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No Megatron in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

By Rodney - December 30, 2008 - 09:36 America/Montreal

Empire Magazine and USAToday offered up articles with some information about the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Without getting to spoilery IESB.net offers:

Transformers Live Action Movie Blog had a breakdown of the info shared in the article -

* Bay and LaBeouf confirm the Fallen is a separate character.
* Egyptian hieroglyphics …turn out to be depictions of Transformers who visited Earth.
* Bay claims Megatron is not coming back and the tank is just a new toy.
* Around 40 robots.
* Budget is $200 million.
* Ramon Rodriguez is the one holding on for dear life to a pole while cars are flung (Empire TF2 Image).
* Devastator appears at the pyramid, he’s probably 50 feet tall because that’s the height of the camera crane they used on location.

The biggest news is the lack of Megatron. I hope he is just trying to throw us off the scent and we see a rebuilt tanky Megatron in this film.

They rebuilt Jazz for fuck sakes. Why not Megatron??

And I am all for having more bots, but 40? I hope that most of them make up background shots to establish that there are a bunch of them all over the earth and they gather together to fight the Fallen.

I like that they are going with a lesser known story to tie in the live action versions of the characters, but no Megatron? Seriously?


  1. aaron says:

    sometimes i’d like to know what’s going on in Bay’s head.
    i have said many times, i LOVED LOVED LOVED the first transformers, but i’m not sure about this ne


    well im glad megatrons not coming back…id like to see it just be starscream and the other decepticons

    how do you know they built jazz? hes coming back in the second one?

  3. aaron says:

    oh sup Hazmat.

    However, i would love megatron back, i dont know why i just do.


    hey aaron

    i would only like him back as galvatron AND not as a tank

    i want unicron. hes the best transformer and the most powerful one, they only beat him in the comics out of luck, if you put any transformer in a one on one battle against unicron, theyd get pwnd

    if not they BETTER have him in the 3rd transformers movie (the actors signed a 3 movie deal so im guessing theyll have 3)

  5. Grave says:

    Well maybe Bay is right maybe Megatrons not comming back and the one we seen was a art conception of a toy. Humor me thou…he said there is no Megatron but he didnt say there was no Galvatron. All they have to do is make his color purple and sliver and thats it.

  6. aaron says:

    aweosme! a 3rd movie deal, and i can see what you mean by unicorn. Now if they had BOTH unicorn and megatron-that would be too awesome to watch lol

  7. UberBarrett says:

    during the hype for the first film, we talked about how Michael Bay stated that he will intentionally say and release false information to throw fanboys off his sent and keep the rumors to a minimum. so not only does that make him a moron, but it also makes everything he says invalid and ignorable…like most of his movies.

  8. aaron says:

    yeha he throws everyone off. I don’t like Bay himself, but his movies rule


    1) THERE IS NO FAKE INFO!!!!!!

    it would be nice to see megatron and optimus team up to kill unicron…i know some people hate the whole “bad guy and good guy team up to beat a greater bad guy” deal but id love to see decepticons and autobots team up to destroy unicron

    that would be totally badass…optimus AND megatron in the same team??? cmon….

  10. Rodney says:

    Grave, you make a valid point. I always figured they would tie in Megatron’s evolution somehow. So he might not be lying at all.

    And Galvatron was a lot like a tank (big mounted space gun)

  11. aaron says:

    that would be badass and it would own!

  12. Paul says:

    We have the Fallen as a villain. Let Megatron stay dead, hopefully the Fallen will summon Unicron. If we had to have more villains, I’d rather see Quintessons than Megatron again.

  13. Calviin says:

    I think the no Megatron bit is bollocks.

  14. Mr. Chris says:

    Yeah. Bay said he would leak false info for the sequel.

  15. UberBarrett says:

    There was a really big silver evil robot in the last 30 minutes of the first Transformers. But we have yet to see Megatron.

  16. Rodney says:


    We are ignoring that. I think the “i will leak false info” WAS the false info. He has his hands full doing actual movie stuff, so he really doesnt have time to stage fake info. He just wants everyone to doubt everything true or not.

    It was a good plan, but we are treating any news or rumours we hear about this movie the same as any news or rumours about a movie.

  17. robert(wolf) says:

    I think we will see Megatron. Concept art was leaked along with toys that looked very close to the art. We were also told Megatron was in the film before and that he would be a tank. I think Megatron will be back but as an important part of the story or even renamed to Galvatron.

  18. john says:

    Maybe the Decepticons aren’t the main enemy in this one, but a new race of transformers called “The Fallen”. I think that would be cool - giving the Decepticons a break for a movie. I’m glad Megatron’s not coming back, either. It makes “death” more significant for transformers. I don’t think Jazz will be back either. My guess is they “rebuilt” him just for the toy sales.


    dont ever trust the toys, in spiderman 3 they also released rhino toys and scorpio toys
    and in the last transformers movie they sold hotshot and soundwave as toys from the movie…not based off the cartoon..based on the movie..theyll sell any kind of toy as long as the kids will beg their moms to buy them.
    dont..ever..trust..the toys…


    and yes, weve gone over this. there is NO false info being thrown out there by michael bay…

  21. Ed P. says:

    Hmmm…I don’t really care about Megatron. We all know that he doesn’t die forever, though. He’ll be back at some point. I’m sure they’re already planning TF3 and 4. Long Live Starscream!

  22. Lucky says:

    Isnt the budget low (when comparing it with Tranformer 1 and the time screen the transformers got for 150 million?) Now we are hearing that the transforemer screen time is more then double… and just 200 million? and this is apart from the huge sets , action etc… (Plus while looking at the economy these days)

  23. Darren J Seeley says:

    I think it’s possible we’ll see the arm or head of Megatron, but not the full rebuilt resurrected Megatron. *Possible*. If Megs isn’t there…unless 40 new (for the film) robots cannot equal one Megatron (debatable) …SO WHAT.

    Will Bay & co. deliver the goods?

    Will they learn from past errors?

    Will they leave out unnecessary characters?

    These are the questions that should be asked. not if there will be shaky cam/rapid edits , not if will Megan Fox strips to her skivvies, and not if Megatron reappears or not.

    Okay, “maybe” the second…

  24. Kevin C says:

    I think this means that Megatron will be rebuilt and called Galvetron. Or Bay is just full of it and Megatron will be back.

  25. Jeff says:

    “* Egyptian hieroglyphics …turn out to be depictions of Transformers who visited Earth.”

    UGH. That is incredibly retarded. It’s like Crystal Skull all over again.

  26. finaljoe says:

    “Without getting to spoilery IESB.net offers”

    Some good that is when the freaking title of the post gives away a big one!

  27. Todd W in NC says:

    Uberbarrett, I love your comment. I could probably take that a step further and say something similar about at least one other robot in the movie.

  28. Garrett says:

    Which other robot?


    i hope ratchet dies in the opening scene though hes completely useless, they dont need him

  30. Uber Barrett says:


    Sometimes I wish they had just made up all new transformers for the film instead of redesigning (*cough*) the classics.

  31. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I could careless about Megatron not being in the film. They should remove the HUMAN stars and make the robots the stars.

  32. Frank says:

    I think that they should leave Megatron dead. Permanently. I hate when they bring presumed dead characters back for sequels for no other reason than to please the fan base who love them. If they don’t add anything to the overall story, then why even bother. Personally, I think that each sequel should have its own unique villain, each presenting a greater threat than the predecessor. The Fallen in part 2, then somebody else in the next one.

  33. Jon says:

    Megatron and The Fallen will somehow merge to become Galvatron in the 3rd Transformers Movie. Just a guess.

  34. Soul Bro Ryu says:

    I agree with those that beat me to the punch. There may be no Megatron, but Galvatron is a possibility. And if so, they need to get Leonard Nimoy to reprise his role ^_^

    “First Prime, then Ultra Magnus, now…you. It’s a pity you Autobots die so easily, otherwise I’d have a sense of satisfaction, now…”

    I dig Megatron more, but if Galvatron shows up, Unicron may not be far off the radar. Hopefully that doesn’t mean Prime dying and having Rodimus forced upon us.

    Still mentally scarred by Transformers: The Movie…

  35. David Lopan says:

    Am I the only one that isn’t excited for this movie at all?


    yes david you are completely left alone in the deep abyss of transformers hating

  37. Thos says:

    Is it really going to be a Transformers film this time? Or another Shia has a hot girlfriend co-starring the Transformers?

    David, you are not alone, and I am not really excited about it. I was let down by the first one. I’ll be first in line for a Speed Racer sequel, though!

  38. Rodney says:

    The Human element was ALWAYS present in Transformers. I dont know why people have to over exaggerate and try to say this is too much about the humans.

    And with a report of 40 bots in the sequel, I imagine it will be a lot to do with them.

  39. David Lopan says:

    Hazmat, I’m not hating on the film. I acknowledge the work behind it because visually it did look great. I just think the movie itself aside from the visual effects had nothing else. I saw it in theaters and that was basically it. I didn’t feel compelled to ever watch it again.

  40. John says:

    I’m not that broken about Megatron just as long as I don’t see Galvatron. More robots I’m all about that. I definately want sound wave, ravage and rumble in this movie.

  41. Tony says:


  42. goddamnanalog says:

    First of all Jazz never dies, so of course they could rebuild him. Now, the only way they could have Galvatron is if they have Unicron. Unicron turns Megatron into Galvatron after the Decepticons ditch him in space. And I doubt they will do Unicron, he is too awesome and way to big. I mean he’s an f-ing planet that eats other planets.Ii am still upset by the first movie, I mean come on Bumblebee was a VW Beetle, no Soundwave, and what about the female transformer Arcee? The first one sucked, and to be honest I think the next two will as well. It’s all about the original animated Transformers: The Movie!!!

    • Rodney says:

      The problem is that you wanted this movie to have the characters YOU wanted and damned to reality.

      Jazz died. They will write a story about rebuilding him or something but that will be lame.

      Unicron would be stupid in a movie about Robots on Earth. There is no need for there to BE an Earth if they are fighting Unicron. I would HATE to see Unicron in these movies.

      You can’t blame them for making Bumblebee a Camero Concept because VW refused to give them the rights to make a bot out of their car.

      Even if they DID have everything you mentioned you would still complain and say “but they didnt have THIS transformer … this sucks”

      You are just one of those people who will never be happy unless it was a word for word translation of exactly the 100 episodes of the cartoon.

  43. DarkFool says:

    He’s said Megatron won’t be coming back… but what about Galvatron??

  44. josh says:

    with bay saying that megatron isn’t coming back in the third that means he must be saving him for the third movie if they come out with one, or he’ll maybe come back as galvatron instead and destroy optimus prime

  45. Havok says:

    Two words… OMEGA SUPREME, bitches!!!

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