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Phantom of the Opera Sequel - Love Never Dies

By Rodney - December 31, 2008 - 19:24 America/Montreal

Because no one asked for it, Andrew Lloyd Webber decided that his insanely successful Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera needed a sequel. The title he is working with is Phantom: Love Never Dies. His hopes are that a sequel to the movie based on his stage musical will in turn inspire stage productions based on a movie.

IESB.net gives us:

The sequel will be set a decade or so after the first installment, during which time the Phantom has relocated from the Paris Opéra of Gaston Leroux’s original novel to Coney Island in Brooklyn, then still a hugely popular beach-side amusement resort for New Yorkers. “It was the place,” said Lloyd Webber. “Even Freud went because it was so extraordinary … people who were freaks and oddities were drawn towards it because it was a place where they could be themselves.”

The Phantom will be reunited with Christine, the “Swedish soprano.”

And who does Webber have in mind to take the Phantom role? He says, “We are pretty clear who our Phantom is going to be - I can’t say who,” he said.

Let me first say that I have seen the stage production of Phantom three times. I fancy myself a bit of a fan.

And despite my personal grudges against Joel Joel Schumacher for what he did to Batman and hero movies in general, I have to admit that I fell in love with the film adaptation. That movie captivated me and allowed me to experience the music again. It also introduced me to Emmy Rossum. She is truly an angel of music.

Two names being tossed about to star in the sequel are Hugh Jackman or Gerard Butler. Butler played (and sang) as the Phantom in the 2004 film, so naturally I would hope he would reprise his role.

I hope they get Rossum to return as well to reprise Christine. Rumour had it last summer that Katherine Jenkins would be getting the part but back then Webber wanted John Barrowman to be the Phantom.


  1. Paul says:

    Barrowman as Phantom would be such a trip. Our whole family are big fans of Doctor Who and Phantom!

  2. Tira says:

    “She is truly an angel of music.”

    *BARF* Oh honey, no. No no no. Rossum’s lovely, I can’t wait to see her in ‘Dragonball’, but POTO is an abortion and Webber is a hack. Here’s a real singer and a much better show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvPUD0t48SI

    The last thing we need is a Phantom sequel. It’s the ‘Twilight’ of Broadway.

    • Bibs says:

      May I point out that when Emmy rossum did her fantastic role of christine and did it perfectly, she was only 16 years old and the woman in your little clip looks a lot older and also, as a singer myself I know that the music Emmy sings is spectacularly hard. Lastly how can you say phantom is an abortion? Get a grip and don’t clog up places where you don’t need to be or even want to be.
      On a lighter note the woman in the clip was also fantastic and something a friend of mine would be thrilled to see as she is training to be a professional opera singer herself so thanks :)

  3. Slushie Man says:

    Are you insane? Phantom of the Opera is the best stage musical ever.

    Also, I vote Antonio Bandaras for the role of the Phantom:


    • Maegan says:

      The Phantom of the Opera is and will be the best stage musical ever!! I hope Gerard Butler will continue to play the phantom!

  4. Rodney says:

    Yes. that Dessay lady can sing. But Christine would be in her 20s according to the storyline and no way a 43 year old hag of a woman could portray her with such grace. I googled her images and its a good thing she sings well. And Rossum IS a real singer, having been trained professionally and attending very elite music schools for her gift.

    I liked the Phantom movie. Webber has more musical scores on Broadway than any other composer, so I doubt hack is an accurate term.

    And by the Twilight of Broadway, do you mean incredibly popular, successful and widely appreciated? Because I don’t get that reference at all. Shows that don’t succeed on Broadway are not often given the chance to be the longest running show on Broadway.

    I do agree a sequel is unnecessary, however I find your reasoning and your attempt at a substitute for Christine to be failing.

  5. Rodney says:

    Slushie….. that was HORRENDOUS!! Antonio would be a terrible phantom. And Brightman butchers that song!!

  6. pigeonfeet says:

    Brooklyn?…hm all I can say is:

    Phantom in the Hood always up to no good. Phantom in the Hood always up to no….good.

  7. Slushie Man says:

    There was a sequel to the original Phantom of the Opera novel as well, that was similar to that plot, I believe. I never read it myself though.

  8. Tira says:

    Rodney - I’d rather someone who could sing be cast rather than a pretty face. (And if Dessay is a “hag”, check out Anna Netrebko or Joyce DiDonato). Rossum was part of the kid’s chorus at the Met, but she hasn’t trained as extensively as other singers, even if she is nice looking. If they do cast her, I think it’s out of fear of stepping out and giving a new singer a chance and playing it safe with celebrity. They might as well cast Miley Cyrus. Webber has a lot of shows on Broadway because he’s profitable, and I compared it to ‘Twilight’ because it’s just as overrated, badly written, and nauseating. The love story isn’t compelling, the characters are one-dimensional stereotypes, the music is ripped off of other composers (”All I Ask Of You” has parts of ‘Tosca’ in it), and for some reason, people flock to it. I’d much rather see a new ‘Sunday in the Park With George’ or ‘Candide’, but ‘Phantom’ sells so it’s still around.

    My reasoning is that there are much better trained and talented singers than Rossum, Webber can’t hold a candle to R&H or Sondheim, and I’m disappointed Broadway is churning out more Kenny G when I’d rather have Wynton Marsalis. I’m a big fan of musical theater and opera and it’s aggravating that Broadway is afraid of taking a risk with a new composer or a new idea. At least the plays are still interesting.

    If you like ALW, I respect that. Begrudgingly, but I respect it.

    • Bibs says:

      Well to be honest if you could sing you would feel diferently about it and it’s a shame you’re so blind as poto happens to be the longest running broadway and second longest running musical after les mis. If you were right it would have died out ages ago.

  9. Uber Barrett says:

    this is fantastic news…if we get back the same cast.

  10. Mekroth says:

    OK, I actually like Butler’s Phantom (one of about 15 people who did), but on stage, he would flat suck.
    Also, the book that this sequel is based on (which, instead of acting as a continuation of Leroux’s novel, was actually intended as more of a fanfic of the musical) is absolutely terrible.

    All I can say is that Otto Lloyd Webber gave his life to destroy this musical, and in his memory, we should avoid the turkey at all costs.

    • Remy says:

      I agree that Butler would not do well on stage. I also fully agree about the sequel and the book its based off of.
      God bless that poor cat! There should be a national holiday in his honor! Write Comment here. Before you do, review these rules:
      1) Stay on topic
      2) Disagree and debate, but no insulting other commenters or the author
      3) off topic messages for the author should be emailed directly, not left as a comment.

    • Max123 says:

      Actually ALW said he change alot of the story from the book. I read the book, you’er right. It was not as good as the musical, but when I read ALW’s story, it sounded a bit better.

  11. Orren Jensen says:

    Phantom of the Opera is by far my favorite musical so I would be open to a sequel, but with that being said in my book it is a classic and you don’t mess with the classic. Yes, it is Webber’s work and he can do what every he want with it but sometime a creator can destroy their own work by expanding on their ideas. If you don’t believe me look at Star Wars. Lucas put out a classic Sci-Fi/ Adventure story but when he made the prequel he lost some fans via disappointment. Only real sequel to musical/opera I can recall is the High Musical series…horrible musical+ “young Disney perfect stars” + screaming preteens = $$$$$$, pathetic.

    “You are the worst thing to happen to musical theater since Andrew Lloyd Webber” — Stewie Griffin

  12. Kristina says:

    I LOVE The POTO movie. LOVE it. That being said, this sequel idea does not please me at all. Moving the setting from the gorgeous opulence of Paris to friggin’ CONEY ISLAND makes me cringe. Some things just don’t need sequels.

  13. tom. says:

    I LOVE the stage production, seen it twice. Rodney, wasn’t Sarah Brightman the original Christine? I agree with you though - I don’t like the way she sings it and Antonio Banderas sounds terrible as the Phantom

  14. Andy says:

    I hope gerard butler plays the phantom *pray* He was awesome!!!

  15. Godovhellfire says:

    “POTO is an abortion and Webber is a hack.”

    LOL! The phantom of hyperbole is here…

  16. CrypticHill says:

    Can you please fix your post to where the earliest “post” is at the beginning and the end, it so annoying to have to go to the last page to see the most recent….
    I think I speak for most of us….
    Thank you in advance.

  17. Rodney says:


    I don’t follow what you mean. The most recent article IS at the top of the page.

  18. Sally says:

    His hopes are that a sequel to the movie based on his stage musical will in turn inspire stage productions based on a movie.”

    I find this statement confusing. The sequel is to the originall stage musical. There might be at some time a movie version based on the this stage sequel.

    I can’t imagine that Gerard Butler would be chosen as one of the Phantoms—-if there are three in different cities. His voice was just good enough to get through the movie, but to do eight shows a week in the West End or on Broadway….he would need a LOT of voice training to develop the strength of voice and stamna to do that kind of work. He has a successful movie career. Why would he want to take two years out to be in a stage musical? (months of rehearsal and at least six months in the show).

    I think the whole sequel idea is a very bad one. No sequel to a musical has ever been a success, and the original Phantom of the Opera stage musical ends perfectly, leaving it up to the audience to wonder or imagine what happens next. Why ALW thinks we all ought to believe that the Phantom escapes, is not redeemed as he was at the end of the orginal show, and is after Christine again, in Coney Island, of all places.

    Bah, humbug!

  19. Rodney says:

    @Sally, Webber wants a movie first THEN musicals.

    Which is why they are entertaining the thought of the movie actors before going to stage productions in 3 cities.

  20. Dragonslayer says:

    I hated the Phantom of the Opera

  21. Rachel says:

    So is it going to be like a movie or like just the play. becuase i hate the play but loved the movie.

  22. niamh says:

    I have heard some rumors that have alarmed me. such as erik making love to the christine doll it better not be true.

  23. Marcella says:

    In regards to Emmy Rossum playing Christine, I thought she did it beautifully. And in regards to them making a sequel to the movie without Gerard Butler, well, why bother? He is the reason I and my entire family fell in love with this story, the music and the magic of it all. I just couldn’t imagine anyone else.

  24. Tina says:

    Michael Crawford was amazing, and Sarah Brightman was magnificent in the original. I fell in love with the story, the music and the cast.

    I am not sure that a sequel is necessary… however I am very open to the idea. Personally, I think Webber is an amazing man, extremely talented and knows where to go to find other talent that compliments all that he does.

    I truly believe that our children and more people could use some good cultural experiences… and watching a movie just loses some of the fantastic experience that watching onstage can provide.

  25. Donald Inks says:

    This tells me ONE thing. Lloyd Webber has completely lost it creatively…and the whole idea is just repugnant.

    You don’t take a “Masterpiece” and cash in on it.

    No wonder he hasn’t done any other truly creative work since the original “Phantom”.

    I, for one, am not amused and I am not “looking forward” to this cheap bastardization of a “complete original masterpiece”.

    • Rodney says:

      Sorry Donald, I wouldn’t say he hasn’t done anything truly creative considering since Phantom he has credits writing and composing 5 other original and creative musicals.

      When you are trying to jump on that “Webber is a hack” bandwagon, you might want to do a little research.

      That he chose to do a sequel to one of his own properties is his own business. That you think he is “cashing in” is just speculation with no basis.

      Just sayin.

  26. Lauren says:

    The show definately wont be as good as the first one, so will probably ruin the first one for everyone.
    I’m sure the music will be amazing but I’m pretty sure it wont be as good as the first one!

    Gerry was great in the film, but is not a stage actor. He shouldn’t be in the show.
    Emmy could be good as Christine because she’s a trained singer, but Gerry isn’t!!
    I know he’s hot people, but someone like Michael Crawford or Ramin Karimloo (London Phantom) are much better singers

  27. fran . s says:

    gerard butler..AGAIN!!!! I am such a big fan of his iwould definatley go and watch it.. if not gerry then john barrowman, he is amazing. Hope its either of them. would absolutley go and watch it. couldnt get enough of the film!!!!! XX

    p.s. Gerry is a great singer and could work well on the stage especially if emmy was christine again. I wouldnt want to see Ramin Karimloo ( no offence Ramin). maybe even the originl phantom- Michael Crawford.

  28. Fuhrer says:

    A sequel! Wow!

    But I hope that there will be surprises in the plot. Because we all know that the Phantom won’t get the girl, (Christine’s already married with Raoul complete with son Gustave) and the ending is likely to be really tragic again.

    Potential disappointment for many fans. Hopefully the poor Phantom will get some kind of closure. Call me cliché but I hope for a less tragic ending than last time.

    Set ten years after the curious incident at the Opera populaire, perhaps the Phantom might try and seduce Christine again. With predictable results.

    Wow. This sequel will be most challenging for Mr. Webber. It will either be the greatest disaster of all time, or the best thing in theatre history.

    GO ALW!!!!

  29. Lindsey says:

    Hello I am a HUGE fan of The Phantom Of The Opera musical since it opened WAY back at Her Majesty’s Theatre London. I’ve LOVED seeing it all TEN times and once on Broadway. So, a sequel to this AMAZING musical would be terrible!!!
    I wasn’t too happy when I heard of a film being made but it wasn’t too bad at all. We were shown in the end that Christine had died and saw Raoul putting flowers on her grave. I assume this was in Paris - no other info was given that it was in New York (!!!!) and that the Phanom had also visited the grave leaving the ‘rose with the black ribbon’ which we saw in the film.
    How does THAT match up with the story to the sequel???? I thought the film was telling us that it was all over - Christine had died but the mysterious Phantom was still alive - very old though!!!
    As for the cast, well I wasn’t too sure about Gerard Butler being the Phantom in the film. Even he said in an article his voice wasn’t that good BUT his acting was awesome. VERY impressed with that. He is a FILM actor and don’t expect to see him in a stage production.
    I’m very wary about the sequel. To me the stage show gives us the impression that the Phantom has ‘disappeared’ and that is it. It’s the magic of him vanishing into thin air. Isn’t the sequel going to TOTALLY destroy that?????

    What do you all think?

    • PHANTOMFAN#1 says:

      i agree with you. it is so lame to make a seaquel!!
      it will still be exiting, for andrew loyd webber’s music :), but no more.

  30. PHANTOMFAN#1 says:

    ♥♥♥♥♥I ♥ the phantom of the opera!♥♥♥♥♥
    a seaquel is a BAD idea!!!!

  31. Marlayne says:

    I agree with you Lindsey. I think the sequel is going the lose the Phantom’s magic and the story. I was hoping that the it will end the story ended when the Phantom (Erik) dissapears and that’s it. But I also heard from ALW that he tried to stay with his Phantom of the Opera story and countiue with it.

  32. K Martin says:

    I actually saw the movie before the stage production. I took my wife to see the movie. “Trying to be the good hubby.” When the movie was over I was floored. I thought that it was a great movie. We liked it so much that we caught the first stage production that we could. As for the sequel, most sequels never live up to the original but once in while they do. If there is a sequel we will definitely go see it in the hopes that it will live up to original. As for the actors, I would like to see the same cast as the original movie.

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