DG Music says:

    @ Sean Dailey

    When I say ‘it’s not as great as people say’ I don’t mean ‘oh John says its shit so it must be shit’…
    I go to the cinema to have a fun entertaining experience…if I’m not 100 percent sure that the film will entertain me then I won’t bother wasting my money. And the only way I can be 100 percent sure is if I read the reviews and see what people say about it.

    And personally I trust John’s reviews because I tend to have a similar taste in films.

    : D

  11. Darren J Seeley says:

    “but holy hell she’s naked for half of it and I swear this woman just keeps getting hotter and hotter with age. DAMN!”

    Her previous film was ‘Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead” where she spent half her screen time topless. I now wonder if they had to trim ‘Wild Hogs’ for a PG-13 …

  12. John says:

    Hey The Dude,

    I didn’t contradict myself, but I can see how you thought I did. The first bit of text you mention is from the synopsis of the film that I just quoted.

    The second bit of text you mentioned is my opinion.

    Easy mistake.

  13. DC says:

    I can’t wait to see this movie! I saw the trailer and instantly knew I had to go. Incidentally it was in the previews for another very under appreciated ‘personal reflection’ flick, the wonderful ‘JCVD’!


  14. The Dude says:

    Hey John,

    Ha, missed the quotes, my mistake. I should pay closer attention to what I’m reading if I’m going to comment.

    Good review, although I have a feeling I’m going to like the movie more than you did.

    Good to have you back :)

  15. Kristina says:

    Like Jack, I also grew up with the WWF (now WWE) and I’m interested in seeing this film. Sucks that John hated it.

    But I’m so excited now because I just found out that my local artsy theater has FINALLY gotten Let The Right One In!!! YESSSSS!!!!

  16. John A. says:

    I hate to disagree with you John but there is a hell of a lot going on in The Wrestler. Sure what was happening may have bored you but to say that there was no story is to do the movie injustice.

    Without going into too many details this is the story of a man coming to terms with his and the loss of his health. His whole identity revolves around around his persona and without his health he is unable to be what every one sees. The story is him trying to come to terms with this. He does it by reaching out to the few people he actually feels a “real” connection to (his daughter and the stripper).

    I don’t mean this to sound like an accusation but were you hoping for more of a “wrestling” story with the good hero wrestler overcoming the bad wrestler? This isn’t what Aronofsky was going for. He was going for a very personal story. Its a shame you didn’t enjoy it but too each his own I guess. I personally think its one of the better movies this year.

  17. aaron says:

    I really thought the Wrestler would be good..hearing alot of bad things lately.

  18. John says:

    Hey John A

    Man, don’t feel back about disagreeing with me. That’s the beauty of film man.

    But like I said, everything that was done in The Wrestler just felt like setting up a premise for the movie… without the movie. No, I certainly wasn’t looking for an action movie with pro wrestlers. I was very much looking forward to seeing a movie that it seemed it was going to be. I just thought it was wasted. All idea with no execution. All premise with no narative. All concept with no direction.

    But as I mentioned in my review, I’m very aware that I’m the only person who thinks so.

  19. Meli says:

    Bummer that you were bored, but sometimes that’s the way it goes, at least you can objectively recongize the actors performances.

    Personally I can’t wait to see this movie its on the short list of movies I actually plan to see in the theaters.

  20. Brandon says:

    It’s a shame that we’re not getting it here in Fort McMurray..however, I doubt I’d be able to get my wife to go to this one anyway..

    I am interested in seeing it. This might sound insane but I’ve only seen Mickey Rourke in Sin City..and that’s it. So, I’m open to seeing him in more films.

  21. sean dailey says:

    @ jared

    i started really questioning john’s reviews after he gave “wanted” a higher rating than “the dark knight”. i’m not a die-hard dark knight fanboy or anything, but “wanted” was a complete waste of time, as was transformers.

    @ dg music

    everything i’ve read about “the wrestler” (i haven’t seen it yet) has been resoundingly positive. look at john’s other reviews: i find it hard to believe that “the wrestler” is only one point better than “the love guru.”

  22. Jared says:

    @ Sean - So let me get this straight. Because John has a different opinion then yours on The Dark Knight vs Wanted, you accuse his reviews of being “spotty”?

    I personally agree with you that Knight is better than Wanted, but to me, TMB’s reviews are consistently fair, honest and for my taste more accurate than not. Just because I don’t always agree doesn’t mean his opinions are suddenly “spotty”.

    Like I said, I bet if you or I put all our opinions on every movie up online for everyone to see, we’d have thousands of people accusing us of being “spotty”

  23. The Dude says:

    @Sean Daily

    No one’s asking you to bow down and accept John’s review. He said it himself, he’s in the minority and film is very subjective. If you’re going to consistently put down his reviews and opinions, then stop reading them.

    Often I don’t agree with John’s reviews or opinions, but he always manages to make me consider a film in a new way or see the other side of the coin a little more clearly.

  24. Devon says:

    I’m still look forward to seeing this when I get a chance, but it’s nice to see that John isn’t afraid to go against the trend and buy into the hype when reviewing a movie.

  25. EZELL says:

    Rambo got a 5.5 outof 10 this funny but Rambo was good for what it was not an Oscar Winner.

  26. probitionate says:

    Well John, back in February of last year, I commented about having read the script…and not being all that impressed. So don’t feel too bad about not being blown away by the film.

  27. sean dailey says:

    meh, didn’t intend to get into a whole thing here. i’m just saying i often disagree with john’s reviews so i don’t take them that seriously. we clearly have different taste in movies. but i haven’t been “consistently putting down his reviews.” i did it one time, in this forum, and cited a few examples. i mean, he doesn’t have to agree with everyone else by any stretch, but here is a list of movies john has rated higher than “the wrestler” (which currently stands with a 100% on RT):

    punisher: war zone (7/10)
    death race (6.5/10)
    the house bunny (4.5/10)
    jumper (tie, 4/10)

    like i said, he’s free to like or dislike any movie and write all about it. i thought “crash” was manipulative, ham-fisted tripe. the academy thought otherwise. but have some sort of consistency in your system.

  28. Chris says:

    Honestly, I stopped caring and almost altogether reading his reviews of film. As was pointed out, he doesn’t seem very consistent. John seems like one of the devils advocate types (from time to time) who tend to take the opposite view of a majority for shock value or just for it’s “against the grain” quality for discussion sake. In no way am I implying he’s a liar, or con. I’m basing my thoughts off of folks I know who are the same way. They seem very similar to me. I’m sure I have it all wrong and I hope that I am.

    That being said, I really enjoy this site and is one of the top 3 I visit for Movie INFORMATION and such. Just not for the reviews.

  29. George says:

    sean daily you are fucking spot on about crash. ghastly over written garbage

  30. Jim Boe says:

    got to agree with JohnZDelorean on this Johns reviews are pretty damn bad if its not a big blockbuster or involve superheros or comics it seems to automatically be give a 5 or less but i guess thats what you should expect

  31. Joey F. says:

    John, sorry to say but i have temporarily lost all respect for your film critisism (until I actually see the film). You enjoy trash like Twilight that anyone over the age of 14 would simply ignore and give a movie for which I haven’t read a negative review yet a 4 ??? Is this for schock value or is your appreciation of movies limited to lame fluff like Transformers and Star Wars. Sure your opinion is yours and I can’t fault you for it but how can any serious movie buff take you seriously ? I apologize in advance because I haven’t seen the movie but I refuse to believe it’s only worth a 4. Unfortunately I have come to accept that your bias for “big” movies with tons of effects and limited plots or characters is flat out embarassing. Sorry John, still love the site but I will never take any of your reviews seriously. Nevertheless, good luck with your movie, I wish you the best. One love.

  32. Joey F. says:

    And by the way, your review IS a contradiction in some ways. How can you say that no other actor this year made you love and care about a character more than Rourke and then say you were bored to tears. Regardless of performances, if a movie bores you that should mean that you don’t give two shits about any of the characters. And your review is devoid of any actual cristism other than “I was bored”. How could you say that it’s worth 2 oscar nominations and there’s nothing actually wrong with it, but since you were bored it only deserves a 4 ? Beyond strange. Again, it’s all in good fun and I’m not trying to insult even if that’s what it sounds like. Reminds me of when I went to see “There Will Be Blood” with 2 friends. I loved it while my friends tried to convince me that there was nothing to it other than a great performance. Sometimes you need to look a little deeper to appreciate art. I got pissed because instead of reflecting on the themes, they complained that there was no story. If it’s not for you that’s fine but don’t say there’s no story. Great stories are filled with ambiguity. I guess some people can;t accept that.

  33. John says:

    To all the sheep:

    Look, all film is subjective. That means we will all see different things when we look at a film.

    It seems like some people just want to be sheep and expect everyone else to be sheep too. I can’t believe there are people who have never seen “The Wrestler” on this board who are critisizing my review of it. OH NO! YOU’RE NOT JUST AGREEING WITH WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS SAYING! Baa Baa Baaaaaaaaa.

    I will always be 100% honest with my reviews and will not bow to what is the “popular” thing to say. I understand and respect that the vast majority of people like “The Wrestler”. I acknowledge that in my review… but for me it didn’t work.


    To people who say “John only highly reviews blockbuster big special effects movies”. Did you not just read my reviews for Milk? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? Frost/Nixon? Slumdog Millionare?

    It’s fun to say things you don’t have to actually back up isn’t it?

    Look, people ask me to give reviews… so I do and I give honest ones. I don’t want everyone to agree with my opinion, because that would be boring. Movies are art, and art will get different reactions from each person. We should disagree because disagreement means we can discuss it, share our different perspectives and increase our appreciation for the art.

    But I suppose there will always be sheep who just want to have their own opinions echoed back at them like parrots. These Sheep only want to hear what they already think, and if you think something different, then you have no credibility. Baa Baa Baaaaaaa.

    So if you’ve seen The Wrestler and enjoyed it, then awesome. Point out why you liked it, how it effected you and what things impressed you the most about it. Share your experience to increase our appreciation, or see a different perspective of the film. But for God’s sake don’t just be a bloody sheep. BBaaaaaaaaaa.

  34. Jack Falvey says:

    You know what, for once, I really appreciate what John is saying here. Film is subjective, and although I believe that The Wrestler was one of the most heart-wrenching films I’ve ever seen, I’m not attacking him for not liking it like some on this board. John, my respect for you has gone up considerably my friend.

  35. Gordon Freeman says:

    I agree with what you said, John, but where is this Slumdog Millionaire review you speak of?

  36. probitionate says:

    I was chatting with a moderator of some boards the other day, about how people seem to feel enfranchised where their opinions on every topic under the sun are concerned. (That is, many, many commenters seem to think -mistakenly- that everyone has the same level of ‘qualification’ attached to their opinion…or that their opinion is valid at all.)

    “The impression I get these days, is that everyone HAS TO HAVE an opinion on everything. And they HAVE TO express it. ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE.”

    God help us if these (clearly ‘younger’) posters don’t undergo a paradigm-shift before they start making decisions for the rest of us. (Yeah, they call it ‘maturing’.) Seriously, I’ve always wondered what the average age is on this site.

    John, for the record, you are a substantially better writer than much of your audience here deserves. Often I’m struck by the contrast. My suspicion is that in time, this contrast is going to become a huge issue. Or, maybe they’ll just grow up a little. Fingers crossed.

  37. Jay C. says:

    Alright, I’ll step in here as someone who has actually seen The Wrestler and thought it was the best film of the year.

    John, you said: “holy crap it has a stupider ending that the Sopranos.” I’m curious as to why you think the ending was stupid. I thought the last shot of the film was one of the more powerful performances/moments in film this year, and I can’t accept it being written off as ’stupid’. Can you explain?

    Also, a few comments that baffle me:

    “It felt like a movie of subplots with nothing left to drive it overall.”


    “There was nothing wrong with the dialog, there was nothing wrong with the acting… but there was flat out no story. Just premise. I kept waiting for the movie to start, but it never did.”

    Sorry, but the movie starts literally where the movie starts…a shot of a washed up wrestler slumped in his chair in a daycare room that’s doubling as a make-shift ‘dressing room’. That single image says a lot.

    I think all of these statements MIGHT be valid if the film was simply about a wrestler and wrestling, but as a character piece about a man who’s been left behind both by his family and his sport, having to deal with the consequences of his actions, I think the entire film succeeds and has a great story and a great character arc.

    Yes, I suppose film is subjective. But having said that, your couple of paragraphs don’t really tell us anything other than the fact that you were bored and you thought the ending was stupid, which I think are both statements that need to be qualified.

  38. George says:

    The Wrestler is by far one of the best films of the year you are correct Jay. That opening shot says it all. the contrast from the newspaper clippings credit sequence to where he is sitting now and the caption says more then any dialogue could. he tells you everything you need to know and sets it up so well I was hooked from the opening image.

    and to say its all premise and no narrative is absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense to me at all. if you remove the fantastic storytelling and the fantastic story then i guess it would have no narrative but since it did have a fucking great tale to tell it is insane to say there was no narrative.

    and I thought the ending was absolutely marvellous and,for me, the last image and final frames go down as some of the best of the year. Absolutely heartbreaking yet oddly heart warming.

    so the film doesn;t quite topple let the right one in off the top of my bext films of the year list but its way up there.

    and as for mickey rourke….i don’t know why people are surprised at how good he is. the problem with rourke and his career destruction was never that he couldn’t act - he has always been a great actor. he was just a major major asshole. he has always been great.

  39. Josh Brunsting says:

    I also agree with what you’ve said John. Not on the review, but I haven’t seen it, but on people just saying what’s popular. I also do movie reviews on my facebook/blog, and I’ve learned that everyone looks at film a different way. Some of my friends simply want some escapist fun, others want to be challenged. It’s all subjective. Get a little heated there Mr. Campea? :)

  40. Josh Brunsting says:

    and by heated, I mean pissed off…just wanted to make that clear

  41. sean dailey says:

    the day the earth stood still got a 5.

    i rest my case.

  42. sean dailey says:

    @ probitionate

    paradigm-shift, you’ll remember from the “poochey” episode of the simpsons, is term dumb people use to sound smart. well done.

  43. Zach says:

    When does this thing get the wide-release treatment?

  44. Danilo says:

    Nothing like the shock of watching someones talent squeezed out for the arts and the audience to enjoy. Am not fond of wrestling, nor am I to sissy cry cry movies, but the story is about getting old gracefully if possible, despite being torn to many pieces along the way. Its how Marv (Character played by Mr. Rourke) and the stripper played by an equally stunning actress Marissa Tomie, would try to heal and piece back together if ever.

    1. Whats the film and sound quality like, costumes, lighting, musical score, production in general?
    2. How did the story unfold before the audience?
    3. Did the cast portrayed it convincingly?
    4. Will this require bourbon, or morphine?
    5. Will this leave me thinking about the movie a week after seeing it?

    I will definitely watch “The Wrestler”.

  45. rafa1215 says:

    What a great flick. I came away with it being one of the greater movies I’ve seen this year.

  46. RAFAEL says:

    MOST DEFINITELY ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES THIS YEAR!! In my opinion. The character that Rourke plays is the only character all year that I actually cared for. (sorry, except for Batman and Joker) The movie was slow to take off but I think it was the directors decision to do that, keeping with the documentary/reality look the movie had. Either way a must watch for all you people wondering if you should head to the theatres.

  47. Koko says:

    Wow …. Ok just got back from a screening of The Wrestler.

    Sorry to hear your in that small minority of people who didn’t like the film because I think you may be there, along with the other 2 critics from Rotten Tomatoes who didn’t like it … Just a little longer …

    I loved this movie. Right from the very start to the finish, it had me absolutely LOCKED!

    Although it would be much fairer to say that Mickey Rourke had me locked and the film just ticked along nicely.

    Hey John A. I see what you mean when you say the story is about a man struggling with his health and not be able to do what he loves. I totally agree.

    But I think it’s also along along the lines of him feeling alienated everywhere he goes except for when he is in that ring. He’s screwed up his life when he was younger and now everytime he tries to reach and grab a bit of the real world. He’s too immature or damaged to grasp it. He tries so hard to fit in with reality, that everytime he does it .. He blows it again and again.

    The only place he feels respected and loved is in the ring where he has to take beating after beating just to be appreciated.

    I thought the characterisation in this movie was absolutely incredible, even the smaller parts from Evan Rachel Wood and Marissa Tomei. Although I wouldnt like to see Tomei nominated for the Oscar. I thought there could’ve been many actresses who could’ve played that part and it would’ve had the same effect. Maybe no one else besides Jenna Jameson wanted to get their tits out for that long.

    But I give this a solid 9.5/10.

    Probably my favourite movie of the year.

  48. Koko says:

    PS. John … I loved the ending to this movie. I thought it was Perfect! And I’g glad the waited a little for Bruce Springsteen song.

    PSS. I also liked the ending to the Sopranos … Wassup.

  49. hecticstairs says:

    Looks like you’re right once again, John.

    Awesome movie about nothing.

  50. Eddie T. says:

    I can see why you would think the movie was a great performance but the script wasn’t all that. I feel the intention Darren Aronofsky had was to make a documentary movie into a full-pledged feature. I personally think he succeeded, and I felt both the acting and the movie were great. Those interested can read my own review of the film on my blog linked above.


  51. tyler says:

    wow you thought the ending was stupid? maybe you just didn’t understand it. while this movie was some premise, it was still enough of a story to get across the point. and it was an excellent point and movie for that matter. everything in the movie, every scene, line of dialouge, and decision made was in service of the narrative. come over to wildclementines.com, cause up soon will be a full discussion review of the wrestler and what makes it so good

  52. Daniel says:

    dunno just giving my opinion why dont u just write …worth it watching or not instead of the ratings…because i cant seem to understand how you rate some film.
    Dont get me wrong i m not trying to atack u or something i simply love reading your reiews but i just feel gutted when i see your ratings.
    On hte other hand 10x for our info :) gr8 site.
    looking forward to your reply

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