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Only the Shadow Knows - Rourke vs Penn?

By Rodney - December 30, 2008 - 09:17 America/Montreal

Hollywood is all about double talk and lies until its on paper, so to hear one celebrity speaking out against another is hardly news. But when two Oscar/Globe contenders are out there, and one of them makes some pretty bold statments about the other’s character its going to hit the fan.

So when we hear that Mickey Rourke is apparently talking down about Sean Penn’s performance in Milk, we start to wonder why.

But wait! Is he?

Hollywood Elsewhere says:

Daily Beast contributor Gerald Posner reported today that yesterday (12.28) “a Los Angeles entertainment honcho shared a text message with [him] that Mickey Rourke had sent him about Sean Penn: ‘Look seans an old friend of mine [but] i didnt buy his performance at all — thought he did an average pretend acting like he was gay besides hes one of the most homophobic people i kno’”

Perhaps someone thought that this sort of smear campaign would work like a presidential election. Instead of focusing on how good you are, fling mud at the opposition.

Interestingly enough, I am not even sure that Mickey Rourke is the one saying these things. So while there seems to be some bubbling in the water, we don’t know who its coming from or to what end. Is someone trying to shittalk Penn, using Rourke (his rival to the award) to do it? Or are they trying to make Rourke look like an ass?

The conflict comes in that Gerald Posner is respected among his peers for his investigative reporting, however throws this line out with the credibility of a tabloid rag. His only sources are “an LA entertainment Honcho” and rumours of a passing statement said backstage on Letterman. I like that Jeff at Hollywood Elsewhere notes this pair of vague unconfirmable sources suddenly turned into “several” when his sources were challenged.

I have heard celebrities comment about others. A couple of years ago When John mentioned Milo Ventimiglia in front of Johnathan Frakes, Frakes admitted he was a fan. That happened. John and I both standing there face to face with Frakes. Can I confirm it? Nope. Happened in passing. So its not a valid source.

Its not like this was said in an interview. There is no proof any of this was said at all. Someone unidentified allegedly showed a text message allegedly from Rourke But someone somewhere is trying to start something here. I bring it up to address the validity of the statements. Some sites are all ready to hang Rourke by these statements that no one can confirm were even said by him.

So is Rourke talking trash? If he is, who do you think it hurts more?

Without assuming Rourke or Penn as the winner, if it is a tight race to the finish, would something like this sway judges? I think it should still be about the performance. So what does anyone have to gain inventing this. It would be a different topic altogether if Rourke was on Letterman, on the air saying he didnt think Penn was his competition, or shouldn’t even be considered. But he didn’t.


  1. alfie says:

    I would not be surprised at all if this is true.
    this partly why rourke has been a loser for the past 15-20 years. his acting ability was never in question,
    so its not like his amazing performance in the wrestler is a shock.
    he was always an amazing actor.
    his problem is that he is a raging asshole and pretty much everyone in hollywood who had the displeasure of working with him in his prime wound up hating him.
    he burnt every bridge he had and sounds like he is out to burn them all over again.

    don’t get my tone wrong.I have always loved rourke myself. I love outlandishly arrogant wankers and rourke is definitely up there with the bets of them but unfortunately if rourke wants to seriously get back in the game, win an oscar etc etc he has to play the political game and I don’t think he has it in him.

    go and look up old rourke interviews and articles from his heyday. hilarious stuff.

    i am torn for best actor myself. Rourke is fantastic in the wrestler and the film as a whole is great. Langella is amazing in frost nixon but the film is weak and penn in great as milk and the film is great too. but I have a hard time picking from those three. I will be happy if any of them win. I have a feeling it will be Penn. with prop 8 in the air at the moment etc etc its not a good enough film to take best director or film so they may give it to penn as a way to celebrate the film.

    and frakes being a fan of milo explains a lot about thunderbirds.

  2. Meli says:

    This is a very loose bit of gossip. Supposedly this was a text conversation with Rourke? Alright. Not only does that sound fishy, but it also sounds as if it could be taken completely out of context as well. Even if Rourke did say those things, so what? He has a right to his opinion and sharing it via a conversation on text message isn’t wrong. The person sharing this alleged conversation is just as much an douche.

  3. Jonathan Drewes says:

    I agree with both posts in this forum. If Mickey Rourke did do this in actuality, it goes a long way in showing us who he really is. However, this just goes to show you how the media focuses too much on celebrities. I mean we as film goers look foward to seeing these actors portray fictional characters. This does not translate into us caring about what they do in their personal lives unless it stops them from acting. Mickey Rourke is a great actor and I also feel that this story may be a little to loose to pass judgement on him. If any readers of this post have not seen The Wrestler or Milk please go and see these films they are some of the best this year.

    Jonathan Drewes
    Webmaster of http://www.contractflicks.com

  4. Zach says:

    I hope he wins best actor-he was fantastic


    No big deal about Penn, the gay character thing is getting old. Rourke kicked ass in the Wrestler, good thing Nicolas Cage turned it down. I can’t imagine him as The Ram, it would be really stupid, doesn’t fit him.
    One of the best scenes is when he plays the NES (good times).

    Rourke for Best Actor.

  6. Kristina says:

    Having seen both films, I would like to declare a winner.

    Frank Langella for Frost/Nixon. Smokes ‘em both.

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