This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008 at 6:44 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

Mike-Myers-1Well this is strange. It looks like Rob Zombie is back in the saddle for Halloween 2. We get wind of this thanks to the sleuths over at shocktillyoudrop:

It’s been widely reported at this point that Inside helmers Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo have parted ways with Dimension Films and Trancas International’s proposed Halloween 2, leaving the door open to anyone. An insider phoned in this afternoon exclusively informing that Rob Zombie is going to reprise his duties as director and carry on the new Myers legacy that he forged with Tyler Mane behind the mask.

This news is still in the rumor stage at this point, but looks to be true and the author of the source article expects an official announcement shortly.

I have yet to see the Zombie Halloween. Reviews have been mixed, but people either seem to dig it, or not. I hear little middle ground when people describe their experience with this film to me.

I have said before that if this remake must have a sequel, Rob Zombie should be the one to do it. He was the one that wanted to add his own spin to the story, so it is my opinion that he should remain as the storyteller.

For thos of you that are horror enthusiasts - I would like to hear your thoughts on this news. Are you excited that Zombie is back, or do you wish Myers would stay dead?

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Matt aka gigan300

    im sorry rob zombie i like ur music, but ur films are just terrble

  2. aaron

    Matt, agreed 100%

    Halloween 2007 remake was so awful

  3. Weav

    I don’t mind. I’ve been a fan of Halloween for as long as I can remember. Sure he may not be Carpenter, but I enjoyed Zombie’s take on Haddonfield. Maybe that’s because things couldn’t get any worse after Busta Rhymes karate choped Michael and shocked his balls, but all the same. The only real problem I had with Zombie’s Halloween was that he always feels the need to include foul-mouthed, white trash characters in his movies, and it just got unnessicarily vulgar at times. Still, I’m always down for a Halloween stabathon, so I could care less who directs it, so long as everybody who had anything to do with Resurection is never allowed to touch the franchise again. At least now there might be a better sense of fluidity between the two films.


    I say if they have to do Halloween 2 then they only could do it with the Director who re-envisioned the series of Films. So, in that reguard bring back Rob Zombie. But only do Halloween 2. Don’t go any further. Halloween 2 picks up the same night that Halloween (1) ends. So I could see this being an alright film to help support the re-envisioning.

    As far as not hearing any middle ground about the remake… I’ll go ahead and be your first middle man. I have mixed feelings about it. I enjoy Zombies works, but I consider the original Carpenter Halloween to be a Gospel to the rest of the Horror genre to look to as something to strive for.

    Zombies movie was fun to watch and reeks of all good things Zombie… so it makes me smile to watch. However, it kind of sucks that he re-made a “PERFECT” horror film. It was needless. At least he did keep the score. But his movie isn’t as horrific because we see Michael as a child. We see a fucked up child hood. In the original film we are lead to believe that he was born vacantly evil and that his nature was simply to kill. He is not even a human from conception… just this vacant entity that is set out to destroy and kill. That is far more interesting to me that the “NURTURE” argument shown in Zombie’s version.

    So, I stand in the middle but lean to the original for scares and the new for fun-fandom.

  5. Dave Stopher

    I think it will be mint cannot wait.

  6. Tom

    I liked his idea behind the first one, that there shouldn’t be a second, but if it’s going to be made I’m glad it’s him.

  7. aaron

    he certainly has a horror mind, i hope it goes in the right direction, I just didn’t find the first one at all scary

  8. Jeremy

    Rob Zombie is interesting character to me. Every movie he has done I hated the first time I watched it, then the second time through my feelings would change 180 degrees. I think a big part of it is that the first time I watch it for pure entertainment, the next time through I look at the more technical aspects. His techniques win me over every time in the end. The making of special feature on the Devil’s Rejects was my favorite on any DVD, next to maybe the Donnie Darko one. I will look forward to a sequel by him, it it is true, but I will probably have to watch it twice to fully appreciate it.

  9. Obi-wan kubrick

    I like House of 100 Corpses and Devils Rejects but Halloween was just horrible in every single way. This is like giving an alcoholic the car keys even though you know he/she is drunk.

  10. Slushie Man

    I loved the Halloween remake.

  11. Meli

    Until Rob confirms this via his myspace page I can’t even bring myself to consider this a possibility. I would be surprised and disappointed if he decided to do the sequel. I liked his version of Halloween, but now I want to see him continue on developing his new flick Tyrannosaurs Rex and concentrating on getting his finishing up his next album.

  12. Seth Rex

    Doug, you and I are in the same boat. I own the Unrated 2-disc, but I still have yet to see it. Not that I don’t want to, but I’m pretty lazy so eventually I’ll get to it.

  13. entertainmenttodayandbeyond

    He is NOT the right guy for this, as He has no passion for the hero’s of his movies, only the villians. His Halloween is totally lopsided with 75% of the screen time going to Michael Myers. Nothing will change in his sequel!


  14. sean dailey

    don’t even bother with the remake. the best part about the original is that we don’t really know why meyers kills, which makes him even more terrifying. zombie’s movie seeks to explain everything and thus removes all the tension and the horror. he could have easily changed the killer’s name and costume and had a completely different, and probably better, movie.

  15. aaron

    Chuck, agreed 100%

  16. Darren J Seeley

    I had seen the remake. It is Zombie’s own rethinking of the Carpenter film, and while he can’t hold a candle to it, and while there was only one good jolt in the film, it really does not matter if he did do a great job, good job or rancid job Why?

    Something to do with the ending…Michael Myer’s head being blown off at point blank range? How Zombie made him more “mortal” and less “bogeyman force”?

    SCrew this; I dare someone, triple fucking dare, to remake not Halloween 2 in the hospital but Halloween III: Season Of The Witch I want Zombie’s take on eviil toy company Silver Shamrock and the ghouls in suits with yellow goo for blood!

  17. kitty cats are funny!

    quite odd. I said it before, I thought Zombie made Halloween and ended with the intent that Myers was dead and there was no way he was gonna come back unless thru some voodoo magic which I always hate and assumed Zombie wouldn’t go that route with it. Oh well. If a sequel has to be made I’m glad he is doing it and not someone else.

  18. Alen

    Hmm thats funny because I have very mixed feelings about Zombie’s Halloween. I’m a huge fan of the original, so before I watched this “re-envisioning”, I pretty much knew I wasn’t going to LOVE the movie. However, there were aspects that I really thought were great, like the ending (which was very closed, so I was really surprised to hear about a sequel). I also liked the fact we did learn a little bit more about Myers, but we didn’t have to know EVERYTHING that happened in his life. We find out too much and his character loses the mystery and evil that made him so interesting in the first place.

    BUT the biggest problem that I had with the remake was that I just simply didn’t care about Laurie or any of the other “victims”, so there was no emotion when they got slashed to pieces. This would have easily been solved if he didn’t focus so long on Myers as a child and actually took some time to develop the heroes as well. And I totally agree with Weav, the white trash, foul mouthed characters worked for a 1000 Corpses and Rejects, but were totally unnecessary in Halloween (as was that rape scene).

    Having said all that, I’d rather Zombie do Halloween 2 (at least he has a direction, albeit one that some hate) rather than someone who has no original ideas and is willing to make it just for the sake of doing it. God knows nobody wants another Resurrection.

  19. Bobby

    Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2 while yes it should be different, must take place predominately at the clinic, and must have Dr. Loomis, Jimmy, and a hot Mrs. Alves!

  20. Bobby

    Ooh I forgot, a synthed-up sountrack, and surgical weapons galore!

  21. Lucas

    Ugh. I dont think Michael should stay dead, i enjoy the Halloween movies. But I REALLY REALLY dont want to see Taylor Scott return as Laurie Strode, she was just terrible in the remake, I actually wanted Laurie Strode to die cause she was so damn annoying. I dont want Rob back, his remake was ok but would rather see someone else take hold…someone seasoned and good at directing. Shouldnt be hard to finf someone willing after all Halloween and Michael are legends.

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