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Talking During the Film Might Get You Shot

By Rodney - December 29, 2008 - 09:22 America/Montreal

Holy Tapdancing Jesus! I have been annoyed at disruptive movie patrons before but NEVER would I think of taking it this far. A man in South Philly was so annoyed by an annoying kid at a theater, that he SHOT his father for not shutting the whippersnapper up.

ScreenRant reports:

It’s been reported that 29-year old James Joseph Cialella Jr, who went to a screening of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button on Christmas Day, pulled out a gun and shot another man in the arm because he and his family (yes, that’s right, his family was there) for being too noisy. The incident took place at the UA Riverview Stadium 17 theater in South Philadelphia.

Cialella became annoyed when the family, which was sitting near the front, wouldn’t stop talking. He told them to be quiet, but because of this apparently the young son decided to be a smart ass and became even noisier, making comments and the like. Cialella then threw popcorn at the young boy in an attempt to get him to stop annoying him. But since that failed he decided that next logical step must be to pull out his gun (a Kel-Tec .380 handgun to be precise) and shot the father in the arm.

We have all wanted to stand up and address those annoying people who think it is there job to offer commentary during a film. Tell them off. Throw popcorn.

The theater staff is usually quite willing to ask someone to leave if they are disrupting the movie (kicking out one paying jackass is better than refunding a theater full of annoyed patrons when you do nothing) so I have to question the mental stability of a man who is willing to escalate things to this extreme. Shushing, Commenting, Popcorn… GUN. Seems he skipped a few logical steps in this conflict.

I quote the noble Reverend Book when I say that there is a Special Hell reserved for Child Molesters and People who Talk During the Movie.

I would be just as annoyed with the parent who LET their kid carry on like this. If my kid was the one disrupting everone, he would get put in his place in a hurry. But the shooter’s logic at least extended that far as to blame the father for not being a parent.

But for all you jackasses out there who think its funny to comment at the screen. You are not. And next time you will think twice about speaking up wondering if there is some unstable psychopath watching the movie with you just waiting to shoot you for your antics.


  1. obi-wan kubrick says:

    He got off easy if you ask me. There is no single thing in the entire world that annoy me more than people who talk loudly in a movie theater. I almost got in a fight at King Kong once and tried to get people kicked out of Children of Men. These people always sit in the back of the theater too! At least this annoying kid was sitting up close.

    I wouldn’t shoot anyone but I am considering grabbing a cellhpone from someone’s hand and throwing it some day.

  2. Mr. Chris says:

    I think this news story deserves a spot next to that “turn your cell phones off” splash screen before every movie.

  3. ServerKing says:

    Maybe next time the kid will shut the hell up then…

    Seriously, this guy must be bipolar or something to do that, or he was really into the movie.

  4. ScreenRant.com says:

    Actually my concern these days is that the talker will pull a gun on ME when I tell him to shut the hell up.




    (the guy should go to jail for life though, attempted murder)

    but still very funny

  6. Movie buff in the buff says:

    I feel like shooting a guy would me WAAAAY more disruptive than some kid talking. I mean, if he wanted to watch the movie so bad, he probley shouldn’t have shot a guy and got arrested. Now he has to wait a year for the movie to come out on cable… assuming the jail has HBO.

  7. leeloo says:

    thats nothing.
    you should see what philadelphians do to cowboys.


  8. aaron says:

    this kinda stuff always happens around this time

  9. Zuke says:

    And theaters wonder why ticket sales are down…? I’d never shoot someone in the theater for talking (yes, I own guns), but there’s been times when I’d like to have thrown my drink at someone to shut the F up!

    This is why we almost always see movies at the drive-in. No way in hell am I going to pay $20 for me and my GF to see a movie, while some jackass is either commenting loudly or yelling “funny” comments at the screen, talking or texting on their cell, or yapping with his friends throughout the film about inane crap.

    Sure, even your 12 speaker Bose surround sound vehicle sound system isn’t going to sound as good as a theater, but at least the only annoying yapper we’re going to have to put up with is either me or my GF. And you get to bring all your own food & snacks, the dogs, etc. AND it’s way cheaper. We pay $6/person for a double-feature of 1st run movies. I still don’t understand how they can do it. A large bucket of popcorn is only $4.50! How the heck?!? Our drive-in rules!

  10. aaron says:

    unfortunate that we have to think twice about some one carrying a gun these days ya know?

  11. haole says:

    I find it odd that he brought a gun to a movie. Perhaps that might prove intent?

  12. Matt says:


    how the fuck would someone get a gun in the theatre in the first place?

  13. sean dailey says:

    buddy, i’ve smuggled in entire foot-long subs and twenty ounce sodas into theaters before. a handgun would be a piece of cake.

  14. GeneSiskelsGhost says:

    Terrible news… but good thing that it happened during “Benjamin Button.” I imagine there would be an entirely different spin on this story if the movie had been a horror or action movie. “New Jack City”, anyone?

    It’s a relief this hasn’t turned into a “movies make people violent” debate.

  15. jaffahut says:

    Well it’s not like they use metal detectors in theatres.
    It’s not That shocking really - random murders/attempted murders happen almost everyday, don’t they? This guy just happened to loose it during Benjamin Button. It’s probably not the movie’s fault. Even I’ve lost interest in a good movie if something starts to annoy me during the film. I bet we all have.

  16. Rodney says:

    If someone starts annoying me during a GOOD film it just makes me more annoyed.

    When you are in a movie theatre you should shut the hell up and watch the movie. Lauging is acceptable when appropriate, but otherwise there is NO reason to talk.

    @Haole, this guy might just carry a gun anywhere he goes. Who knows if it was even legal. With these temper issues, maybe he was already some sort of thug. Criminals go to see movies too.

  17. alfie says:

    anyone who thinks it is funny or awesome that this dickhead shot someone over something as fucking trivial as talking during a movie deserves to be shot himself or herself.

    this guy was going to shoot someone eventually. he is an unstable asshole. in fact all you guys who think this is funny i hope every film you attend from now on is ruined by constant chatter.

  18. HDpunk says:

    lol, cause guns aren’t loud…

    stupid people with guns…

  19. Klendathu says:

    Stupid kid, stupid parents, stupid gunman

  20. obi-wan kubrick says:

    This is why my stress level is high when I go to the theaters. I have only been to the theater 9 times in 2008 an all time low and 2 of those were the Dark Knight twice.

  21. Darren J Seeley says:

    I understand the frustration of getting people to stop being disruptive in a movie theatre, however, shooting people causes even more disruption.

    Aside from possible panic from the surrounding audience, there’s now a guy who is screaming in pain, blood sprayed out everywhere, everyone’s cell phone whipped out callng 911 and/or calling people to report the event, paramedics, cops putting this hypocrite asshole under arrest…

    What makes him a hypocrite? Same damn thing that made him an asshole.

  22. total jiu jitsu says:

    this guy doesn’t look like he’s all there…

  23. Shane says:

    While the gunman’s actions are CLEARLY an over reaction, it serves as a good reminder to the sorts of people who think they can go around being a rude jackass to people like this family obviously did. It was an overreaction, but that’s why you shouldn’t go around intentionally being rude and inconsiderate to others, because you never know just who you’re provoking and what their response might be.

    Had this family been considerate and respectful, he wouldn’t have flipped and everyone would be fine. It by no means makes this acceptable, but the incident was caused by people acting stupid in the first place.

  24. Calviin says:

    No Haole. It’s South Philly. Heck, if it were West Philly, the father and kid would’ve shot back. I’m glad I’m on the Northeast side of Philly.


  25. Sam J. says:

    South Philly’s in the house! Seriously though, as if there weren’t enough reasons to watch movies on dvd in the comfort of one’s own home. I’m all the more embarassed because this took place within a 20 minute walk of my front door.

  26. Movie buff in the buff says:

    So… since it wasn’t an action or horror movie that caused the shooting… was it Brad Pitt?


  27. spiderfreak182 says:

    Guns don’t kill people,
    talking in theaters kills people.

  28. Skyler says:

    Bet that kid ain’t talking at the movies no more. Of course with the likely lawsuit that’s coming the kid could probably have his own theatre.

  29. nevada smith says:

    All concerned here were at fault and basically all got what they deserved. How many times have you just wished someone would just die from being so annoying. You don’t really want them actually dead-but maybe a coma for the length of the movie. Well this time you had someone unstable enough to take that step. He’ll pay for it-but so will the inconsiderate assholes. Overeacting? sure. but somehow i don’t feel bad about it. so shoot me


    Completely normal, I almost pulled out my Walter PP9 at a little boisterous girl when I went to see Catwoman.
    I believe that radical round the clock therapy is the only way to affect a meaningful and positive change in this persons behavior.

  31. Shane says:

    That’s strange… most people just aim the gun at themselves if they’re watching Catwoman.

  32. Amish Bill says:

    You all need to shut up and let me read this post… or else.


    I did but if you had watched the end of Fight Club you’d understand what actually happened when I tried that or else I wouldn’t be here.

  34. Michael Allen says:

    “buddy, i’ve smuggled in entire foot-long subs and twenty ounce sodas into theaters before. a handgun would be a piece of cake.”

    Me too; liquor, candy, popcorn. People need to use the usher more. It is his job to toss people out like I saw happen with two screaming girls this weekend. It seems like some people want to test the limits of others and sometimes that is a mistake.

  35. jon says:

    Good for him stupid family of jackasses . i Can’t stand when people talk and think they are in thier living room watchin tv other people paid to watch a movie and not have it spoiled by people talking . the guy should of pistol whipped the kid lol

  36. Kate says:

    Not to be an annoying Whedon fan… But it’s Shepherd Book.

  37. Rodney says:

    A Shepherd is also a reverend. Same thing.

  38. FilmBuffJustin1985 says:

    By not talking you’re letting the terrorists win. I’m not going to allow that!

  39. Kryptonite says:


    Way to go, making this out to be more about talking during movies than it is about gun violence in society. I suggest you get your priorities straight, and fast. No wonder Western civilization is coming apart at the seams…sorry to jump on you so hard, I usually like your stuff here. But this is irresponsible!

  40. DirkAnger23 says:

    Just so you guys know I live 5 blocks away from this sad excuse for a theater and when I heard about this I wasn’t shocked in the least. God knows I don’t condone gun violence but if there was ever a theater in America where I might have to change my stance on that it’s this one.

    Just about every ignorant, loud mouth, ghetto ass excuse for a human being can be found in this joint on a weekend night, SCREAMING shit at the screen and carrying on loud cell phone conversations with others while the movie is going on without management or “security” saying a damn word to them.

    True story — went to a matinee, cause that’s the only peaceful/safe time to go there, of Day The Earth Stood Still (yawn) with my girlfriend. She’s on her blackberry checking her e-mail right before the trailers are starting and a security guard comes over to her and tells her that she needs to turn her phone off or she’ll have to leave the theater and not be refunded for the cost of the ticket. Me & her look at each other like he’s outta his mind but we oblige. Later on some jackass is carrying on a conversation with his friend a couple of rows behind me, LOUDLY, for a couple of minutes. I notice that the same security guard is back in the room and I wave to get his attention. He sees me, see who I’m pointing at and what they’re doing, looks back at me and leave the room. Now what happened next…..NOT A GODDAMN THING. The fucker talked for another 10 minutes until I told him to shut the fuck up and then he quieted down. Didn’t see the “security” guard the rest of the day.

    This theater is a product of what the management of the place have allowed it to become. This will not be the last time some ignorant prick gets shot in this place, mark my words.

  41. Hoosier Kate says:

    “Guns don’t kill people, talking in theaters kills people.”

    Spiderfreak182, I <3 you.

    I have had people thrown out of theaters before, once for smoking, many times for texting. Once, two bitches that I threatened to have thrown out for texting drove their SUV at me as I walked out of the theater and then yelled threats and insults at me before driving away.

    If the person is in your row, I have found gum wrappers particularly effective for getting their attention. During a Bourne movie I gum wrappered a chick twice, then threatened to throw my gum next. Since both times I’d hit her in the side of the head and she had to pick the wrappers out of her hair, she decided not to test me and finally put the phone away.

    Gum, not guns.


    Once my friends and I took lightsabers to the theater to watch Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

  43. Steve says:

    Fuck that family dude. It’s bad enough to be inconsiderate enough to talk during a movie, but when someone asks you to stop, you are enough of an asshole to start being louder and more annoying? That might not deserve getting shot (to quote Shoot ‘Em Up, “America is a land of opportunity where a poor man can become rich and a pussy can become a tough guy, if he’s got a gun in his hand.”) but they deserved to get their ass beat and that kid deserved a nice, big open-handed slap across the face.

    Zero sympathy here.

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