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Most Anticipated Films 2009 - He Said, She Said

By Rodney - December 30, 2008 - 09:57 America/Montreal

No doubt using technology unbiased and undeniably gathering inalienable facts about …. people…. er.. Fandango determined the most anticipated films of 2009.

Deadline Hollywood offers:

According to Men:
1. Star Trek 23%
2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 17%
3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 14%
4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 9%
5. Terminator Salvation 7%
6. Watchmen 7%
7. Angels & Demons 5%
8. Public Enemies 3%
9. G.I. Joe 3%
10. New Moon 3%

According to Women:
1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 25%
2. New Moon 15%
3. Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen 11%
4. Angels & Demons 9%
5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 7%
6. Star Trek 6%
7. Public Enemies 5%
8. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian 4%
9. The Lovely Bones 3%
10. Where the Wild Things Are 2%

I am very surprised to see Transformers so predominate on the list for the ladies. I mean I understand wanting to see Wolverine - two words: Hugh Jackman. But Transformers is every little boy’s toy come to life. I would have thought that target demographic to be…. well me.

For me the list is mostly accurate, though Angels and Demons and New Moon wouldnt even be on it and I would rank Watchmen just under Wolverine with a clear lead over Terminator.

So while all you guys were dragged to see Sex and the City on the logic that you dragged her to Transformers, it looks like they might have lost that ammunition!

Now she owes you a Star Trek.


  1. aaron says:

    lol look at the difference!! As you all know, i have been dying to see Watchmen. Also Star Trek, and Terminator Salvation, maybe wolverine

  2. aaron says:

    oh and also Transformers 2

  3. UberBarrett says:

    Watchmen is not ranked first. could this be because everyone knows that it probably will not actually come out? otherwise I don’t see how Wolverine looks like a better film. Much less Harry Potter or Terminator.

  4. melbye says:

    Here is my list

    1. Transformers 2
    2. Terminator Salvation
    3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
    4. Angels and Demons
    5. Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li
    6. X-Men Origins Wolverine
    7. Watchmen
    8. Red Cliff
    9. Star Trek
    10. G.I. Joe


    i think there should be an official law that you cant talk about a book or about a movie until you have seen it…needless to say no judging about how it sucks or talk about how other people shouldn’t like it unless you have either read the thing or watched the movie


    and im glad people arent fucking calling it “twilight 2″

    and isnt marvel suppose to release 2 movies a year?

  7. Rodney says:


    Didn’t you read the post. They used undeniable facts! Dude. FACTS!! lol

    Obviously for everyone the list will be different, and Watchmen might be an awesome film but you cant ignore that Harry Potter and XMen have a bigger audience.

    Just sayin.

  8. UberBarrett says:

    I’m not denying that it is a fact or not, i’m sure that it is. i’m just saying that some people’s interest may have been effected by the lawsuit associated. The same way as when you were a kid and someone had a piece of candy that you wanted, then someone licked it and your opinion and desire for that candy waned. If we all knew that the Watchmen was going to come out on March 6th, I believe this poll would show a different clear winner.

  9. Rodney says:

    Not really Uberbarret, this list is obviously based on some sort of poll. Most people honestly have never heard about Watchmen before this movie got made.

    Its just awareness period, and a massive franchise like Harry Potter or XMen would still be the clear winner even if there was a solid release date.

    Like I mentioned in the post, for me the list would be different. Just like it would be for you.

  10. Mr. Chris says:

    I keep wondering if Star Trek will really live up to the internet hype, because I’m not hearing the same kind of hype about it on the outside. People who follow the movie know it’s handled by better people with a better budget, but everyone else will have to go by the trailers and get over the Star Trek stigma that kept them from seeing the last few movies.

    My picks are simply “Dragonball,” “Transformers,” and “G.I. Joe.” Maybe Watchmen if there’s enough explosions during those three hours. I’ve also been waiting for “Angels & Demons” long before “Da Vinci Code” came out. And “9″ looks pretty kick-ass too.

  11. Kokushi says:

    Inglorious Basterds > both list together

  12. Kate says:

    I’m so goddamn excited for ‘Transformers, but if the humans get more screentime, I will flip. Everytime I re-watch the first one, I skip around to all the ‘bot scenes.

    And ‘Twilight 2′ can rot. I’m for ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Watchmen’ all the way, unless they bitch us again and move the release dates. XP

  13. Calviin says:

    Watchmen isn’t even on the Women’s list

  14. shadess says:

    If this list was done with “real people”, star trek simply wouldn’t be there. It just isn’t all that expected movie outside of the internetz. Certainly not 6th most anticipated for women.

    My 1st pick would be AVATAR. No idea if it will actually come out next year like it’s supposed to or not but I could pretty much not see any of the movies on the lists if I just got to see avatar next year =)

  15. RonSalon says:

    STAR TREK all the way. May can’t get here fast enough.

  16. UberBarrett says:


    I do understand your point. but you have to admit that Watchmen at least had the potential to be rated higher if it was actually going to be released.

  17. The Dude says:

    The fact that the Watchmen might not get released has nothing to do with the list. Period. And there’s no doubt that it will get released. There’s lots of money to be made with it. They just have to figure out who gets what.

  18. UberBarrett says:


    You know that, and I know that…but the people who were asked for this poll may not. all most people read is headlines, and the headlines say that Watchmen is screwed. people will not vote for a movie that they dont even know that they will get to see. Watchmen would have been my first pick, but now its one of my last. because i cannot anticipate a movie if i do not know when its going to come out. the poll is not for movies you want to see, but for movies you are looking forward to.

  19. John says:

    Hey Uberarrett,

    I really don’t think the possible release date has anything to do with the anticipation for Watchmen. Most people aren’t even aware there is a legal battle going on… not to mention Potter has a massive release date change and it’s still highly anticipated.

    The fact is, Wolverine, Star Trek, Potter are all far more well known and popular than Watchmen. I’m not saying they’ll be better, but they are infinitely more popular.

  20. AjaxLou says:

    Surprised but gratified to see Star Trek on both lists. Looks like the media blitz is doing its job.

    ….and the adventure continues….

  21. leeloo says:

    im waiting for martyrs.
    i think the dvd release has been pushed back a month.
    and im bummed out cuz the release of the wolfman has been pushed all the way back to nov 09.


    @ JOHN
    i demand you teach me how to make my comments black like yours


    unfortunately for you and everyone that likes star trek (like me) it wont be successful…may is filled with good movies and i can easily count 5 other movies (BIG movies) that come out at the same time

    and the peopel who made star trek are to blame for that…they decided to release it in the worst time possible to make the movie have zero success and theyre going to succeed at that

  24. Uber Barrett says:


    Saying that Star Trek and Wolverine is more mainstream is one thing, but saying that the Fox vs WB case does not affect Watchmen anticipation is like saying the Harry Potter delay did not affect its fans. Legal battles are headlines, people are more aware of things like this than some might think, and issues like that have an impact on how people view the film. The fact is that if Tom Cruise had not acted like a moron for a few years, his films would have done better during that time.

  25. Uber Barrett says:

    all that aside, my top 10 for 2009:

    1. Whatever Works
    2. Sherlock Holmes
    3. Star Trek
    4. The Wolfman
    5. Trick ‘r Treat
    6. Island of the Dead
    7. Where The Wild Things Are
    8. Bruno
    9. The Soloist
    10. Inglourious Basterds

    Watchmen would have been on my list. and it would have been #1…but i fear i may have to put that on my 2012 list.

  26. Frank says:

    2009 looks a lot less promising than what we had this year. I mean, I actually had to think to come up with my list for next year:

    1. Terminator Salvation
    2. Pixar’s Up
    3. Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen
    4. Watchmen
    5. Public Enemies
    6. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
    7. Fast & Furious
    8. Inglorious Basterds
    9. Notorious
    10. The Soloist

  27. Darren J Seeley says:

    Well, at least we know that among both sexes, the next sequels to Harry Potter and Transformers are wonderful date movies where everyone can truly decide what to go see that evening.

    AS to my anticipations of 2009?

    IN order—

    1) Public Enemies.

    Johnny Depp and Christian Bale…in a film about the early days of the FBI and early gangsters/thieves such as Dillinger, Pretty Bot Floyd etc. But more than that, the film is helmed by my favorite director, Michael Mann.

    2) Avatar
    Scheduled tent. for Dec next year, helmed by my second favorite Director, James Cameron…TV and docs aside, the big screen return of the Titanic helmer is one of the must sees of 2009 if it doesn’t get pushed to 2010.

    3) X-Men Origins: Wolverine
    What would a summer be without a Marvel character? Or two? Or Three? Or how many ever there are in this film? In my view, the prequel is still a sequel, so I regard this as X-Men 4.

    4) Ashecliffe
    Martin Scorcese’s next film. I need not say more.

    5) Fantastic Mr. Fox
    The next Wes Anderson film. Stars George Clooney, Cate Blanchett and Bill Murray.

    6) The Informant
    The next Steven Soderbergh film

    7) The Lovely Bones
    Peter Jackson directs and…

    ***You know what? I can “understand” film franchises like Harry Potter and Transformers, right. Nothing really against it, but…okay…
    James Cameron has his first film since Titantic, right? We got Scorcese next year. Peter Jackson. We got two indie filmmaking gods among us to boot and…okay, let’s move on***

    8) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    9) Star Trek

    10) My Bloody Valentine 3-D
    As far as horror remakes this coming year go, [Friday The 13th, Stepfather, Pirhana among them] I actually like the looks of this one. The 3-D effect is interesting, but I wished LGF didn’t take me out of the trailer to boast that fact.

    Honorable mention or, if you like, no #11:
    District 9
    I don’t know much about it other than these two things: one, it’s a sci-fi piece with no big names. Second- we get to find out what Neill Blomkamp is all about. That’s right- he gets his first picture! If nothing else, I am a bit curious.

  28. Garrett says:

    1.Transformers:Revenge of the fallen
    2.Half Bloof Prince
    4.X-Men Origins:Wolverine
    5.Fast And Furious
    6.The Soloist
    7.Inglourious Basterds
    8.Public Enemies
    9.State Of Play
    10.Terminator Salvation

  29. obi-wan kubrick says:

    My top 5 I want to see.
    1. Star Trek
    2. Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince
    3. Watchmen
    4. The Lovely Bones
    5. Angels & Demons

    I could care less about.
    1. Transformers 2
    2. Terminator 4
    3. G.I. Joe

  30. T_REX says:

    OK, Im going to be a geek of geeks when I say that number one for me is TRON 2 ( or TR2N)
    and cheers to Uber Barret because, since I am a huge Larry David fan, I am also looking forward to Whatever Works.

  31. Uber Barrett says:


    cheers right back at you, i had totally forgotten about TR2N. hmmm, my list my need revising.

  32. David Lopan says:

    Why Public Enemies isn’t further up on the list is beyond me. I know Miami Vice wasn’t that great but Colalteral was fantastic and Heat is one of the best crime films ever made, and Public Enemies already feels like it has “heat” type potential. That’s #1 on my list along with the Road and The Wrestler; being that The Wrestler isn’t out yet where I live.

  33. Kristina says:

    2009 is going to be wonderful. Know why? A ton of hot-ass men have movies coming out! Depp/Bale in Public Enemies, Jackman in Wolverine, Bloated-Ass Butler in that shitty-looking romcom The Ugly Truth, Chris Pine in Star Trek, Viggo Mortensen in The Road, RDJ in The Soloist, good Lord, I don’t think my ovaries can handle so much sexy in one year.

  34. Kristina says:

    And I don’t get why men are continually surprised by the FACT that women love watching shit blow up just as much as they do.

  35. Chris says:

    So far for me its…

    Star Trek - I have not enjoyed ST for many many years and I hate that, I hope this movie makes me enjoy it again.

    Terminator Salvation - Was not thrilled when I heard about this, but Bale has good judgement picking projects, and what I have seen so far looks promising.

    Transformers 2 - Big, loud, dumb fun, just what I expect from Michael Bay and he always delivers. There should always be a movie like that for the summer. Big budget no brain entertainment, gotta love it!

  36. Alessa says:

    My Top 10 list:

    1. Transformers 2 (I’m a girl but loved watching the cartoon when I was little - and yes, the first one was awesome!)
    2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
    3. New Moon
    4. Terminator Salvation
    5. Watchmen
    6. Night at the Museum 2
    7. Angels and Demons
    8. The Lovely Bones
    9. Sherlock Holmes
    10. Shutter Island

  37. Avatar says:

    Of all these “Most Anticipated Films 2009″… Terminator and Transformers is much watch. I’m really waiting for this two.

  38. bellcy says:

    i think harry potter, transformer and wolvern..i dont agree with new moon…

  39. SWEAf says:


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